Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 671

Yi\'an stares dangerously at the drunk night. However, Mo Xiaobing stares at him like a cat staring at a mouse. Even if he is angry, he can\'t do it.

Look at the ugly appearance of drunken night, Yi An gritted her teeth, forbearantly pointed to her side, and Yi Ding said, "I admit I treat you a little rough, but how do you know you can\'t make a Ding recover his consciousness without trying?"

"But I don\'t want to." drunk all night, he didn\'t show it on his face, but he wondered how Yi An\'s temper had changed so well.

Is it because of brotherhood? Drunk all night, I don\'t believe this explanation. It seems that Yi\'an is a zombie. Zombies are no longer like people.

Of course, Yu Lan has to be excluded.

His side eyes slanted to Yu Lan, and he was drunk all night. It was only Yu Lan who made an agreement with Yi anda.

"If you don\'t try, you won\'t want to leave here." staring at the drunken and fooling around all night, Yi anleng\'s face and his fist clattered.

Yi\'an didn\'t seem to be joking when he said this. Even under the threat of Mo Xiaobing, he didn\'t take back his meaning.

In his eyes, nothing is more important than his brother, even his life.

Drunk without night, he was in a bad mood because of a lot of blood loss. He tilted Yi\'an and looked like a rogue who "won\'t try".

Yi\'an finally couldn\'t bear it. His gray eyes turned bright red year by year. With a low roar, he jumped up and directly jumped at the drunk night.

Mo Xiaobing narrowed her eyes on one side, but her side eyes saw that Yu Lan didn\'t mean to stop. Although she had some doubts in her heart, she still stood in place and didn\'t mean to come forward.

Yu Lan was looking at the ground and blinked twice.

She also knows a little about the character of being drunk all night. If he doesn\'t want to, no one can change his mind.

But Yi\'an is obviously paranoid about his brother\'s affairs. If he is drunk all night and insists on not saving, he will certainly not let them leave.

Or you\'ll deal with Yi\'an directly? This seems to be the simplest and roughest way.

Yu Lan touched his chin and didn\'t think he could beat Yi an 100%.

Looking at the drunken night, Yi An pressed and beat him. Yu Lan\'s eyes flashed slightly. As soon as he was about to come forward, he felt that Mo Xiaobing on his side pulled his sleeve.

"What\'s the matter?" Yu Lan turned back.

"I can easily control Yi\'an\'s." Mo Xiaobing whispered, looking at Yu Lan with two big eyes.

However, when Yu Lan looked at people, she was almost the same as her. The two people stared at each other. After several seconds of silence, Yu Lan hesitated, "Mo Xiaobing, can you see through the idea in my heart?"

Mo Xiaobing nodded and said honestly, "Mo Xiaohuan can see their colors from people to judge good and evil, and I can directly see their thoughts."

Yu Lan felt that he knew where the feeling of being seen through came from.

Look at the drunken night. Yi An has completely pressed him down, and he can\'t even struggle.

"Do you want to seal Yi\'an ice?" Mo Xiaobing asked.

"No, I have another way." Yu Lan said.

She looked at Yi An\'s eyes like a fierce beast, pursed her lips, took out the silver crystal core she had picked up from the ground from her pocket, walked forward and stuffed it directly into the hands of drunken night.

Drunk all night is not a zombie. It\'s better not to eat these things directly.

Yi An was stunned when he saw Yu Lan\'s hand coming out of thin air. He hesitated and didn\'t dare to fight with Yu Lan.

Mo Xiaobing stood on the side of LAN and smiled treacherously at Yi An.

I felt a warm feeling in my palm before I reacted. The dizziness caused by excessive blood loss soon disappeared.

"Sister-in-law, what\'s this?" zuiwuye sat up, wiped the blood stains wet on the corners of his mouth, looked at the crystal nucleus in his palm and blinked.

"It\'s crystal core." Yu Lan took him to his feet.

Although these crystal nuclei do not have the effect she used to treat ink, the effect of energy increase is still much better than ordinary crystal nuclei.

"Is there anything else?" drunk night looked at Yu Lan and moved his shoulders at the same time. It seemed that the whole person was refreshing a lot.

"Here you are." Yu Lan took out the crystal nuclei in his pocket to Zui Wuyi.

Drunk without night directly absorbed all these crystal nuclei. His eyes lit up, and the tired color just now was completely swept away. The whole person was full of strength.

"Sister-in-law, this thing is so easy to use!" I felt that my strength had risen two levels directly. I couldn\'t help laughing when I was drunk all night.

He\'s still one step short of level Four.

"Well, Yi\'an gave it to me." Yu Lan said faintly.

Drunk without night, his happy smile just stiffened. He stared at Yu Lan and looked at Yi An, who had no expression. There were faint signs of grinding his teeth.

"Sister-in-law, you\'re not kind." drunk night angrily said, "you know this guy tortured me like an adult, and even let me owe him a favor?!"

"Is there a problem with your understanding?" Yu Lan blinked and poked the icicle side eyes in front of him. "Since the crystal core has been given to me, it\'s mine. Why do you owe Yi An?"

Drunk night\'s eyes lit up and said with a smile, "that\'s right. I knew you would never betray your faith, sister-in-law."

treacherous? That\'s no description.

Yu Lan was speechless and poked the icicle road in front of him again. "Do you want to try the power for this monster now? You\'ve been promoted two levels. If you don\'t use the power, you\'ll be very uncomfortable."

"That\'s right." I felt that my whole body was full of strength. When I was drunk all night, I disdained to compare my middle finger to Yi\'an and said, "I want to use your brother\'s to try my strength."

Yi An\'s face was black and opened his mouth, but he didn\'t say anything.

Drunk without night, he swaggered towards the icicle, frowned and knocked on the ice, turned back and said with a smile, "the ice is so thick, my powers are useless at all, at least let me touch a part of its body."

Yi\'an also felt that drunk Wuye\'s request was not too much. He nodded and looked at Mo Xiaobing.

Mo Xiaobing frowned and seemed to feel some trouble.

"Go and have a try. If you can\'t do it, there\'s no way." Yu Lan touched Mo Xiaobing\'s head. "Finish handling things here early, and we can leave here."

Leaving this temptation is still very good for Mo Xiaobing. She nodded, raised her small arm and waved towards the ice in front of her.

The ice under her control seemed to melt and no longer melted, leaving just a way for drunkenness to pass through.

This ice road leads directly to Yi Ding\'s monster without waking it.

Drunk without night, I walked in calmly and sneezed cold.