Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 682

I never thought that there was anything wrong with their way of treating drunk Linxue. Drunk night directly threw it aside after passing through it in my heart.

"Sister-in-law," he raised his eyes, "can you give me some crystal nuclei? It takes a lot of effort to heal the boss\'s injury."

"Yes." Yu Lan\'s eyes were still glued to Mo Wen\'s face. She nodded expressionless and left the ground with Mo Xiaobing.

She doesn\'t dare to leave Mo Xiaobing. Who knows what she will do to Mo Wen.

Mo Xiaobing now knows Yu Lan\'s defense against herself. Now that she doesn\'t have to hide her most real character, she might as well have the cheek to entangle Yu Lanxian. It\'s not necessary to let Mo Xiaohuan have any advantage at this time. Mo Xiaohuan always has to die for her.

Yu Lan didn\'t know what Mo Xiaobing was thinking, but took her hand and went outside.

The Firebird has been waiting here. When she came out, her eyes brightened and her wings fluttered directly in front of her.

"You find a faster and better crystal core." Yu Lan whispered.

Now there are many zombies out of control. Some of these zombies have only level 1 and level 2, but there are also level 4 and level 5 high-level ones. It\'s not difficult to find the crystal core.

Seeing that the Firebird turned and flew out, Yu Lan found that he had gone to the forest of death and didn\'t bring back several Pink Crystal cores.

Do you want to eat the tasteless crystal core again these days... Yu Lan puffed up his cheeks and wondered whether to let the Firebird go to the forest of death when it came back.

"Mom?" sensing Yu Lan\'s depression, Mo Xiaobing looked up at her and asked, "do you want to eat the crystal core of the forest of death? The crystal core there is really pure."

"I don\'t really want to." Yu Lan whispered, "but I like something with a little taste. Generally, the crystal nuclei on zombies don\'t have any taste."

I don\'t know much about Yu Lan\'s taste system. Mo Xiaobing leans to his head and doesn\'t know what to think again.

When Mo Xiaobing finished thinking and looked up to speak, his eyes suddenly became cold and looked back at the wide open door behind him.

Mo Xiaohuan came out in small steps. She looked at Yu Lan, then looked at Mo Xiaobing, biting her lips and walked to Yu Lan.

"Why did you come out?" Yu Lan asked.

Mo Xiaohuan looked at Mo Xiaobing, raised his eyes and said, "Mom, will you not want me if you have mo Xiaobing?"

"..." Yu Lan thought that she would be all right after calming Mo Xiaobing. Yu Lan found that Mo Xiaohuan was also a difficult person to coax. She smoked her face and said after looking at Mo Xiaobing with frosty eyes, "you call me mom. How can I not want you."

"But she also called you mother." Mo Xiaohuan bit her lips. She thought of what Yu Tian had just said to her, and felt a pang of pain in her heart.

Yu Tian clearly told her that Mo Xiaobing\'s paranoid character can most haunt Yu Lan. At that time, Yu Lan and Mo Xiaobing will have no place for her after getting along for a long time.

Although he knew that Yu Lan would not abandon her, Mo Xiaohuan couldn\'t help worrying.

She didn\'t know anything when she was at the white envoy base before. Now she has got the feeling of being cared for. If she loses it like this, it is the most uncomfortable torture.

"Oh." Mo Xiaobing sneered beside him, stepped forward and directly opened Mo Xiaohuan. His bright white eyes were unusually bright, "you are still so selfish. Why can only you call, I can\'t call?"

"I don\'t know who you are or where you came from!" Mo Xiaohuan clenched her teeth. She clenched her fist and her voice was cold.

"We were born in the same place. You forget the memory between us and only know that you are haunting your mother for happiness." Mo Xiaobing hugged his arm and said sarcastically, "you have the leisure to rob your mother with me now. It\'s better to think about your memory. You can\'t even use the school in time."

"The use of the sect?" Mo Xiaohuan suddenly became very uncomfortable when he heard this. "Whatever the use, who are you? What qualifications do you have for me to do?"

"You can say it now." Mo xiaoleng smiled. "When you begged the night to leave the ground, you couldn\'t say half a word like a Muggle. You didn\'t even say sorry if you left me alone in the ground."

When Mo Xiaobing said this, although there was a sarcastic smile on his mouth, he looked very serious and didn\'t seem to be joking again.

Under the eyes of Mo Xiaobing, Mo Xiaohuan actually felt a little guilty. She covered her chest and frowned.

"I really don\'t remember." Mo Xiaohuan still took soft clothes. After all, she really doesn\'t remember the previous things. If she really did something sorry, Mo Xiaobing absolutely doesn\'t know.

Yu Lan was relieved to see that the two of them finally stopped. The quarrel between the bear children made her feel the pressure inexplicably.

"How does Xiao Huan lose her memory?" she sighed softly. Yu Lan thought and asked Mo Xiaobing.

Mo Xiaohuan just wanted to say he didn\'t know, but he saw that Yu Lan\'s eyes were looking at Mo Xiaobing. He opened his mouth and didn\'t make a sound.

Mo Xiaobing sees that Yu Lan is looking at himself. He is childish and doesn\'t open his eyes, but he doesn\'t intend to make a sound.

"Mo Xiaobing said before that you can observe the outside world through Mo Xiaohuan\'s eyes. Now Mo Xiaohuan has amnesia, but you should know the reason for her amnesia." Yu Lan said.

Seeing Yu Lan seriously looking at himself, Mo Xiaobing raised his eyes and saw his appearance from her eyes. Subconsciously, he covered his face and covered his obviously ferocious face.

"Do you really want to know?" Mo Xiaobing said stiffly.

"Tell us, maybe it can remind Xiaohuan of something." Yu Lan said.

Hearing what Yu Lan said, Mo Xiaohuan was curious. She looked at Mo Xiaobing and waited for her to speak.

Mercilessly stared back at Mo Xiaohuan. Seeing that Mo Xiaohuan was talking to him, don\'t open your eyes. Mo Xiaobing snorted, hid the dark light at the bottom of his eyes, pursed his lips and finally opened his mouth, "Mo Xiaohuan is actually erased by human memory."

"By human beings? How can human beings have this ability." Yu Lan frowned.

"Mom, do you really want me to say it?" she pinched her fist. Mo Xiaobing hesitated after all. She looked at Mo Xiaohuan and said with a sneer, "this guy will collapse if he remembers why he lost his memory."

If Mo Xiaohuan collapses early now, it is a waste and has no use value anymore.

Yu Lan was stunned when she heard the speech. She looked at Mo Xiaohuan and obviously hesitated.