Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 676

Mo Xiaobing also looked at Yu Lan with some worry. For fear that something might happen to her, she hesitated for a few seconds. She still opened the ice, walked in and squatted beside Yu Lan.

"Mom, you can\'t do anything... If you have anything, I can only be here alone. It\'s terrible, really terrible."

Mo Xiaobing looked at Yu Lan pitifully, and his eyes looked pitiful.

"She\'ll be fine." I don\'t think how pathetic Mo Xiaobing\'s tearful look is. She sniffed when she was drunk all night. "Sister-in-law, she should be promoting. This process is a little painful, but nothing will happen. Don\'t you know?"

Mo Xiaobing is also the first time to see human promotion. She really doesn\'t know what it looks like.

Seeing that drunk night still had a smile on her face, she asked carelessly, "is it really all right?"

Drunk without night shrugged, and the evil interest didn\'t answer Mo Xiaobing\'s words, so she went alone in a hurry.

Fortunately, Yu Lan\'s bad situation didn\'t last long. She soon stopped shaking and her eyebrows stretched a little, but the isolation layer around her body still didn\'t change.

She originally protected her tail and tightly wrapped it around her. There were several sharp spikes on her tail, and it was getting thicker and longer.

"Mom?" Mo Xiaobing couldn\'t help saying.

Seems to hear her voice, Yu Lan slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of white and shiny eyes.

Her eyes were a little lax, but soon she focused on one place for a long time and fell on Mo Xiaobing.

"I\'m advanced to level 4." she sat up, her eyes especially clear and completely faded the turbidity of the zombie.

But her skin is still metallic and looks a little nondescript.

Yu Lan seemed to notice her abnormality. She raised her hand and moved slightly. She stared at the iron hand and smiled.

Soon the metallic luster faded again, revealing her extremely pale skin.

Drunk Wuye looked at Yu Lan quietly. Seeing that she was really all right, she sat on the ground again.

Advanced seems a little dangerous

"Mo Xiaobing, here you are." after stabilizing his strength, Yu Lan turned to look at Mo Xiaobing, and tore off his tail tip with both hands.

"Mom?" Mo Xiaohuan was stunned.

"This can cover you with an isolation layer," Yu Lan said softly, and put the tip of his tail in Mo Xiaobing\'s hand.

This tail soon gave off a light blue color, and then turned into a blue aperture before everyone reacted, gradually covering Mo Xiaobing\'s whole body.

Mo Xiaobing lit up the whole person. She looked at her body in surprise and closed her mouth after the light disappeared.

"I feel something on my body..." she touched her skin and whispered.

"Sister-in-law, this thing is too mysterious." drunk night was also a little surprised. He walked into Mo Xiaobing and found that she really couldn\'t see anything, but he could see the blue light in front of her clearly.

"What can this do?" he asked involuntarily.

"Do a protective effect." Yu Lan poked the skin on Mo Xiaohuan\'s arm with her sharp nails and said faintly, "I thought that after level 4, there might be a long-term isolation layer for Mo Xiaobing. I didn\'t expect it to be true, and the effect was also good."

"What can it do?" asked drunk night. He was really curious about it.

"Isolate the damage." Yu Lan whispered, "although you may not be able to sustain some serious damage, the general sunlight and air are absolutely no problem."

Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes brightened when he heard this, and Baba pulled Yu Lan\'s arm, "that is to say, can I go out?"

"You can try." Yu Lan said with a smile. She stood up and took Mo Xiaobing\'s hand and went out.

Mo Xiaobing looked a little nervous. She bit her lower lip, walked obediently on the side of the blue body, and recovered the appearance of a good baby before.

Drunk night is still thinking about something, but subconsciously followed Yu Lan.

Soon, Yu Lan took Mo Xiaobing to the hole. During this period, she didn\'t have any uncomfortable reaction, but her eyes couldn\'t stop looking out.


Standing at the bottom of the hole, he shouted at it. He only heard a sharp roar. The fire red Firebird dived and fell directly in front of Yu Lan.

"Roar!" am I fast? The Firebird flapped its wings and jumped when it saw Mo Xiaobing:

[why is mo Xiaohuan here?]

"This is mo Xiaobing." he explained to the Firebird. Yu Lan turned over and sat on its back and pulled Mo Xiaobing up.

Drunk all night, seeing that no one paid attention to him, he threw his mouth and consciously jumped on the back of the Firebird.

Not to mention standing on such a big zombie.

Seeing that everyone came up, the Firebird didn\'t hesitate. A wing flew up at high speed, and soon flew out of the hole and rushed to the sky.

The fierce hot wind hung on his face with a faint burning feeling.

Yu Lan doesn\'t like sunshine very much. At this moment, he directly lowers his head and looks at the forest of death under the Firebird.

The forest was silent and terrible, and most of the zombies were missing.

Mo Xiaobing looked at the scenery outside excitedly, and his eyes could hardly use it.

I saw it with my own eyes

He sat at the back of the room and didn\'t have any leisure to enjoy the scenery outside. He just breathed a few mouthfuls of fresh air and opened his hands to let the sun drive away the cold on his body.

"Sister-in-law." seeing that the Firebird was ready to fly back, she leaned forward and said, "can you give me the tip of your tail? I want to take it to send Linxue."

"You\'re quite concerned about sister Lin Xue." Yu Lan picked her eyebrows and didn\'t directly refuse, "yes, but what can you exchange for?"

"Still want to change?" drunk night Leng Leng.

"Of course, it hurts to pull out my tail." Yu Lan gently shook his tail and said with a smile, "I gave Mo Xiaobing a tail in exchange for us to leave. What about you? What do you take to change with me?"

Drunken night looked at Yu Lan\'s tail and glanced secretly in his heart.

"What do you want, sister-in-law?" he asked involuntarily.

Yu Lan looked at him from top to bottom. Before he opened his mouth, he saw that he was drunk and waiting for you, "you don\'t want my meat to pay for it!"

"..." Yu Lan pursed his lips and resisted the impulse to fan the drunk night down, "I just think you are useless except saving ink!"

"Ah?" drunk night was very hurt. He pointed to his thin waist, "such a perfect figure is useless."

"Fat." Yu Lan said lightly, full of disgust.
