Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 679

No matter how Feifei Yu Lan felt in her heart, she still collected the spiritual core for future use.

When Mo Xiaobing saw that Yu Lan had put away his spiritual core, he lowered his head and didn\'t know what to think about.

The Firebird flew very fast and reached the south in only one day and night.

Looking at the chaotic south from the Firebird\'s back, Yu Lan frowned and ordered the zombies left in the south to try their best to resist these uncontrolled zombies.

Pull the sleepy drunk night to jump down from the back of the Firebird. Yu Lan also ignores the abnormal eyes of the people around him and runs directly to the southern capital city.

Yu Tian had been waiting for them for a long time. When he saw Yu Lan, he couldn\'t help but show a big smile.

"Sister." went up to meet Yu Lan, and Yu Tian took her arm to make sure she wasn\'t hurt.

Drunk night yawned, and then slowly showed a handsome smile.

"Yu Tian, hello."

Listening to the sound of wandering around drunk all night, Yu Tian turned his mouth and ignored his meaning.

But the sky\'s eyes soon fell on Mo Xiaobing. He narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered to Yu Lan, "... Is this?"

Mo Xiaobing and Mo as like as two peas, their eyes are different in color. Although they are the same, they do not recognize them as two persons in the sky, but even now he has lost their relationship with Mo Xiao Huan.

Looking at Mo Xiaobing, although he is almost the same as Mo Xiaohuan, his eyes are turbid, but he has to put on a pitiful look. The inconsistent appearance makes him resent for a while, even more than he hates Mo Xiaohuan.

When Yu Tian looks at Mo Xiaobing, Mo Xiaobing is also looking at him curiously. The two people just look at each other with sharp eyes, and don\'t open their eyes together.

Ink Xiaobing can read her heart. Naturally, she understands Yu Tian\'s aversion to her. She sneered in the dark and became averse to Tian.

This man is mother\'s brother? It\'s another eyesore.

"This is mo Xiaobing." Yu Lan said faintly, not noticing the interaction between Yu Tian and Mo Xiaobing.

She didn\'t introduce Mo Xiaobing for the time being, but looked at Yu Tiandao anxiously, "where is ah Wen now?"

"I\'ll take you." since Yu Lan spoke, Yu Tian didn\'t need to annoy her. He turned and led the way in front.

Drunk without night, the honest heel lies behind blue. Although he tilted his mouth, there was no moth.

Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes were not far away. She closed her eyes and felt the disgusting breath on Mo Xiaohuan.

She sneered silently, trotted a few steps and held Yu Lan\'s hand.

Yu Lan also shook her hand and smiled gently at her, "you will see Mo Xiaohuan don\'t do anything later. Can you promise me?"

Looking at Yu Lan\'s gentle smile, Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes flashed, but he still said skillfully, "yes."

Seeing that Mo Xiaobing promised readily, Yu Lan didn\'t believe it, but at this point, she couldn\'t avoid Mo Xiaohuan and Mo Xiaobing. She had to pay more attention.

Yu Tian, who was at the front, opened an iron door. I don\'t know what button to press. The light behind the iron door lit up. A turning down stairs came into view. It looked quiet and mysterious.

"The smell here is a little bad, but there is no smell downstairs." Yu Tian turned back and comforted and smiled at Yu Lan\'s flattering smile. As for others, they didn\'t bother to pay attention.

"It really smells bad." the drunk night turned his mouth and whispered, "why do you put the boss in such a bad place?"

"It\'s safer here," Yu Tiantou said without returning.

"Where is safe..." drunk night obviously didn\'t believe it. As soon as he was about to refute, he heard the sound of guns opening the insurance on the wall on his side. The sound was not loud and ordinary people couldn\'t hear it at all, but it was extremely clear in this quiet environment.

He quickly looked sideways at the wall next to him. He noticed that there were countless thumb sized holes on the wall, and he couldn\'t see the back of the hole.

If there were guns behind these walls... Drunk all night, I looked around at the dense bullet holes and felt a chill in my back.

If so many bullets were fired at the same time, it would be difficult for him to retreat.

He wrinkled his nose and was drunk all night. Then he noticed what the bad smell in the corridor was. It was obviously the smell of gunpowder, mixed with the smell of humidity between the stairs, which was really uncomfortable.

"Be careful." Yu Tian\'s voice took some ironic smile. This time, he turned back generously and looked at his drunk eyes full of provocation.

Drunk without night, he nodded expressionless, and his heart was also vaguely vigilant.

In his opinion, Yu Tian is also a madman. It\'s always good to take more precautions.

The party quickly went to the bottom of the stairs and watched Yu Tian pull open an iron fence and open an iron door from bottom to top. Yu Lan immediately felt a cold air coming to his face.

"It\'s so cold." drunk night hugged his arm.

Now autumn is almost over. It\'s getting cold and drunk all night. Now I\'m wearing a long sleeved shirt, but the rags can\'t keep me warm.

"It\'s almost as cold as Mo Xiaobing\'s," he muttered.

"Mo Xiaohuan has the same ability as me, and the ice made is of course the same." Mo Xiaobing is lazy to explain, but looks drunk all night and says casually.

Looking at Mo Xiaobing\'s arrogant appearance, he couldn\'t help rolling his eyes and didn\'t say much to her.

If he doesn\'t hate and dislike Mo Xiaohuan, he can be said to dislike Mo Xiaobing.

"Xiao Huan." Yu Lan ignored their attitude and just walked in and said to Mo Xiaohuan standing in the middle of the ice.

"Mom!" Mo Xiaohuan looked back and complained. His eyebrows and eyes were full of surprises. "You\'re back!"

The soft voice, with a cheerful mood, sounds good.

"Well, how\'s Arvin now?" Yu Lan asked softly, looking anxiously at the ink lying on his side.

At this time, Mo Wen\'s whole body was covered with a layer of thin ice. His pale face was now more and more bloodless. His eyebrows were frowning, his eyes were closed, and his lips were still unhealthy dark purple. He looked extremely weak.

"The wound has been fixed. My father\'s self-healing ability is very good. Now he is also slowly self-healing, but the speed is very slow. He hasn\'t grown much meat in these days." Mo Xiaohuan sighed, and his dark eyes were also very sad.

Yu Lan touched her head and said comfortingly, "it\'s all right. I\'ve found the drunk night."