Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 687

"Still have half?" Yu Tianleng said, looking at Yu Lan\'s eyes also become a little complicated, "how many zombies are under your control?"

"Most of the zombies in the forest of death." Yu Lan whispered.

Wen Yan Yu Tian said nothing directly.

The forest of death covers almost one fifth of the size of China, and the number of most zombies in this fifth is definitely a huge number.

"What shall we do next?" Yu Tian asked directly about the next arrangement, as the North was no longer within his scope of concern.

"You help me watch Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing first. If the night ends or Xu Jielin comes, hide them first." gently clasping his knuckles, Yu Lan raises his eyes and says, "we\'ll decide what to do next when Arvin wakes up."

"Yes." after Yu Lan said so, Yu Tian naturally didn\'t mean to refute. He covered the dark color that flashed through his eyes, nodded to answer, then turned around and left the room, leaving room for Yu Lan and Mo Wen to be alone.

Before closing the door, he glanced back at Yu Lan\'s thin back and quickly lowered his eyelids.

The corridor was very quiet. Occasionally, several guards walked in a line, and the hard soles left bursts of crisp sound on the ground.

When they passed by, Yu Tiancai went to the window and turned over directly from the window.

If ordinary people jump from the height of the third floor, they will not die or be disabled. Yu Tian jumps down but is fine.

He is really not a power, but because of his ability, he is much more alive than most powers.

"Jiang Quan," he called. His sight seemed to fall on the burning fire in the distance, and he seemed to stare at the withered and yellow leaves on his side.

"My Lord." Jiang Quan\'s figure gradually appeared in the air. He knelt respectfully in front of the sky and looked down at the ground.

"Have those old things stopped?" motioned Jiang Quan to get up, and Yu Tian turned leisurely and walked in the opposite direction of the fire.

"I have controlled all those who have plans to rebel together," Jiang Quan said in a low voice with his head down slightly.

Smelling the speech, Yu Tian showed a bad smile and lost his shape when he walked. "It\'s so miserable. I think they were arrogant and wanted me to get out of the south, but now even my life is in my hands."

Jiang Quan lowered his head and made no sound.

"But it\'s a little strange." through the coming and going guards, Yu\'s dark eyes have no body expression, and his voice is also a little strange dumb.

He stopped, lowered his head and said, "sister, she... Unexpectedly said she wanted to hand over the south to me."

"Is there any problem?" Jiang Quan was stunned.

"Of course there\'s a problem!" Yu tianmeng stared up and said with a restrained smile. "Who doesn\'t like the great power in the south? She wants to give it to me!"

"..." Jiang Quan can be said to have watched Yu Tian grow up, but even so, he still can\'t fully understand Yu Tian\'s thinking.

"This shows that she trusts you." after thinking about it, Jiang Quan can only find this answer.

"Trust?" Yu Tian opened his mouth, covered his face with one hand and smiled foolishly, "I like this word."

"..." staring at Yu Tian, who smiled foolishly, Jiang Quan felt blind.

Yu Tian didn\'t care what people around him thought of him. He soon laughed enough, touched his chin and mused, "is it because of trust that he will give up so much fat?"

He raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Quan. He soon denied this conclusion, "no, I also trust you, but I won\'t hand over the south to you."

Jiang Quan followed Tian silently again and found that he didn\'t need to speak at all.

"Sure enough, is it because Yu Lan is his sister?" whispered to himself. Yu Tian finally found the answer he wanted.

He stood there, raised his head and bent his eyes happily.

"It\'s nice to have a sister..."

The autumn wind blew in the face, and the yellow and dry leaves were gently rolled up and scratched across his ears.

"Deal with all the old things and replace all the vacancies with our people." he smiled back at Jiang Quan. "There is no time to drag on with them. I can\'t disappoint my sister."

Jiang Quan was stunned. He quickly answered, but he didn\'t leave immediately.

"And," Yu Tian thought for a moment and added, "let Yu jueying go and watch how my brother who earned this territory with him died in my hands."

"Yes." Jiang Quan said again that he was hiding in the air and disappeared in place like the wind.

Yu Tian stood alone and hummed a song in a good mood.


Qu Yao and Qin Huai are ridiculous at the moment.

They are huddled together behind a raised boulder. On the high building not far away, a huge caterpillar like zombie is climbing. Countless small zombies are tearing around it and roaring angrily from time to time.

The stench of blood was everywhere, with a disgusting smell.

"Are you sure Qin Feng\'s signal came from here?" Qin Huai swallowed his saliva and subconsciously took out the compressed biscuits in his pocket.

"That\'s right." Qu Yaoyao nodded, raised his hand and pressed his arm, "are you a pig? Don\'t eat!"

"... I\'m not nervous." Qin Huai, who was stopped from eating, smiled, turned his head and looked at the gray black and dirty caterpillar zombie again.

"Seriously, as long as the zombie is crawling, we can\'t get into the city."

This caterpillar zombie looks huge and bulky, but when it attacked a zombie that is not small, its fat body stretched out countless legs without warning. It moved faster than cockroaches and swallowed another zombie directly.

"No matter how fierce it is, we have to pass." Qu Yaoyao twisted his eyebrows and said, "Qin Feng is likely to be trapped inside."

They were supposed to pick up Qin Feng and Wen Ning. They went to Yumeng. They didn\'t even see a personal film after waiting for a long time.

Fortunately, Qinhuai gave Yumeng a contact to lock their position.

As a result, it was good not to lock. Once locked, it was found that the coordinates of Qinhuai were trapped in this abandoned city and had not been moved.

"That\'s what I said, but how can we get in?" Qin Huai said with a headache.

"I can go in alone." Qu Yaoyao obviously felt that there were some difficulties at the moment. She stretched out her hand and wrapped several circles of cloth belts around her arm, and fixed several smoke bombs carried in her backpack on it. "When I need you, I will send out smoke bombs to let you come over."

"Are you crazy? How are you going to get in?" Qin Huai quickly took Qu Yaoyao\'s wrist and asked her to stop.

"Don\'t you know what power I am?" Qu Yao asked with a frown.

"Aren\'t you a stealth power!" Qin Huai roared in a low voice. "This power can\'t cover up the breath. What if the caterpillar has a nose?"