Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 674

Yu Lan felt cold all over.

The cold ice controlled by Mo Xiaobing is extremely piercing. Even the zombie can feel the chill that hurts to the bone.

Cracks appeared in the isolation layer of the whole body again. Yu Lan took a deep breath and clenched his teeth at the same time.

"Sister-in-law, I think we\'re going to die together." drunk Wuye just sat down cross legged. He thought for a long time and didn\'t think of any way. In this place where there are ice spirits everywhere, they have no chance of winning the ink on Xiaobing.

"No." Yu Lan shook his head calmly, "only you are dead. Mo Xiaobing just wants to lock me up."

"..." drunk night smoked the corners of his mouth and looked at Yu Landao with a wooden face, "sister-in-law, shouldn\'t you have a little backbone and would rather die than surrender?"

"Well... I was more afraid of death after I became a zombie." she tilted her eyes to get drunk without night. Yu Lan closed her eyes to calm herself down, turned her head to Mo Xiaobing and said in a cold voice, "Mo Xiaobing, give me some time."

Mo Xiaobing didn\'t stop attacking, but he raised his eyes with some interest, "what time do you want?"

"Give me some time, I can take you out of here." Yu Lan whispered.

Mo Xiaobing finally stopped his attack when he heard the speech.

Looking at the biggest gap in front of him, Yu Lan finally won the time to catch his breath.

"In fact... It\'s not so important to go out." Mo Xiaobing hesitated for a moment before he said, "it doesn\'t matter if you can stay here with me and stay underground."

"Do you really think so?" Yu Lan whispered. "The ink Xiaobing I saw before is full of expectations for the outside. You are really cute like that."

"Really?" Mo Xiaobing blinked. "More lovely than Mo Xiaohuan?"

"No." Yu Lan shook his head.

Drunk Wuye turned his eyes when he saw Yu Lan\'s denial. In his opinion, it\'s best to follow the little monster\'s words at this time.

Sure enough, Mo Xiaobing\'s face, which had just calmed down, hardened again. She stared at Yu Lan and said in a cold voice, "in your mother\'s eyes, can\'t I really compare with Mo Xiaohuan?"

Looking at the twisted face of Mo Xiaobing, Yu Lan sighed, slightly lowered his eyes and said:


"What\'s that!" Mo Xiaobing shrieked. "I\'m one with Mo Xiaohuan, but she took everything I wanted!"

Mo Xiaobing\'s voice has been distorted, which contains a strong hatred and reluctance.

"In my opinion, Mo Xiaobing is no worse than Mo Xiaohuan," Yu Lan whispered, looking at Mo Xiaobing gently, "Xiaohuan is a little weak and afraid of strangers, but she is kind-hearted. Although Xiaobing looks weak on the surface, I know you are actually as paranoid as Arvin. You have more power than Xiaohuan and know much more than her."

Mo Xiaobing\'s face looked better. She looked at Yu Lan and said, "since mom, you think I\'m good, will you stay with me?"

Yu Lan shook his head.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaobing couldn\'t help saying in a cold voice, "if you don\'t stay with me, it\'s no use for me to be powerful. I don\'t have to stay alone in this place without any warmth and look at Mo Xiaohuan freely outside!"

"That\'s why I asked you to give me some time." Yu Lan smiled. "I\'ll take you away."

Gently blinked his eyes, and Mo Xiaobing stared at Yu Lan\'s face, as if judging the credibility of her words.

Yu Lan calmly let him look at it and didn\'t say anything.

"... really?" Mo Xiaobing asked again, "can I really leave here?"

She paused, her eyes soon darkened, "how can it be? I can\'t touch the outside sun or the outside air."

"Give me a little time and I can take you away." he stepped forward and looked at Mo Xiaobing across the ice. Yu Lan said seriously, "I promise you."

Perhaps Yu Lan\'s appearance is too firm. Although Mo Xiaobing still doesn\'t believe it, his mood has indeed stabilized.

She still wants to see the outside world.

"Mom, how long do you need?" Mo Xiaobing asked softly. She looked directly at Yu Lan\'s eyes, but didn\'t mean to fade the surrounding ice. She just let these ice pieces surround Yu Lan and restrict her actions.

"Three days." Yu Lan lowered his eyelids, "but during this period, you have to give me a silver crystal core. I need it."

Ink Xiaobing seemed to meditate for a moment. He nodded for a long time and said, "OK, I\'ll bring you the crystal nuclei of the whole underground world. Don\'t count your words."

"Well, if I don\'t keep my word, I\'m a puppy." Yu Lan said seriously.

Her words are very childish in the eyes of adults, but it makes Mo Xiaobing crack her mouth.

This kind of thing full of child flavor is the best thing she yearns for.

"That\'s a deal," she said happily.

Yu Lan was finally completely relieved.

Yu Lan leaned against the ice layer behind him when he waited for the small ice crystal core, and was shivering with cold.

"Sister-in-law." drunk night hugged himself and rubbed his arms before he said, "don\'t you want to finish eating the crystal core and break in?"

Yu Lan glanced at him obliquely without making a sound.

"Ah, sister-in-law, it\'s not good." drunk Wuye hurriedly said, "in this place, you can\'t beat Mo Xiaohuan even if you rise three levels a day."

"I went up three levels, one level higher than Arvin." Yu Lan glanced, broke her fingers, lowered her head and breathed a little, although the wind she blew was cold with tears.

"Sister-in-law, you missed the point." zuiwuye kindly reminded.

"Isn\'t the key point that I rise three levels?" Yu Lan smiled gently at drunk night. How does that smile look? How evil, "what do you say is the key point and what end point is not even important to rise three levels?"

"... nature is the most important thing for a small life." drunk without night\'s helplessness.

"Didn\'t you just have a generous expression of dying? Why are you beginning to cherish your life now?" Yu Lan glanced at the drunken night. There was a sense of ridicule in that look.

"I changed my mind." I was drunk all night without affectation. I simply responded and then naturally changed the topic, "sister-in-law, you haven\'t said what you want those Silver Crystal cores to do?"

"Of course I want to use it to improve my strength." Yu Lan said naturally.

"But I didn\'t say just now. Even if you are promoted to three levels, we can\'t win Mo Xiaobing!" drunk night couldn\'t help blowing his hair.