Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 680

Then she immediately looked back at the drunk night and whispered, "drunk night."

"Got it." the drunk man who smiled at night was happy. He swaggered to the side of Mo Wen and said with a smile, "the injury is really serious, but it\'s the first time I\'ve seen such a seriously injured boss, let alone quite novel."

Then he looked back at Yu Lan with the his eyes broken and joked, "do you want me to save him?"

"Of course! Uncle sleepless, only you can save dad." Mo Xiaohuan said anxiously.

Drunk without a word, a pair of eyes looked at Yu Landao brightly, "sister-in-law, what do you say?"

"I suddenly remembered that sister Lin Xue is still here." Yu Lan sighed and said lovably with her cheeks. "She hasn\'t been in a normal spirit since you were taken away by Yi An, and I don\'t know what\'s going on now."

"What?!" he was stunned and his voice was uncontrollable.

"I don\'t know how sister Linxue is now." Yu Lan raised his eyes and looked at the drunk night. The smile was meaningful, "fortunately, I gave her to Xiuqi. Xiuqi will take good care of her."

Shit! According to Xiuqi\'s attitude towards Mo Wen, if you know what he has done wrong to Mo Wen, it\'s estimated that drunk Linxue\'s neck can make him screw it off.

"Sister-in-law, it\'s not authentic for you to do so?" drunk night narrowed his eyes.

"Tunnel? How did you say that?" Yu Lan smiled. "I thank you for helping Arvin heal. It\'s too late."

Drunk all night, he finally couldn\'t maintain the smile on his face. When he closed his eyes and opened them again, he was a handsome childe\'s smile. He looked bright and gentle, not handsome.

It\'s just that no one present will be fascinated by him.

"Sister-in-law, I was joking before." drunk night smiled, "you are here, too. I just think it will be fun to do so. I don\'t really want to do anything to the boss."

If you dare to do something to Mo Wen, how can Yu lannen let you come here... Yu Tian secretly said a word, and he couldn\'t bear to be drunk all night.

But apart from Yu Lan, none of the people present looked pleasing to the eye.

Drunk without night, he immediately turned and healed Mo Wen. He looked like he was really joking.

The healing power of drunken night is really effective. The wound began to heal slowly without ink for a minute. Although the speed is not very fast, it can be seen by the naked eye.

Mo Xiaohuan only felt that the atmosphere in the room was becoming more and more strange. She swallowed her saliva, turned around and just came to Yu Lan, but her eyes suddenly stopped.

Mo Xiaobing is holding Yu Lan\'s hand and notices that her eyes are tilted to her head with a proud smile.

"Who are you as like as two peas?" asked Xiao Xiao, who was the same as herself.

"I\'m Mo Xiaobing." Mo Xiaobing restrained his smile and said cleverly, "but you really don\'t remember me?"

Mo Xiaohuan looked at the invisible color on Mo Xiaobing, bit his lips and shook his head.

"That\'s really..." Mo Xiaobing looked helpless. She came forward and took Mo Xiaohuan\'s hand and said with a smile, "but there\'s no way. Let me tell you, we were one, and then we were divided into two halves."

Mo Xiaohuan listened to Mo Xiaobing. For a moment, he didn\'t know what to say, so he had to look at Yu Lan.

She really can\'t remember the past.

Seeing that what Mo Xiaobing said was no different from what he had said to her before, Yu Lan frowned slightly and said by Mo Xiaobing.

Seeing that Yu Lan didn\'t stop, Mo Xiaohuan knew that it meant to let her listen. At present, he didn\'t hesitate to look at Mo Xiaobing and wanted to know more about her.

It was just that the hand held by Mo Xiaobing was extremely cold, which made her hands stiff in a few seconds.

Mo Xiaohuan doesn\'t like this feeling very much. He wants to draw back his hand but doesn\'t want to face Mo Xiaobing\'s clear but dangerous eyes. At present, he directly forgets the struggle.

"Then you followed the night stop and left me alone in the underground world... I missed you very much. Unexpectedly, you forgot me?" Mo Xiaobing narrowed his eyes slightly and watched Mo Xiaohuan\'s eyes gradually catch the water light.

Mo Xiaohuan really doesn\'t remember Mo Xiaobing. She bit her teeth and hesitated for a while before saying, "I do remember that Yezhi was like my master and had some relationship with me, but my memory began from being locked up in the white envoy base. There was no memory before."

Mo Xiaohuan\'s words are true, but he can\'t help being mocked in Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes. Mo Xiaobing is a man who can pack. At the moment, he still looks sad. "How can you forget the previous things... If you didn\'t have to leave with Yezhi, I wouldn\'t stay in the underground world alone and be sealed in the icicle."

Seeing Mo Xiaobing say so, Yu Lan frowned. Just about to speak, Mo Xiaobing said again, "although my own body can\'t leave the ground, it\'s good if you can accompany me, but you left me alone for yourself."

When Mo Xiaobing said this, Mo Xiaohuan was already at a loss. She didn\'t remember what Mo Xiaobing said, but it didn\'t sound like a lie

"Xiaohuan, it\'s all right." seeing Mo Xiaohuan\'s face pale, she trembled pitifully. Yu Lan couldn\'t help but breathe out and took a step forward to hold her in her arms.

Compared with Mo Xiaobing, it is natural that Mo Xiaohuan is closer to her. She doesn\'t like Mo Xiaobing\'s fickle mind very much. She always feels that she has a deep secret.

"Mom..." Mo Xiaohuan patted his forehead sadly and said weakly, "I can\'t remember anything... I\'m so sad and want to think of the past."

"It\'s all right. It\'s nothing if you don\'t remember now. Xiaobing will tell you everything she knows." Yu Lan whispered comfortingly.

Mo Xiaohuan calmed down, and his sad mood gradually turned into embarrassment.

She hasn\'t been held by Yu Lan for a long time

Seeing that Mo Xiaohuan\'s mood was normal, Yu Lan was relieved, but didn\'t notice the jealousy that flashed through Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes.

Yu Tian on one side has been staring at Mo Xiaobing like a thief. Naturally, he also saw the different color on her face.

He couldn\'t help sneering. Yu Tian put his hands around his chest and secretly said that this Mo Xiaobing clearly has a face similar to Mo Xiaohuan, but his mind looks much more vicious.