Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 669

"Yu Lan, I\'m trying to save my brother."

Yi\'an stood in front of a huge icicle at the bottom, looked back at Yu Lan, with some despair, some determination and some firmness under her milky eyes.

I couldn\'t help looking up at the icicle behind Yi\'an. Yu Lan\'s quiet face was slightly stained by the light blue light.

The huge icicle emits a faint light, and the faint blue transparent inside is frozen with a huge monster.

The monster is two stories high. Although it can barely see a human shape, its skin is like being soaked in boiling water. It is wrinkled and curled. A pair of thick and long tails are stiff and curled up, and the spikes on it are even clear and countable.

Its face did not see what could be called eyes. If it had to say that there were any facial features, it might have only a big mouth across the face and tore his ugly face in half.

Countless rhizomes hover and bend in the icicle, inserted everywhere in its body, and constantly provide it with nutrients.

"Is it your brother?" Yu Lan stepped forward and stared at the monster, frowning slightly.

How blind was she to see this monster as a figure?

Yi An nodded and looked at the monster in the icicle in front of him. A gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Is it because... It didn\'t succeed in upgrading to level 3?" staring at the monster, Yu Lan only felt a strange feeling. An idea faintly appeared in her brain and asked subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan could guess. Yi An was stunned, "how do you know?"

"Just feeling." Yu Lan drooped his eyes.

In fact, when she advanced to the third level, she vaguely predicted that she would become a monster. Although it was not clear, it should not be much different from the monster in front of her.

"That\'s right." Yi\'an no longer asked, but nodded. "I became a zombie with him, and I can control my instinct like you and don\'t eat meat."

"Only rely on your own will?" Yu Lan asked with a eyebrow.

"That\'s right," Yi\'an said. "We attack other zombies, but we just take the zombies in their heads and have no interest in their meat."

Hearing this, Yu Lan couldn\'t help looking at Yi an in surprise. At the beginning, she really could control her will. Yes, but if there was no ink, she might have moved meat long ago. Unexpectedly, Yi An could stick to it by her own strength.

"When we want to advance to the third level, we find that ordinary crystal nuclei can\'t provide us with the energy we need. We need purer crystal nuclei." Yi An continued, "by instinct, we found the forest of death."

Smelling the speech, Yu Lan frowned, "since I ate the crystal core on the forest of death, it should not become like this."

"Adin began to grow in a crazy reverse direction before he could eat it, until he became a zombie without any consciousness at first, and then began to expand rapidly. After eating any crystal nucleus, it didn\'t work." it seemed that he didn\'t want to recall what happened at that time. Yi An lowered his head and looked at the ground, and his voice trembled slightly, "It has no consciousness and doesn\'t know me. It will only attack everything it sees."

"Then Yi\'an fell down seriously." Mo Xiaobing, who was quiet for a while, interrupted faintly, "at that time, I had been sealed in the icicle for a year. Although my body could not move, my consciousness was still there. In order to prevent this big guy from making trouble in the underground world, I simply sealed it in the icicle."

"Can you control ice spirit when your consciousness is controlled?" Yu Lan\'s expression became strange.

"Yes." Mo Xiaobing nodded obediently.

"Since you wanted to see me before, why didn\'t you directly lead me to you? If I didn\'t see you inadvertently, I wouldn\'t come to you." Yu Lan asked softly, but there was no reproach in his words.

Before Mo Xiaobing has a clear hostility to her, she will maintain a friendly appearance.

"I can only use Bingling when I have the sense of attack. In other cases..." holding Yu Lan\'s finger in my small hand, Mo Xiaobing raised her head and said in her soft voice, "I can\'t use it in other cases."

That is to say, if Mo Xiaobing uses Bingling to her, it will kill her? Yu Lan thinks in her heart and touches Mo Xiaobing\'s head like comfort.

I don\'t know why, ink Xiaobing always gives her an uneasy cold feeling. This uneasiness is not only her uneasiness, but also the uneasiness of ink Xiaobing itself.

"Are you looking for drunk night to save him?" Yu Lan frowned and looked at Yi An and continued to ask.

"That\'s right." Yi An nodded, went to the corner next to him, and pulled out a man entangled by dark sticky roots. The man\'s face was pale and closed his eyes, but the handsome face still made people see that he was drunk all night.

"Drunk all night." Yu Lan called, but he didn\'t hear any response.

"What happened to him?"

Seeing the interrogative meaning in Yu Lan\'s tone, Yi An\'s face was cold. As soon as he was about to make a sound, he saw Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes that clearly had no pupils, but were extremely cold.

Don\'t open your eyes. He swallowed the unspoken words directly.

He doesn\'t understand why Mo Xiaobing has to stand on Yu Lan\'s side. Doesn\'t she know that Yu Lan and Yezhi have a grudge? Is she crazy?

As soon as the idea came out, Yi An felt a pain in his heart. When he looked down, he saw several dark roots emerging from his heart, with sharp ice debris at the tip.

Looking at Mo Xiaobing, her eyes have been bent together with a smile, but her mouth is tightly closed without releasing any laughter.

But this silent smile is the most frightening.

Yi An gritted her teeth, whined and dared not do it again. She could only say angrily in her heart:

This monster!

Mo Xiaobing narrowed his eyes and his smile faded a lot.

"Wake up!" he kicked the drunken face hard. Yi An sneered, squeezed his whole fist and looked at Yu Landao, "Yezhi told me that level 3 healing powers have the ability to turn zombies into humans."

"It seems that the drunken emperor\'s ability can only reproduce and heal the human who has just become a zombie?" Yu Lan narrowed his eyes and stretched out to pound the Icicle on the side of his body. "This monster... Your brother has obviously become a zombie for a long time."

"I don\'t ask him to really recover adine. I just hope he can restore adine\'s mind a little. I\'ll take it to the space where Yezhi is!" the original cold voice said.

At this time, drunk Wuyi, who had been kicked several times, also opened his eyes. He frowned and looked very uncomfortable.