Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 684

Blue went back drunk and had healed the wound of ink. He leaned against the cold wall behind him and stretched himself to remove the uneven ice layer around ink.

He was looking at Mo Wen\'s pale face now, and made two gestures to his face, some tangled points on his toes.

"What\'s the matter?" Yu Lan asked.

"Sister-in-law, do you think I\'m handsome or the boss is handsome in your eyes?" drunk night asked confidently after comparing his hair with sweat.

Too lazy to answer such a nutritional question, Yu Lan went to the ink tattoo and was relieved to see that his wounds healed well.

"Thank you." she looked at the drunk night and said sincerely.

"You\'re welcome." zuiwuye calmly accepted Yu Lan\'s thanks and put out his hand with a flying face, "where\'s the crystal core?"

Seeing the behavior of drunk without night, Yu Lan chuckled and threw all the crystal nuclei in his hand.

Staring at the seven or eight crystal nuclei in his hand, he smiled brightly in the face of Yu Lan.

The tiredness on the body disappears in an instant. When you are drunk all night, close your eyes and enjoy this feeling of energy filling in a happy mood.

The crystal nuclei given to him by Yu Lan are three or four pole crystal nuclei. This filling power is not what ordinary crystal nuclei can have.

Seeing that he was drunk without night, he leaned comfortably against the wall. Yu Lan ignored him and directly leaned over to pick up the ink from the melting ice water. The slender body seemed to contain unimaginable energy, and easily picked up a big man of more than one meter eight in ink.

Yu Tian wants to help, but Yu Lan ignores his meaning and can only stand next to him.

Yu Tian was embarrassed to come forward. It didn\'t mean that he was drunk all night and could only stand blankly. He quickly followed up and whispered, "sister-in-law, you don\'t know. Xiuqi\'s strength has risen like a rabbit since he reached level 3."

"Can\'t you beat him now?" Yu Lan\'s side eyes.

"That\'s not true." drunk night quickly denied it. Joking, how old is Xiuqi\'s little fart child? If he\'s stronger than him, where will his face go?

Seeing that blue looked at him with a smile, he took back his eyes, coughed drunk all night, and noticed that there was a man walking behind him. When he was in the sky, he glared at him.

"..." Yu Tian was stared at inexplicably. Seeing that he was drunk all night, he just stared at him and turned his head. He couldn\'t help narrowing his eyes and staring at his back, revealing his eyes like a poisonous snake.

"In fact, it\'s like this." zuiwuye looked at Yu Lan again and said with ten fingers, "my healing power has no attack power, and it\'s slow to advance. Sister-in-law, do you think you can provide me with more crystal nuclei?"

"You used to play the idea of crystal nucleus?" Yu Lan smiled.

"HMM." the face of drunk all night is beyond the reach of ordinary people. He has a handsome smile and smiling eyebrows. Yu Lan is really an ordinary little girl and will be fascinated by him.

Unfortunately, Yu Lan is a fake, human, real and zombie. At present, he just looks at the drunk night with his eyebrows to see what moths he wants to make.

"Sister-in-law, it\'s so chaotic outside now. You let your zombies kill more people of the same kind. Can\'t you save the crystal core?" he said, opening a door for Yu Lan as a gentleman, and took out ten percent of the good people.

"You wanted to cut off the tip of your tail with me before, and now you want crystal core with me..." Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing when he saw that Zui Wuye was serious. "If you cure ah Wen, you won\'t do it until I threaten you with sister Linxue. Then tell me what you want to exchange for these."

Hearing Yu Lan\'s words, he was drunk all night. He quickly restrained his superfluous emotions and said seriously, "sister-in-law, you wronged me. In fact, even if you didn\'t threaten me with Linxue before, I would treat the boss."

Seeing what it means to lie with your eyes open, Yu Lan picked her eyebrows, looked back at Yu Tian and asked where to place the ink, and then looked back at Zui Wuye way, "that is to say, no matter what I do to sister Linxue, you will cure ah Wen?"

That\'s not what he meant! Drunk night suddenly felt that her zombie sister-in-law seemed a little smarter than ordinary zombies.

"Well, sister-in-law, just promise me some advanced crystal cores?" drunk night simply played a rogue.

He saw many level 4 and level 5 zombies on the back of Firebird before. If he could get the crystal core of these zombies, his strength would be greatly enhanced and successfully advanced to level 4.

Xiuqi can\'t feel his current strength. Even the development direction of his ability has become a little strange. He can only guess some but can\'t be sure.

In other words... He is really weaker than Xiuqi now.

Unfortunately, even if he was drunk all night, Yu Lan was unmoved and calm, "didn\'t I say, what would you change?"

"I will cure my sister-in-law unconditionally in the future. Will you be the one you want to cure? Don\'t mention any conditions any more." I thought about it all night, and finally I had to take soft medicine.

Yu Lan didn\'t make a sound immediately when he heard the speech. He just tilted his head slightly and considered the value of the price of being drunk without night.

"All right." what else did Yu Lan want to say when he was drunk? Yu Lan finally nodded his head.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." drunk night smiled happily.

Yu Lan nodded slightly to accept his thanks. Then she tilted her head and said with a lovely smile, "what about the tip of the tail? What do you take for it?"

"..." that is to say, he just got his freedom, but changed a few crystal nuclei?!

"Sister-in-law." drunk night couldn\'t help gritting his teeth, "you\'re not a zombie, but a landowner who takes pleasure in exploiting the common people!"

Yu Lan smiled, turned around and followed Yu Tian into a clean room.

Drunk Wuye wanted to follow in, but he felt that he could not continue to trade with Yu Lan, so he took himself in... He finally left here after a long hesitation.

Drunk Linxue, don\'t worry. He\'ll go and see her first.

Seeing that drunken night had left, Yu genius glanced at Yu Lan and said discontentedly, "is that guy\'s face too thick?"

"OK, it\'s just mutual benefit." Yu Lan said faintly.

She looked at Mo Wen\'s gently undulating abdomen, did not look back, but looked at the way of heaven, "do you know where Xu Jielin has gone?"

"That guy is missing with the zombie he controls." Yu Tiandao said, "he hasn\'t shown his face for a while since you left, just like he hasn\'t been here."

"Since he and Yezhi are together, now Mo Xiaohuan is still there, and Mo Wen has no accident, he will definitely make a comeback." Yu Lanwei hung his eyes and clenched his thin hands tightly.