Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 675

"Who says I\'m going to beat her." Yu Lan sat down and touched the uneven ground, "I\'m almost to level Four."

so? What\'s the use?

Drunk night stared at Yu Lan and had to listen to her explanation.

But Yu Lan ignored him.

Why didn\'t you find this guy so funny before? Yu Lanzhu poked the ice layer close at hand with his chin, and his sharp nails easily poked several holes in it.

She chose whether or not, with a little force, and sure enough, she poked the ice deeper.

The ice doesn\'t seem as strong as the one she met in front of her.

Is mo Xiaobing relieved that she won\'t escape, or is she sure that she can\'t escape even if she escapes?

In any case, she must go back with drunk night as soon as possible. There is no room for her to linger.

Take back his hand and support his chin. Yu Lan closes his eyes and his ears pay more keen attention to the movement around him.

Seeing Yu Lan sitting cross legged on the ground, he was drunk all night and had no choice.

Some boring people broke their fingers and finally asked, "sister-in-law, why did you come to save me, boss?"

"Arvin, he\'s hurt." Yu Lan raised his eyes.

"Ha? What\'s wrong with the boss\'s self-healing ability? Sister-in-law, you\'re making a fuss." Zui Wuyi glanced at his mouth, but he was very calm. His eyes turned, and suddenly he clapped his hands and said, "does it mean that the boss\'s injury this time is so serious that I have to go out?"

"Almost." seeing that drunk night had guessed this layer, Yu Lan simply stopped hiding it.

"That\'s a rare thing." Zui Wuyi smiled. "I haven\'t seen him seriously injured since I followed the boss. I really want to see him."

The more I thought about it, the happier I was. I just stood up, held the ice wall and whispered with a smile, "maybe I can directly solve the boss... Ah, I\'m so excited to think about cutting the boss."

Yu Lan just looked at the sleepy drunk night here and provoked a strange smile at the corners of his mouth.

She knew that this guy was not obedient.

It seems that some wonder that Yu Lan didn\'t respond to his words at all. Drunk all night, she turned around and looked at it. Just about to make a sound, Mo Xiaobing ran over happily. Yi an with a large package of crystal core was still behind her.

"Mom, I brought the crystal core." lying on the ice, Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes glittered and looked in a good mood.

Yi\'an is a little surprised to see the drunken night and Yu Lan trapped in the ice. After looking at Mo Xiaobing, he obediently puts the crystal core on the ground.

He opened a mouth on the ice. Mo Xiaobing personally pushed the crystal core in, squatted down and looked forward to Yu Landao, "Mom, eat quickly. If it\'s not enough, I\'ll let Yi An go and get it again."

"OK." Yu Lan nodded and directly picked up the crystal core and stuffed it into the drunk.

The taste of this silver crystal core is bitter, but it is not dry. It is still within the acceptance range of blue.

Mo Xiaobing stared at Yu Lan and ate the crystal core with a bright smile.

Yi\'an stood for a while and lost his patience. He went to the side where he stood drunk all night and asked softly, "Yi Ding still hasn\'t changed. Do you want to cure him again?"

"I\'ve been cured. It\'s no use going again now." Zui Wuyi was intoxicated with the joy of having the opportunity to give a fatal blow to Mo Wen, and said in a good mood, "just wait patiently. If there\'s no change in a month or so, you\'ll come back to me and I\'ll show you."

Drunk no night talk has been said. Naturally, Yi An has nothing to say. He nodded with a calm face. Seeing that Mo Xiaobing didn\'t command him again, he turned and continued to guard Yi Ding.

Yu Lan has been eating this silver crystal core in recent days. When he is drunk all night, he squats in the corners and grows mushrooms.

Mo Xiaobing doesn\'t have food for him here. Even if he is no longer satisfied, he can only look at Yu Lan constantly eating crystal nuclei there. He is really idle and bored, so he talks with Mo Xiaobing.

There was no concept of day and night underground, and I don\'t know how long it took. Yu Lan finally stopped eating crystal nuclei. She bit her teeth and shrunk into a ball, looking a little painful.

"Sister-in-law?" Zui Wuye walked forward and found that Yu Lan was just lying down without giving him any response. It didn\'t look like something.

"Mom, what\'s the matter?" Mo Xiaobing asked with a frown.

"I don\'t know." Zui Wuyi glanced, turned and looked at Mo Xiaobing, "is there a problem with the crystal core you brought?"

"How could that be!" Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes suddenly cooled down, "I will never do anything to hurt her!"

"If you don\'t hurt us now, what is the harm?" Zui Wuyi squatted down and touched the cold ice in front of him. "If you hadn\'t hurt her, we would have gone back by now. Who would waste time with you here."

As soon as he heard that he was drunk, he mentioned leaving again. Mo Xiaobing couldn\'t help but slightly lowered his head, stared at him and said, "I can\'t leave, of course you don\'t want to leave!"

"Look, in the end, you\'re not for your own selfish interests." ignoring Mo Xiaobing\'s threatening eyes, he smiled without expression at night, looking a little ironic.

"You\'d better shut up." there\'s no mood to pretend to be a good baby before you get drunk at night. Mo Xiaobing directly sneered, "if something happens to your mother this time, you can only go to that world and become the nutrient of blood sucking stone. At that time, you\'ll see if you still laugh."

Drunk without night, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly gave a loud laugh, "sure enough... You are much more interesting than Mo Xiaohuan."

At this time, ink Xiaobing\'s look suddenly changed. Her eyes were staring at Yu Lan, and she lay on the ice anxiously.

Drunk all night, I couldn\'t help looking back curiously. I saw that the skin on Yu Lan faded from top to bottom, revealing almost normal skin with human beings.

Is this going to be human? Drunk without night, some surprised.

Unfortunately, Yu Lan\'s normal skin color didn\'t last long. Soon another layer of metal color spread, making her look like an iron man in the blink of an eye.

Yu Lan\'s face looked very painful. She shrank into a ball on guard and propped up an isolation layer around her.

Drunk night wood looked at Yu Lan changing color on the ground, but didn\'t want to do anything bad for her. Now, although he knew that Mo Wen was seriously injured, he wanted to kill Mo Wen in the second of fire robbery just because he thought it would be very interesting, so he hurt Yu Lan or something... He was not interested at all.