Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 673

"Mo Xiaobing -" Yu Lan was stunned and quickly picked her up.

Although Mo Xiaobing looks about ten years old, his weight is as light as a feather.

"What\'s the matter?" asked the drunk.

"I don\'t know." Yu Lan touched Mo Xiaobing\'s head and found that the temperature in the palm of his hand was much higher.

"Does she seem to have a fever?"

"Fever?" drunk and speechless, he glanced at the ink Xiaobing with his eyes closed. He secretly wondered whether this little monster could have a fever like human beings. It\'s too mysterious.

Feeling that Mo Xiaobing\'s discomfort came inexplicably, Yu Lan frowned and didn\'t contact Firebird for the time being, but turned and returned to the ground.

Drunk without night, Yu Lan\'s figure disappeared before he reacted. He frowned and hurried to catch up.

Fortunately, Yu Lan didn\'t run too far. She just walked to the place covered by ice and gently put Mo Xiaobing on the ground.

Just now, Mo Xiaobing, who was still unconscious, slowly opened his eyes, stared at Yu Lan with pale eyes, looked around again, and suddenly gave a harsh laugh, and even tears began to flow out.

"I see... I see..."

Seeing that Mo Xiaobing really opened his eyes, Yu Lan was secretly relieved and pinched his hot palm.

The temperature of Mo Xiaobing is always cold, but the temperature she just had is frighteningly hot.

Then pinch Mo Xiaobing\'s current hand. Yu Lan only felt that the touch of the palm had changed back to the previous cold.

"What happened just now?" seeing that Mo Xiaobing completely recovered his consciousness, Yu Lan couldn\'t help asking.

Mo Xiaobing also lowered his hair and gave a heavy laugh, with a chilling coldness.

She didn\'t make a sound, just hung her head and gave Yu Lan a dark head.

"Mo Xiaobing?" Yu Lan suddenly felt cold all over.

"In this case, there is no way..." Mo Xiaobing whispered.

"Sister-in-law!" just then, the voice of drunk night suddenly sounded on her side. Yu Lan was about to turn around and found that his company side was scratched by something.

Drunk night also rushed to her side at this time and pulled her to her side.

At the same time, the sharp blade composed of icicles flew towards them. The fastest thing was that I accidentally cut my arm when I was drunk all night.

"Damn it." Zui Wuyi clenched his teeth and retreated quickly. He didn\'t want a vibration on the rock wall next to him, and then countless sharp icicles stabbed him in the head.

He is a loach. He can\'t hide from so many ice blades!

Drunk night scolded in his heart. Subconsciously, he could only take his arm to block it.

Just listening to the "click", his eyes were dark. When he raised his eyes, he could only see countless dense tips.

"Thanks, sister-in-law."

He took a breath and was drunk all night. Then he had a chance to turn back.

Yu Lan propped up his isolation layer, nodded slightly, and looked at Mo Xiaobing in front of him.

"Xiao Huan," she whispered.

Mo Xiaobing raised his head slightly, and the strange blue light twinkled in his pale eyes, like countless mayflies floating in the deep sea.

"Mom." Mo Xiaobing smiled, and the expression on his face gradually twisted, "I won\'t hurt you."

"What are you doing now?" Yu Lan\'s eyes were cold.

"I just want to kill this guy." Mo Xiaobing pointed to the drunken night, opened and closed his small mouth, and his voice was as ruthless as death. "He died, mom, you have no reason to leave."

As soon as the voice fell, the dark color at the bottom of Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes became more and more turbid. She waved her hand at will, and more ice blades began to stab at drunk night. They all hit Yu Lan\'s isolation layer and made a harsh friction sound.

The tail felt extremely heavy pressure, and Yu Lan gritted her teeth, but soon she found several cracks on the isolation layer.

It won\'t last long.

Yu Lan\'s face became serious.

"That\'s right, mom. You can\'t last long." Mo Xiaobing bent his eyes and took a step forward. He said almost madly, "give up. Don\'t want to leave here, stay here and stay with me."

"Wow, you little madman." drunk night rolled his eyes. He hasn\'t seen a madman, or he has seen a lot of madmen like Mo Xiaobing.

"I knew it was not so easy to leave here." I murmured in a low voice. I was drunk all night and weighed the dagger in my hand. My brain turned quickly to find a way to break through this disadvantage.

"No matter how drunk the night is, I want to leave here." Yu Lan clenched her teeth and put her two tails together to support a stronger isolation layer.

She looked at Mo Xiaobing and said, "Mo Xiaobing, why do you suddenly attack me?"

It is estimated that the isolation layer with this thickness can be delayed a little longer.

Looking at Yu Lan from the ice, Mo Xiaobing tilted his head and showed a clever smile.

"Why?" she said, "because I finally know why it\'s me who stays here."

"What?" Yu Lan didn\'t react for a moment. "Didn\'t you say that Yezhi left you here?"

"Yes." Mo Xiaobing raised his head, looked at the sealed mountains and stones above his head, and silently opened his mouth, "but the reason why he chose to leave me is because... I can\'t leave here."

She didn\'t know that her body couldn\'t touch the sunshine outside.

Consciousness appeared intermittently with what ink Xiaohuan saw and heard in the outside world. Ink Xiaobing\'s eyes were colder, and the eyes that had just cleared up became more turbid again.

"Why me? Why am I the one who can\'t leave here?"

Her sharp voice echoed in the cave, sharp enough to almost pierce people\'s eardrums.

"So that\'s why you suddenly changed your attitude." Yu Lan seemed to sigh.

In front, Mo Xiaohuan clearly didn\'t mean to kill her, but her attitude changed instantly as soon as she went out. It must be inappropriate to explain that there was no opportunity.

"So..." Mo Xiaobing stared at Yu Lan paranoid, and his eyes were completely chaotic.

"So mom, you stay here with me. Mo Xiaohuan has been able to get freedom outside, but I have nothing. I only have you."

She walked towards Yu Lan with small steps, and the icicles around her began to attack Yu Lan\'s isolation layer more violently.

"Stay with me and I\'ll hide you in the best ice flowers. No one can touch you except me."

Mo Xiaobing stared at Yu Lan paranoid, as if he thought of a good idea, and finally calmed down.

"Yes," she murmured again, "that\'s all we can do now."