Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 667

"What are you happy about?"

Yu Lan\'s voice suddenly sounded in Mo Xiaobing\'s ear. She looked at Yu Lan close at hand and shyly lowered her head.

"Nice to meet you."

Listening to Mo Xiaobing\'s weak voice, Yu Lan raised his eyebrows, straightened up and whispered, "you\'re not Xiaohuan. You shouldn\'t have seen me."

As like as two peas of ice, he explained to her, and he looked at her and came out of the voice. "What\'s more, Xiao Huan\'s appearance was because he saw him."

Listening to Yu Lan\'s emotional voice, there was still a moment of solidification on Mo Xiaobing\'s face. Fortunately, she provoked a smile in time. Unfortunately, Yu Lan clearly captured the stiffness of her expression.

"Because... Xiao Huan and I actually share the same body." bending his eyes, Mo Xiaobing still explained honestly.

"Sharing body?" Yu Lan was stunned. He didn\'t know what he thought and frowned.

Mo Xiaohuan\'s real body she has seen is a huge existence like shrem.

"So I know everything she sees, hears and thinks." I looked up at Yu Lan carefully. Mo Xiaobing\'s bright white eyes were filled with a strange smile. "I saw you from her eyes, but it was the first time to see the real you."

Nothing is impossible in this world... Yu Lan sighed secretly in her heart, but she didn\'t find anything suspicious from Mo Xiaobing\'s answer.

Reaching out and actively holding Yu Lan\'s hand, Mo Xiaobing raised his eyelids and asked pitifully, "Mom... You won\'t hate me because of this?"

Really can\'t stand Mo Xiaohuan\'s pitiful expression with this face. Yu Lan puffed his cheeks and didn\'t directly answer Mo Xiaobing\'s words, but his hand was a little tighter.

"Why are you sealed in an icicle?"

After listening to Yu Lan\'s question, Mo Xiaobing thought about it in his heart for a moment before he said loudly, "I was hurt by Mo Xiaohuan!"

"Hurt by Xiao Huan?" Yu Lan was stunned.

Yi\'an looked back at Mo Xiaobing at this time, and soon turned his head expressionless, as if it was none of his business.

"It was her who should have been sealed in the icicle, but she begged the night stop to take her out!" said Mo Xiaobing. There was a gnashing of teeth in her voice, "I can only stay here alone."

"So where should you go?" Yu Lan quickly grasped the key point.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would ask this question directly. A ferocious color flashed on Mo Xiaobing\'s face. When LAN didn\'t have time to catch it, he whispered, "I originally... Wanted to stay here."

She raised her eyes to Yu Lan, and a small face was full of tears. "Originally, we both wanted to stay here, but in the end, I was the only one to bear these."

"But you just said you were hurt by Xiaohuan." Yu Lan reached out and wiped Mo Xiaobing\'s tears, but his eyes kept staring at the expression on her face.

"Originally we just stayed here, but because she left, Yezhi sealed me with icicles to prevent someone from breaking into here in order to prevent me from leaving too." Mo Xiaobing looked at Yu Landao seriously, "Yi\'an walking in front of you is the person who tried to break into here before."

Yi\'an stopped and looked at Mo Xiaobing expressionless, but she didn\'t look unhappy, as if she said a common thing.

"If I remember correctly," Yi An\'s voice was provocative. "You just said you haven\'t seen me at all?"

Mo Xiaobing pursed his lips and ignored Yi\'an. He just looked at Yu Lan weakly and explained, "I\'m just afraid of my mother. You don\'t believe me. You seem to be the enemy with Yi\'an. I don\'t want you to know that I actually know him."

Shrem\'s mind is really hard to understand

Yu Lan nodded oddly, but still looked at Mo Xiaobing seriously, "do you hate Xiaohuan?"

"Of course!" Mo Xiaobing said directly, "she went out and did what she wanted freely, but I was sealed into the icicle by her. How can I not hate her!"

Then Mo Xiaohuan covered his mouth nervously, looked at Yu Lan and began to cry, "Mom, will you hate me because of this? I like you very much."

Unexpectedly, Mo Xiaobing cried. Yu Lan sighed, touched her head and comforted, "we\'ll talk about this after we go back to see Mo Xiaohuan."

Yu Lan knows that if she can know what Mo Xiaohuan sees and hears according to what Mo Xiaobing said, she should know that Mo Xiaohuan doesn\'t live well in human hands. Although she hasn\'t been sealed in the icicle, she has been locked in a cage and abused.

Then the reason why Mo Xiaobing hates Mo Xiaohuan is not tenable.

After taking a deep look at Yu Lan, Mo Xiaobing lowered her eyes and whispered, "although she is also imprisoned by humans outside, the feeling of being frozen is even worse..... I also want to see her and ask her why she betrayed me and left me here."

Side eyes saw Mo Xiaobing lowering his head, as if he was just talking to himself. Yu Lan frowned, and suddenly there was a cool feeling in his heart.

How do you feel like you\'ve been seen through?

However, Mo Xiaobing didn\'t make a sound anymore. He just squeezed Yu Lan\'s hand and walked next to her.

At this time, although the road they took was still not very bright, the light blue light on the walls on both sides would not plunge them into complete darkness.

Therefore, Yu Lan also saw that the road he walked under his feet was no longer a rough dirt road, but something was paved on it. When he walked up, he was flat and comfortable.

Looking at the straight figure in front, Yu Lan touched his chin and said, "Yi An, do you want to go to the space mentioned by Mo Xiaobing?"

"None of your business?" Yi An said coldly, without even looking back.

"Can\'t you get in because you can\'t beat Mo Xiaobing?" he didn\'t care about Yi An\'s attitude. Yu Lan continued to ask after picking up his eyebrows.

It seems that Yu Lan\'s questions made Yi an impatient. Yi An turned back and glared at her. As soon as she was about to make a noise, she saw Mo Xiaobing\'s smiling expression.

The words in his mouth were finally swallowed by him. He pinched his fist, turned his head and no longer looked at Yu Lan, but the voice came faintly, "I can\'t even beat Bing Ling."

"Ice spirit?"

"That\'s the ice spirit." Mo Xiaobing reached out and touched the little creature with blue light on the wall and said with a smile, "I remember, mom, you named an ice spirit Guji? What a nice name."