Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 685

"So it\'s true." Yu Tian thought, "but why did Xu Jielin suddenly become a zombie and maintain his consciousness? Sister, you are also a zombie. Do you know anything?"

When asked, Yu Lan raised his eyelids and slightly deviated his head.

"I really became a zombie because I was bitten by a zombie, but only with the care of Mo Wen behind me can I maintain my awareness of the present." Yu Lan recalls that she still remembers the painful feeling when she became a zombie. At the same time, she also has a deep memory of the things Mo Wen picked up and took care of her. "Xu Jielin\'s becoming a zombie should be related to the end of the night."

"Night ends?" Yu Tian frowns, but has no doubt about Yu Lan\'s words. "If he can turn people into zombies, is he also a zombie?"

"I don\'t know that. We can ask Mo Xiaobing." Yu Lan looked back, "but I fought with him. He doesn\'t feel like a zombie. He should be just a power."

Mo Xiaobing? It\'s him again.

Looking at Yu Lan\'s clear eyes, Yu Tian said in a low voice, "sister, I don\'t think Mo Xiaobing is credible."

Yu Tian\'s face is tangled at the moment. He\'s afraid that saying what he doesn\'t like Mo Xiaobing will make Yu Lan angry, but he really doesn\'t believe in Mo Xiaobing. Of course, he doesn\'t like the bug of Mo Xiaohuan very much.

"Tell me the reason?" Yu Lan raised his head and asked helplessly.

Yu Tian\'s disgust with Mo Xiaohuan naturally felt it. She couldn\'t help wondering what Mo Xiaohuan had done to make Yu Tian hate her so much.

"It\'s instinct." Yu Tian said stubbornly, "this instinct has saved me many times, sister, you can believe me this time."

Yu Tian said this with a serious face, but he still carefully pursed his lower lip. He didn\'t seem to be confident that Yu Lan would believe in himself.

Leaning on his chin, he stared at Yu Tian with a smile. After staring at him, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing.

"Did I say I didn\'t believe you?"

Yu Lan was stunned by Yu Lan\'s words with a smile. Yu Tian didn\'t react for a moment. When he reacted, Yu Lan had turned his head with a smile.

"You are my brother, of course I believe you." Yu Lan said.

Yu Tian raised his eyes and soon lowered his head.

"I can treat Xiaohuan as a daughter, but Mo Xiaobing... You can stare at her." at present, because Mo Wen\'s injury has been cured, Yu Lan\'s mood is obviously good and his tone of voice is very relaxed.

"I know." like the feeling of being trusted, Yu Tian nodded heavily and smiled awkwardly.

Don\'t overdo and gently click the side of the bed of Mo Wen. Yu Lan lowered his eyes and whispered, "but all the things that should be solved have been solved. Yu jueying, how is he?"

"I have him locked up." Yu Tian\'s face could not hide his disgust when he heard the name. He whispered, his eyes as cold as ice.

"What about Yu Ruoshui?" Yu Lan continued.

"They\'re all locked together." Yu Tian sneered. "Don\'t they like to make disgusting scenes of the family? Let them all die together."

"When Arvin wakes up, I\'ll go and see them." Yu Lan doesn\'t have such a cold reaction as Yu Tian, but says faintly, "don\'t let them die before that."

"OK." Yu Tiandao said, "I also think it\'s too kind to let them go."

After a moment of silence, Yu Lan raised his eyes and continued to ask, "are you in charge of the South now?"

"Yes." thought Yu Lan was going to take over the south, Yu Tian couldn\'t help saying, "sister, if you want to take over the past, I\'ll call those old guys now."

"No, you take care of it." Yu Tian\'s serious eyes made him feel uncomfortable. Yu Lan waved his hand carelessly. "I just want to take what Yu jueying and Yu Ruoshui have always valued. Now my goal has been achieved. It\'s good to hand over the south to anyone."

Hearing the speech, Yu Tian wrinkled his nose and approached Yu Landao, "sister, I think since you\'re back, you\'d better take over the South..."

"This is not the time to say this." Yu Lan shook his head and directly interrupted Yu Tian\'s words. "The zombies outside are likely to riot because of the end of the night. If we can\'t carry the attack of zombies this time, the homes that human beings have managed to build will be destroyed once again."

"What is the end of the night?" Yu Tian glanced impatiently and said with a sneer, "it\'s just a human being. If you have some ability, you really see yourself as a God?"

With that, he kicked a chair in front of the table sideways, and the fierce foot directly lifted the wooden chair to the gate.

"Be quiet." Yu Lan whispered unhappily after reading the ink with heavy eyes.

Knowing that ink is Yu Lan\'s death, Yu Tian secretly stared at ink, but obediently lowered his head.

"What is the end of the night? Let\'s not say for the time being." he comforted Mo Wen\'s forehead, and Yu Lan\'s hair fell quietly on both sides, masking the killing intention of her eyes, "what he is doing now has involved us."

"We just watch him do whatever he wants?" Yu Tian endured his unhappiness at the bottom of his heart and looked at Yu Lan in a low voice.

"Of course not." he got up and went to the window and looked at the smoke filled outside. Yu Lan thought, "the ability to stop the night is really not weak, but it is still far from destroying the world."

From time to time, a few faint explosions came from the distance, accompanied by the burning light of the eyes, mixed with the roars of zombies one after another.

"He wants to destroy the world?" Yu Tian raised his eyebrow and wanted to laugh inexplicably.

"It seems so." Yu Lan also joked.

"Well, let\'s see what he has done now." Yu Tian touched his chin and analyzed with interest, "first of all, since he can turn Xu Jielin into a zombie like your sister, it shows that he probably knows more about zombies than we do. Is it because of him that the zombies of the end of the world appear?"

"You can think so." Yu Lan nodded.

"This step is very cruel," Yu Tian said.

"White envoy base should occupy the handover city before he has his pen in it." see the sky cast a puzzled look at himself, and Yu Lanton said, "to reach the place where the night stop is located, there must be two keys, one is mo Xiaohuan or Mo Xiaobing, and the other is in the hand of a man named cook in country M."

"Cook?" Yu Tian frowned. "I seem to have heard the name."

Soon his eyes lit up and looked at Yu Landao. "A man from country m came to our South as a lobbyist. When talking to Yu jueying, he mentioned cook, as if he was the leader of some force in country M."

"That\'s right," Yu Lan said. "Cook wants to take advantage of this end of the world to get the whole world under his hands. People with such ambitions are generally not ordinary people."