Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 681

However, he was not a kind-hearted man himself. Although he was a little sarcastic at the moment, there was nothing on his face.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to take back his eyes, Mo Xiaobing suddenly looked over, and Bai Sensen\'s eyes were right in his sight.

Yu Tian narrowed his eyes, provoked the corners of his mouth and showed a dandy smile.

Gee, it\'s really not a good stubble.

Touching Mo Xiaohuan\'s head, he saw that she was still lowering her head and looking back on the previous things with a sad face. He could not help but sigh, squat down and hold her in his arms.

"I still want to. Don\'t worry first. I guess I\'ll go to country m later. During this time, you will always think of something slowly."

Listening to Yu Lan\'s gentle words, Mo Xiaohuan nodded and wiped away the small tears just rolling out of the corners of his eyes.

Unlike Mo Xiaobing\'s pitiful, Mo Xiaohuan\'s discomfort is really distressing like crying children.

Seeing that Yu Lan only holds Mo Xiaohuan and ignores himself, coupled with his own heart, there is a feeling of happiness in Mo Xiaohuan\'s heart. Mo Xiaobing\'s face is cold at the moment. He takes the initiative to go forward and hold Yu Lan\'s arm. He sobbed softly, "Mom, why don\'t you hold me? I\'m the most pitiful victim."

Seeing that Mo Xiaobing always left Mo Xiaohuan with Yezhi, Yu Lan frowned, but still touched her head.

Looking aside, the drunk night who is concentrating on healing Mo Wen is a little dignified on the blue face.

Now is the critical moment for Mo Wen to recover. She should coax Mo Xiaobing not to make anything happen, but the longer she fools, the more likely Mo Xiaobing will bite back at that time.

Recalling the crazy way that Mo Xiaobing wanted to trap her underground, Yu Lan couldn\'t help but lower his eyelids. He only felt that such Mo Xiaobing was the most real Mo Xiaobing.

"Mo Xiaobing," Yu Lan said seriously, "you should know that my attitude towards you and Mo Xiaohuan is different."

Mo Xiaobing was stunned, and his eyes became a lot darker.

"I can really treat Xiaohuan as a daughter, but there is always something wrong with you." seeing that the feeling Mo Xiaobing gave her really became dangerous, Yu Lan sighed in her heart, but continued on her face.

"It doesn\'t matter to me." seeing that Yu Lan spoke directly, Mo Xiaobing smiled carelessly and looked clever, "I know Mom, you still blame me for leaving you underground..."

"I\'m not blaming you." Yu Lan interrupted her. "Even without this, you are different from Mo Xiaohuan in my eyes."

Mo Xiaobing was silent. She lowered her head and the whole person was quiet.

Knowing that Mo Xiaobing was quiet before the storm, Yu Lan closed her eyes and waited for her next reaction.

Sure enough, after Mo Xiaobing raised his head, he ferociously jumped at Yu Lan, grabbed her clothes and shouted angrily, "don\'t you know what kind of person Mo Xiaohuan is, why do you want to favor her! I\'m the victim, and I\'m the one who needs to care about most!"

As soon as the voice fell to Yu Lan, he immediately stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms and sighed, "I didn\'t say I didn\'t accept you."

This warm and soft embrace stunned Mo Xiaobing.

"It\'s just that Mo Xiaohuan has been getting along with me all the time. The relationship between me and you has only started since these days. It\'s strange and natural." Yu Lan gently rubbed Mo Xiaobing\'s head, and his gray eyes were full of tenderness. "You said that you and Mo Xiaohuan were one, but in my eyes, you are completely two people."

After a pause, she looked directly into Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes and said, "I know you must not be so clever on the surface, but it doesn\'t mean I hate the real you."

"That is to say... Mom, do you still like me?" Mo Xiaobing asked with round eyes.

Yu Lan nodded and gently pinched her soft little face.

Seeing the blue point, Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes suddenly lit up. She no longer covered up. She bent her mouth high and showed a deep smile. A pair of white eyes stretched out to render a strange light.

Although he was prepared, Yu Lan couldn\'t help pumping the corners of his mouth when he saw Mo Xiaobing\'s strange smile.

Although her eyes are gray, she doesn\'t laugh so terrible, does she?

"I always thought mom, you like Mo Xiaohuan." Mo Xiaobing looked back at Mo Xiaohuan with a ferocious smile. "Now since mom said that, I don\'t need to learn from this fool."

"..." Mo Xiaohuan blinked and stared at Yu Lan.

Yu Lan touched her head, picked her up and threw her to Yu Tian.

"Yu Tian, don\'t let them fight."

Yu Tian despised and stared at Mo Xiaohuan in his arms. He glanced at Yu Lan and didn\'t throw her out.

Mo Xiaobing smiled innocuously at Mo Xiaohuan, ran forward and stuck to Yu Lan\'s arm like a bubble gum.

Yu Lan glanced at her and smiled and put his eyes on Mo Wen.

The ice layer on Mo Wen\'s body gradually faded, and his wound finally healed a lot. His eyebrows stretched out and looked like his gentle face again.

"Most of the boss\'s heart has been destroyed. It\'s really lucky that he can hold up until now." Zui Wuyi raised his eyelids and smiled brightly, "but also, he can\'t be my boss if he wants this ability."

Then he looked at Yu Landao pleasantly, "of course, sister-in-law, you are also wise and powerful."

Yu Lan turned his eyes.

Reaching out to touch Mo Wen\'s frown, Yu Lan gently bent his eyes, leaned over his ear and said, "ah Wen, wake up quickly. I\'m still waiting for you."

Yu Lan\'s voice is very good now, soft and coquettish.

Looking at Yu Lan abusing the dog in front of him as if no one else was there, he glanced at his mouth and whispered, "sister-in-law, it\'s really good for you to abuse my single dog like this."

"Abuse you?" Yu Lan picked his eyebrow. "Don\'t you have sister Lin Xue? You can\'t fix it. Why don\'t I know you\'re a single dog?"

Forgive Yu Lan. I just think it would be easy to say so.

Drunk night stared at Yu Lan and said, "don\'t talk nonsense. Linxue and I are brothers and sisters, and Xiuqi are brothers!"

"You and sister Linxue don\'t look like simple brothers and sisters?" Yu Lan narrowed his eyes. He was drunk all night. He didn\'t want to be so scum. In addition to his good skin, he was a real scum man.

"Well... If I have to say, she\'s just my property?" I felt my chin with my free hand and said thoughtfully.

Yu Lan turned his eyes and saw that he was still seriously meditating when he was drunk all night. He couldn\'t help but curled his lips and said, "if you go on like this, you will regret it."

"Regret?" drunk night smiled, with no meaning of repentance, "how can I regret."

Knowing that such a person will not have any repentance, Yu Lan shut up and stopped talking.