Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 672

Cold, really cold.

Once he changed his previous rampant appearance, he held his arm and smoked his frozen stiff nose.

God knows why it\'s so cold in here!

Just want to leave here quickly, drunk all night, stride to Yi Ding\'s body and stretch out his hand to cover it.

Yi Ding began to struggle violently at the moment of being touched, but the surrounding icicles were firm and trapped it so that it could not move at all.

"Be quiet." zuiwuye smiled at Yi Ding. Although he was surprised to find that although Yi Ding looked ugly and had no human shape, his strength was amazing. At least he couldn\'t win the big guy even with his ability.

Yi Ding listens to the words of being drunk without night. He is still struggling with his life, but he has not been paid attention to by being drunk without night.

Close your eyes and feel the rhythm from Yi Ding\'s body. When drunk, you frown and find that your powers can\'t invade at all. This big guy is not only rough and fleshy, but also has very high internal resistance. Even his healing powers can\'t penetrate.

Seeing drunk Wuyi standing in place staring at Yi Ding without expression, Yi An was worried, but he still controlled himself not to go in to find drunk Wuyi.

It was afraid that it would make him drunk at night, and his brother would really be hopeless.

Drunk night was ready to take back his hand. In his opinion, this creature that could not penetrate was a waste of his powers.

However, when he was ready to withdraw his hand, he found that there was a place that didn\'t look as strong as the surrounding area, so he easily let his powers explore it.

Quickly use the power to heal the place. Drunk night breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes and turned and walked out.

At the same time, Yi Ding struggled violently, and the heavy strength even shook the icicle sealing it.

Mo Xiaobing reached out to stabilize the icicle. He was relieved when he saw that Yi Ding couldn\'t struggle out.

"How\'s it going?" Yi An hurriedly came forward and asked.

"I cured his brain," drunk night whispered, "but I don\'t know what will happen."

"What do you mean?" Yi An felt drunk and fooled himself. He pointed to Yi Ding and said coldly, "ah Ding, he hasn\'t changed at all now, okay?"

"How do you know he hasn\'t changed?" Zui Wuyi glanced. At this time, he was not afraid of Yi\'an, although Yi\'an\'s strength was much higher than him. "I\'m the healing power. If you don\'t believe me, don\'t bring me to this place where birds don\'t shit at first."

He choked when he was drunk without night. Yi An gritted his teeth, but no longer yelled at drunk without night.

Ink Xiaobing saw that drunk night had no intention to go in again, and stretched out his hand to seal the ice just made again.

Yi Ding\'s struggle is not as fierce as before. It calms down again and looks like an ice sculpture.

"Since you say your power has worked, can we release it?" Yi an asked anxiously, looking at Yi Ding.

"No." Zui Wuyi directly refused, "I know my power. This monster is rough and fleshy. My power can\'t go in at all. The only place that can be cured is its brain."

"How sure are you that you can make my brother return to his original appearance?" Yi An gritted his teeth.

"Not at all." drunk night said coldly, "didn\'t you also say before that it\'s certainly impossible to restore the appearance of human beings, but it\'s still possible to restore its mind a little."

"Ten percent..." Yi An nodded expressionless, but he didn\'t make any more noise. He was embarrassed to be drunk without night, which flattered drunk without night.

Since drunk night has done what he can, Yi\'an has no reason to keep him here. Waving his hand is like driving flies to let Yu Lan and them leave.

"It\'s like crossing a river and tearing down a bridge!" drunk night gritted his teeth.

Yu Lan shook his head. Seeing that Yi An was going back, he asked drunk Wuye, "how long will your healing ability take to take effect?"

"One month is enough." Zui Wuyi seriously looked at Yi Ding\'s huge body and said solemnly, "this guy is big, and it has been a long time to become a zombie. Although my ability is trying to transform its zombie gene, it doesn\'t work at present."

Yu Lan nodded and said to Yi An, "Yi An, you just heard what your brother has become. It will take a month to know. Do you want to go out with us now?"

"Where can I go?" Yi An shook his head and sat cross legged in front of the icicle. From beginning to end, he didn\'t even look back. "I\'ll wait here for adine to wake up."

"That\'s up to you." Yu Lan is also anxious to go back to save Mo Wen. Her question is just to prevent Yi An from standing at Yezhi again and attacking them unexpectedly.

Mo Xiaobing looked forward to walking behind LAN. He crossed the blood river with her and crossed the ice to go outside.

"Do these ice spirits listen to you?" Yu Lan was surprised to see that several small ice spirits ate all the ice in the tunnel.

Mo Xiaohuan also has a mutter in his hand, but after all, there is only one. It\'s not as scary as Mo Xiaobing\'s.

"Don\'t they listen to others? Can Mo Xiaohuan use them?"

The power of a mutter has been praised by Yu Lan. Now if there is a chance to have a lot of ice spirits, the strength of Mo Xiaohuan should also be enhanced a lot.

"They only listen to me." when they heard the name of Mo Xiaohuan, Mo Xiaobing said proudly, "what is mo Xiaohuan? If it wasn\'t separated from me, I really despised her."

I always feel that Mo Xiaobing is hostile to Mo Xiaohuan. Yu Lan frowns and thinks about how to make Mo Xiaobing reduce his hostility to Mo Xiaohuan.

Seeing Yu Lan suddenly stopped talking, the drunken night walking in front looked at her with some wonder, but he was calm and didn\'t ask anything.

In fact, he is not interested in blue ribbon, ink Xiaobing or ink Xiaohuo. As long as it does not harm his interests, Yu Lan will take whoever he wants to take. He has no objection at all.

Mo Xiaobing glanced at Yu Lan and smiled carelessly. She looked at the bright place in front of her, and the steps under her excited feet were much happier.

Mo Xiaohuan is nothing, as long as she is

Through the ice, the situation of ink Xiaobing was suddenly wrong. The more she went out, the more ugly her expression became.

"Xiaobing?" Yu Lan was the first to find that Mo Xiaobing was wrong.

Mo Xiaobing looked at Yu Lan with little strength. As soon as he opened his mouth to say something, his body was about to fall down. Fortunately, Yu Lan was next to her and easily helped her.