Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 668

"..." Yu Lan was generously praised and pretended not to know the fact that he couldn\'t name.

"These ice spirits were born with us. They exist to protect the entrance of space. They often live in groups. The mutter around you is a wonderful flower." Mo Xiaobing whispered and yawned, "but I guess it is for this reason that Mo Xiaohuan will go to your mother."

Yu Lan\'s side eyes said, "Xiao Huan doesn\'t seem to remember the past. She felt strange when she saw gurgling at the beginning."

"Our intimacy with Bing Ling is natural." Mo Xiaobing raised his eyes, "even if you don\'t remember that feeling, it\'s still there."

After saying this, Yu Lan found that Mo Xiaohuan was really close to Guri at the beginning, and although Guri could also produce ice on her hand, it was not as powerful as Mo Xiaohuan after all.

Think about the thick ice that even she could freeze before, Yu Lan glanced at Yi\'an sympathetically.

Yi An\'s back was cool, and he turned back and stared at Yu Lan suspiciously.

Seriously, if Yu Lan hadn\'t approached Mo Xiaobing when he went out to check the zombie riots, he would have finished her here.

Remembering the words to remind him before the end of the night, Yi An\'s face was out of control and ugly.

"By the way." seeing Yi\'an looking over, Yu Lan simply asked, "you haven\'t said why you want to go to the space where you stay at night."

"..." Yi An pursed her lips, turned her head and said nothing.

The more Yi An didn\'t speak, the tighter Yu Lan\'s eyes narrowed. Although Yi An was not the culprit of hurting Mo Wen this time, it was because of him that Mo Wen\'s injury could not be cured.

Thinking of this, Yu Lan had no idea of Yi\'an\'s conversation. He directly said to Mo Xiaobing lightly, "Xiaobing, do you know?"

Yi\'an may be rampant in front of her, but she immediately counseled in front of Mo Xiaobing.

"Yi\'an." Mo Xiaobing really opened his mouth, and then smiled flatteringly at Yu Lan.

Yu Lan touched her head to show his appreciation.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan used Mo Xiaobing as a helper so shamelessly. Yi An\'s face was obviously ugly. He clenched his teeth and accelerated his steps to the open area in front of him.

Originally thought Yi An was angry and didn\'t want to make a sound, but Yu Lan Gang wanted to make a sound, but his sight was slightly frozen.

In the center of the open area in front of us is a dark Boulder, which is almost as high as Yu Lan and emits a strong smell of blood.

This stone looks familiar to Yu Lan. It\'s the blood sucking stone she saw down the blood river.

Then look behind the blood stone. Sure enough, I saw a blood River converging here to surround the blood stone.

The bloody smell became very strong here, which made Yu Lan wrinkle his nose uncomfortable.

So this is the end of the blood river? She had been here before, but she saw only a dead end and found no other way.

Mo Xiaobing looked at the blood River in front of him expressionless, as if he was not affected at all.

For Yu Lan, as like as two peas, she did not want to see such a scene full of blood. But for Mo Xiaobing, though he was exactly the same as Mo Xiao Huan, there were still some strange things in it.

Yi\'an doesn\'t care what Yu Lan is thinking at this time. He walks to the front of the blood stone with the blood water spreading to his knees. He doesn\'t know how to toss about. The circle centered on the blood stone rippled for several circles.

The blood River, which was flowing regularly, splashed with water because it was forcibly changed its path.

It doesn\'t mean that Lan made any response. Mo Xiaohuan suddenly hugged her arm and turned up in an extremely regular way through the stone road under their feet. The excess blood was drained to other places, and an ice like step appeared at their feet.

A lot of blood drained out in time flowed down the stairs, and soon there was only the sound of ticking water.

Without looking at Yu Lan, Yi An went down the stairs directly.

Yu Lan followed up without affectation.

The stairs are very cold. The chilly feeling is enough to freeze an ordinary person into an ice sculpture.

Fortunately, Yu Lan and Yi An are resistant to cold. Ink Xiaobing uses ice spirit to control ice, and is not afraid of these cold ideas.

At this time, Yu Lan suddenly noticed that there were many dark black roots on his head, and several thick roots led straight to the unknown area below along the nearby stone wall.

Stretch out his hand to pinch a thick and long root in his hand. Yu Lan gently pinched it, but he directly pinched the root from round to flat.

Is this beard empty?

Looking carefully, Yu Lan could see what liquid was flowing down the root. She sniffed it gently, and she smelled a slight smell of blood.

Suddenly there was a strange idea in his heart. Yu Lan raised his eyes to see the top. Before his thoughts took shape, Mo Xiaobing on his side solved her doubts in time, "at this time, the root of the blood stone can supply blood for people."

Yu Lan twisted her eyebrows and looked at Yi An\'s back. Her eyes were a little complicated.

"What on earth is the blood stone? If it only supplies blood, why bother?"

"Blood stone can completely integrate different blood types, different organisms and different kinds of blood to form a complete and pure blood." Mo Xiaobing spread out his small hand and explained that his pale fingertips pulled out a thin root.

After the roots were pulled out, they quickly turned into a pool of blood and silently penetrated through the fingers of ink Xiaobing.

Pale eyes were stained with a smile. Mo Xiaobing bent his eyes and extended his hand to Yu Lan standing aside. He violated the rules and sold Meng, "Mom, can you wipe it for me?"

When Mo Xiaohuan said this, his eyes were watery and innocent.

"..." Yu lanmo finds a towel on his hand and wipes ink Xiaobing\'s hand.

Mo Xiaohuan seems a little more clever than Mo Xiaobing? Yu Lan couldn\'t help thinking of it when he wiped Mo Xiaobing\'s hands.

At the same time that the idea of blue appeared, Mo Xiaobing flattened his mouth wrongly and looked like he was going to cry again, "doesn\'t mom like me?"

I always felt that Mo Xiaobing had learned from her. Yu Lan coughed gently, shook her head and said, "No."

Mo Xiaobing, who got Yu Lan\'s answer, smiled again, smiling brightly like a little sun.

Yu Lan pinched her face. After wiping her hands, he continued to hold her hand down and followed Yi An to the bottom safely.

The light at the bottom layer was neither good nor bad, but Yu Lan noticed that there was no ice spirit here. To be exact, there was no ice spirit on the step below the blood stone.

"Yu Lan, I\'m trying to save my brother."