Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 670

"Sister in law?"

The first thing I saw was Yu Lan\'s face. I didn\'t see clearly when I was drunk all night. He closed his eyes with force. After a long time, he took a breath and looked at Yu Lan\'s vision clearly, "Why are you here?"

"Come and save you." Yu Lan doesn\'t want to say more. She bypasses Yi\'an straightly and tries to cut open the root tied with drunk night with her sharp nails.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaobing hurriedly followed him, pulled Yu Lan\'s sleeve and said, "Mom, don\'t cut it open. There will be a lot of blood overflow. It\'s very dirty."

"What should I do?" Yu Lan\'s side eyes.

Mo Xiaobing looks at Yi\'an, which is self-evident.

Yi\'an\'s face twisted for a while. He bit his teeth and bowed his head. He was too thin and waved hard at the drunk night.

These roots trembled, as if they were under control. They retreated rigidly from the drunk night and slowly retracted into the dark place.

"Are these roots on the blood sucking stone?" he came forward and checked that he was drunk all night. He found that he had basically no problem except that his face was pale. Then he turned back and asked Mo Xiaobing.

Mo Xiaobing turned his eyes and said softly, "yes, the blood sucking stone already belongs to Yi\'an, so he can control the root of the blood sucking stone at will."

Hearing the speech, Yu Lan couldn\'t help looking at Yi\'an. Although he was still curious, he didn\'t ask anything again.

Yi An pursed her lips and looked at Yi Ding on the side and couldn\'t make a sound.

Then he noticed the existence of Mo Xiaobing. He grinned when he was drunk all night. "Mo Xiaohuan, you\'re there... Wait."

He narrowed his eyes and stared at Mo Xiaobing\'s white eyes. Without hesitation, he said, "you\'re not Mo Xiaohuan."

"My name is mo Xiaobing. You confused me with her." Mo Xiaobing raised his chin.

"Mo Xiaobing?" drunk Wuye was a little confused. He tried to get up, but he shook his body twice because of weakness and fell to the ground. If yu Lanyan hadn\'t pulled him quickly, he would have fallen into shit by now.

"Are you all right?" Yu Lan frowned and said, "have you been hurt?"

"Sister-in-law, do you think I will suffer any bad wound?" she smiled bitterly all night.

A person who can survive a blow to his head really has no injuries that he can\'t cure.

What\'s more... Yu Lan looked up and down and found that he didn\'t lack arms and legs except his bad look. He looked good.

"Mom, he has been sucked too much blood." after seeing Yu Lan, Mo Xiaobing immediately answered, "the first and most serious injury of the healer can be cured, but if he loses too much blood... The hematopoietic function is not so fast."

"Do you know I\'m a healing power?" drunk night raised his eyebrows. Although he didn\'t encounter a lot of blood loss for the first time since the end of the world, he hasn\'t exposed his weakness all the time. Unexpectedly, this ink Xiaobing knows.

Thinking of this drunken night, he began to laugh at LAN, "sister-in-law, is this gadget your new daughter?"

Yu Lan picked his eyebrows and just wanted to make a noise, he heard Mo Xiaobing say, "it\'s not new. I should have been my mother\'s child. Mo Xiaohuan is just a substitute."

oh Drunk without night, he became interested. Although he can\'t even stand steadily now, he will see a good play first.

"Xiaobing." Yu lanmian became more serious. She squatted down and looked directly at Mo Xiaobing. "You and Xiaohuan are not alone, and she is not your substitute."

Wen Yanmo and Xiaobing could not help pinching Yu Lan\'s sleeve and said loudly, "if she is not a substitute, what am I?"

While Mo Xiaobing said this, the surrounding ice silently cracked, counted to the gap, and deepened the depth of the gap with the increase of the coldness around Mo Xiaobing.

Originally, Yi\'an was gloating at Yu Lan and Mo Xiaobing, but before he was happy for two seconds, he found that there were cracks in the icicle sealing his brother Yi Ding. Yi Ding\'s tail loosened and seemed to move slightly.


Yi\'an hurriedly wants to stop Mo Xiaobing\'s action. However, before he can move again, Yu Lan suddenly comes forward and holds Mo Xiaobing in his arms.

"You and Xiao Huan call me mother. They are all my children."

Yu Lan said word by word. The pleasant voice made Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes gorgeous again. She showed a big smile and skillfully restrained all the coldness, which was rubbed on LAN\'s shoulder twice.

Seeing Mo Xiaobing calm down, Yu Lan was relieved. As a zombie, her senses are very keen. The cold feeling full of killing just now is really beyond ordinary people\'s ability to absorb.

Fortunately, she is usually used to coaxing the big bear child Mo Wen. Now coaxing the little bear child is also handy.

It seems to see through Yu Lan\'s idea. Mo Xiaobing puffed his cheeks dissatisfied, and soon leaned against Yu Lan\'s arms with a smile.

Whether it\'s Mo Xiaohuan or the one named Mo Wen, if you rob her mother... Kill them all, quietly.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaobing quickly shook his head, left his mouth and thought to himself, Mo Xiaobing can\'t die so easily. She still has her role.

I don\'t know what Mo Xiaobing thinks. Yu Lan only sees a lot of expressions on her face and asks softly, "what are you thinking?"

"I\'m thinking, mom, what are you going to do next?" Mo Xiaohuan bent her eyes and casually found a reason.

Maybe she looked too harmless. Although Yu Lan was a little suspicious, she still got up and said, "since you promised Yi an... Drunk all night, do you have a way to restore some sanity to this monster?"

Drunk without night, he was stunned, and then showed a big smile.

He had been in contact with zuiwiye for some time, so he couldn\'t help picking his eyebrows with such a smile.

"I\'d like to try..." he grinned brightly, hardened his poison, but shot his eyes straight at Yi\'an, "but... I was knocked unconscious and tortured all the way. I was entangled into zongzi by this disgusting thing and sucked a lot of blood. I really don\'t want to help him."

Yu Lantou knew for the first time that two such extreme expressions can appear on a person\'s face, and can be properly integrated together.

It seems that he was angry with the strange and provocative eyes of drunk night. Yi An is also a good temperament. He endured his anger and showed a charming smile, "you should be glad that if my heart is not good, you are not so simple to be sucked now."

Good heart? Yu Lan\'s complexion is a little strange. Does Yi an want this kind of thing?

"Thank you so much." Zui Wuyi smiled. "Since you are so kind, you might as well let me go and don\'t linger here."