Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 678

Thinking of Mo Xiaohuan\'s soft appearance, Yu Lan shook her head. The appearance of Mo Xiaohuan didn\'t seem to be pretended at all. Her performance was different from Mo Xiaobing\'s hypocritical camouflage.

"Well... I know." thinking about things in his heart, Yu Lan said nothing changed. "You always said you needed two keys to reach the space where the night stops. Where\'s the other key? Is it Xiaohuan?"

"No, Mo Xiaohuan and I can only count as one key." Mo Xiaobing thought, "the other one... Should be in the hand of a man named cook. This Mo Xiaohuan absolutely knows. I know it from what she sees and hears about the outside world."

"But Xiao Huan seems to have forgotten a lot of things now." Yu Lan said faintly.

"Well, I know." no one knows better than her.

Mo Xiaobing held back the strange smile at the corner of his mouth and raised his hand to cover his face, so as not to twist his face excitedly.

"Cook is just a greedy human. He wants to take advantage of this end of the world to make himself the highest existence in human beings." Mo Xiaobing couldn\'t help mocking, "Yezhi made use of this to make him a stupid fool."

Cook... According to Mo Xiaobing, cook\'s position in the end of the world should not be low, because a person without any power generally does not breed such ambition.

In this case... It will be easier to find.

"Last time I heard you say cook should be from country m?"

"Yes." Mo Xiaobing nodded.

"I said that if the M country had enough to support before, I would send a white envoy base to our place to block up. The original ambition is not small." Zui Wuyi said sarcastic words aside, thinking that it would be better not to send him to the M country to suffer.

Zheng Yunfei seems to have returned from country e a while ago. Anyway, he has nothing to do. If you send him again, let him go on.

Drunken night\'s abacus is excellent. He even thinks about things that haven\'t been affected yet.

"Is the ultimate goal of night stop to destroy mankind?" Yu Lan was silent for a moment and asked again.

"I\'m not sure, but it\'s probably so." Mo Xiaobing whispered, grabbed Yu Lan\'s arm with both hands and said firmly, "I\'ll protect my mother anyway."

Looking at Mo Xiaobing\'s firm appearance, Yu Lan couldn\'t help touching her head and smiled gently.

Drunken night scoffed at Mo Xiaobing\'s words. Just now, she had to kill him and imprison Yu Lan. Who knows what will happen then? Will she go crazy again.

"What does it mean to stop the whole zombie riot at night?" zuiwuye glanced and asked, "I remember blank research on the sound waves of zombies. One of the sound waves is related to the occurrence of corpse tide. I thought that the sound wave was sent by Yi An, but now it seems that it is night stop?"

"Yezhi has a way to control the zombie. I don\'t know what it is." Mo Xiaobing doesn\'t like to pay attention to the redundant guy drunk Wuye. She coughed and raised her eyes without expression, "As for the corpse tide... It may be initiated by him, but there are so many corpse tides, how can he get it? He should only control a few zombies that can condense the corpse tide, and then let them gather the zombies to start the corpse tide."

"Is it like this?" drunk night nodded thoughtfully and looked at the ground, "but these zombies don\'t seem to control a few."

Mo Xiaobing was silent. In fact, she was not sure why Yezhi suddenly launched a riot. Just like Yezhi made these keys to keep the space and the world unblocked and let him slowly destroy the world, but how did it suddenly change its style?

While Mo Xiaobing was meditating, Yu Lan\'s hand just touched a bulge in her coat. She was stunned. She took it out and found that it was the strange ball she had obtained underground.

"Xiaobing, do you know what this is?" Yu Lan asked in a low voice.

Mo Xiaobing raised his eyes and looked at the ball in Yu Lan\'s hand. He was stunned, and then said in surprise, "spirit core!"

"Spirit core?" Yu Lan blinked his eyes.

Seeing that Yu Lan didn\'t understand, Mo Xiaobing smiled and gently poked the spirit core. "The spirit core is almost the first egg of the ice spirit. The ice spirit guarding it is dead, and the core of the first egg will fall out, that is, the spirit core."

Recalling the mass death of Bingling before, Yu Lan frowned and asked, "what reason will Bingling die in mass?"

"There are many reasons?" Mo Xiaobing counted carefully with his fingers. "Too hot environment, too high oxygen concentration environment, too dry environment..."

"Wait a minute." seeing Mo Xiaohuan\'s endless talk, Yu Lan quickly interrupted her, "when I came to find you, I saw a large number of ice spirits die. Do you know why? The underground environment is reasonably suitable for ice spirits to survive. Why would this happen?"

Seeing that Yu Lan said so, Mo Xiaobing rarely fell into meditation. Her bright white eyes flashed. After knowing that all the blue light in her eyes dispersed, she said in a calm voice, "maybe they have completed their mission."

"Mission?" Yu Lan was stunned.

"Yes..." Mo Xiaobing narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Firebird\'s back. "Also, I think I know why Yezhi suddenly changed his attack style."

I didn\'t expect to get such an answer from Mo Xiaobing. Yu Lan looked at her with doubts.

"Mom, I\'m not sure yet. I\'ll tell you why when I\'m sure?" Yu Lan wants to know the purpose of night stop, but Mo Xiaobing hesitated for a few seconds.

Deeply looked at the ink Xiaohuan with eyes drooping his head, and Yu Lan finally nodded, "OK."

Mo Xiaobing was relieved. She looked at Yu Lan, opened her mouth and smiled. After smiling, she changed the topic and said, "the spirit core is very useful. It can form a circle of ice, which completely isolates the outside world. It can be said that as long as you use the spirit core, even at the end of the night, you can never find where you are."

She paused. "That\'s why, mom, you\'ve been pretending for so long, but I haven\'t found it at all. The main function of the spirit core is to hide the breath."

"This is really a good thing." Yu Lan lightly put it in his hand and put it back in his pocket.

"Mom, you have to put it away." Mo Xiaobing whispered, "if you want to match the night stop, this thing will always be useful."

Yu Lan nodded. For the moment, he didn\'t think of the use of this thing. Should he find a place to hide when he attacked them at the end of the night? You can\'t hide for a lifetime.