Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 677

"..." fuck his fat! Drunk night suddenly wanted to beat people.

He vomited, restrained his displeasure and said, "anyway, sister-in-law, your request must be for me to treat the boss or something."

"You are sure." Yu Lan looked at him with a smile.

Drunk night raised his chin and grinned firmly. In his opinion, the most important thing for Yu Lan is mo Wen. Now Mo Wen is seriously injured. She doesn\'t save him or anyone.

"But you guessed wrong." Yu Lan turned his head and stroked several hair blocking his sight in the wind. "Even if I don\'t exchange this with you, you will save Mo Wen."

Drunk night narrowed his eyes, "that\'s not necessarily."

Yu Lan stood up and didn\'t say anything threatening to get drunk all night. He just touched Mo Xiaobing\'s head with his side eyes and said, "do you like it outside?"

"Yes." Mo Xiaobing looked up at Yu Lan and replied without hesitation.

Her eyes are extremely bright in the sun. From the perspective of Yu Lan, you can even clearly see the shallow blue light in the center of her eyes.

"As long as we stay together, the isolation layer will work. You can rest assured to play." Yu Lan pinched her face again and said with a smile.

The isolation layer she made around Mo Xiaobing was still under her control, so she didn\'t have to worry about what happened to Mo Xiaobing.

At this moment, Mo Xiaobing also thought of the things that had to be imprisoned in blue before. She lowered her head, pursed her lips, raised her eyes and said pitifully, "Mom, I\'m sorry before."

"Know wrong?" Yu Lan drooped his eyes.

"Well, I just don\'t want you to leave me..." Mo Xiaobing said pitifully. Her eyes were watery and tears were about to overflow. Her little hand held Yu Lan\'s sleeve and clenched her small fist tightly. "I really know my mistake."

Selling Meng is the rest of Yu Lan\'s play, but Yu Lan doesn\'t want to be a villain to blame her, but she can\'t expose it without saying anything.

"Just know your mistake. What if you make it again next time?" Yu Lan asked in a low voice, with a serious expression on his face.

"There will be no next time." Mo Xiaobing opened his mouth. The tears came and went quickly. Yu Lan was speechless.

"That\'s right." Yu Lan thought of another troublesome thing. "Your previous idea is also wrong. When you see Xiaohuan, you should get along with her."

Mo Xiaohuan... The fundus of Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes flashed a treacherous brilliance. She nodded and whispered.

She didn\'t see the sincerity of Mo Xiaobing at all. Yu Lan couldn\'t help rubbing her forehead. In fact, she didn\'t really want to bring Mo Xiaobing out to meet Mo Xiaohuan, but if they didn\'t bring Mo Xiaobing before, they probably couldn\'t even get out of the cave.

Drunk no night sat behind them watching a play. It was none of his business, and he didn\'t bother to talk.

Some bored looked around. When he saw several zombies biting into a ball on the ground, he couldn\'t help but say, "what\'s the matter with these zombies?"

Looking from high to low, I can only see countless zombies scattered everywhere. Some of them bite into a ball, while others attack mutant animals and passing humans like crazy.

"I don\'t know." Yu Lan also narrowed his eyes.

"Sister-in-law, can\'t you communicate with the zombies?" Wen Yan looked at Yu Lan and said curiously.

Sometimes he really ignores the fact that Yu Lan is a zombie. In his opinion, Yu Lan is no different from ordinary powers.

"I can\'t feel their thoughts." Yu Lan\'s eyes also have some heavy way, "not only these on the ground, but most deformed zombies on the ground have lost contact with me."

"This should be done by Yezhi." Mo Xiaobing said.

Mo Xiaobing\'s voice stunned Yu Lan and drunk night. They looked at each other. Several seconds later, Yu Lan asked in a low voice, "isn\'t night stop human, and he can also control zombies?"

"Mom, I told you before that I had been imprisoned by Yezhi for a year when Yi\'an ran to the underground world." Mo Xiaobing looked at the ugly and crazy zombies and said softly, "in fact, I appeared with the zombies."

"Do you know the origin of the zombie?" Yu Lan was stunned.

There is no sign of the outbreak of the end of the world. Even now, no one knows the specific reason. Blank did some research with the instruments left in the desire alliance, and finally only found that the emergence of zombies was due to gene mutation, but there was no clue about the specific birth factors.

"I don\'t know the details," Mo Xiaobing said, "but Yezhi said that zombies are also the direction of human evolution, but this evolution is more suitable for making his good knife."

"The direction of evolution?" drunk Wuyi only smoked from the corners of his mouth when he listened. He pointed to those ugly zombies who had no mind but knew flesh and blood. He didn\'t believe it. "Should that be degeneration?"

He doesn\'t believe that humans will evolve in such an ugly way!

"Mom, and Yi\'an, aren\'t they all good examples?" Mo Xiaobing looked back. "They have longer life span, higher command, purer power, and don\'t even need to eat."

"I need to eat crystal nucleus." Yu Lan frowned.

"That\'s not your way of eating, but your way of energy supply. Doesn\'t the superpower also need to absorb the crystal nucleus to improve his ability?" Mo Xiaobing said with a smile, "but the superpower is also a direction of evolution... In the future, if the night is willing to let go of human beings, there will be no human beings in the world, and only zombies and superpowers will remain."

"I feel more comfortable when you say that a power is also an evolutionary direction." drunk night smashed his mouth.

Yu Lan continued to ask, with some sharp eyes, "what do you mean that Yezhi is willing to let go of human beings? Does he want to destroy human beings!"

At the thought of Yezhi, the culprit who hurt Mo Wen, Yu Lan couldn\'t help grinding his teeth and clenched his fists.

"I don\'t know his purpose." Mo Xiaobing lowered his head. "I was already in this world when I was made. Although I am the key to the space of the world, I don\'t know anything in detail."

She paused and leaned to her head, "if you have to say... Mo Xiaohuan may know more than me. At the beginning, I was divided into two parts from one with her, and I was left in the underground world, while she could only be taken away with a \'master\' at the end of the night. She knows absolutely more than me."

When Yu Lan heard this, she couldn\'t help thinking that Mo Xiaohuan did say that she was her master before the end of the night, but that was before, if it is now