Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 660

"This is..." thinking of the cruel means of these people, Qin Huai glanced and had no way for a moment.

On the fifth floor, he didn\'t see anything. It must be false, but he can accept those scenes, which doesn\'t mean that ordinary people can accept them.

Qin Huai\'s tangled appearance inexplicably pleased Qu Yaoyao. She suddenly said with a smile, "but since you put it forward, I can find my sister to mention it. I can always find one or two people to teach my children."

Then Qu Yaoyao thought of something and added, "Yang Chu seems good, but this guy is colder and looks like an icicle."

"Yang Chu?" I know that Yang Chu is not only the existence of the Defense Department, but also the person who manages the size of the alliance.

Yang Chu also met him. He is about the same age as Gong Gaoge, but his sense of maturity always makes people ignore his age.

"He must not care." Qin Huai thought.

Yang Chu wants to manage the big and small affairs in the desire alliance. How can he have time to be a teacher for the children.

"I didn\'t say I had to choose him." Qu Yaoyao said childishly. "I just tell my sister that she will explain these things. You don\'t have to worry about it anymore. It\'s really easy to worry about eating radishes."

"I see." with Qu Yaoyao\'s words, Qin Huai naturally didn\'t have to say anything more. He bypassed Qu Yaoyao and continued to walk forward without even saying a word.

Is it too fast to cross the river and tear down the bridge?

"Don\'t go yet." seeing Qin Huai turning and leaving, Qu Yaoyao couldn\'t help raising his eyes and said, "I just saw the ark coming back with sister Linxue. You were outside just now. Do you know what happened?"

"How could I know?" Qin Huai turned back and said, "I saw the ark holding a woman. Who knows what happened."

"It\'s useless. Why should I ask you?" he stared at Qin Huai contemptuously. Qu Yaoyao just sorted out the supply in his hand and simply walked to the desire alliance. "I\'d better ask xiuhuang directly."

Knowing that the relationship between Qu Yaoyao and xiuhuang Zui emperor was always much better than that of ordinary people, Qin Huai hesitated and simply followed up, brazenly said, "take me one and let me be familiar with xiuhuang."

"You have such a cheeky face that you are invulnerable." Qu Yaoyao sneered at Qin Huai.

"I\'m flattered." Qin Huai said with a smile.


Qu Yao was speechless and hummed coldly, making his steps bigger.

Xiuqi was staring at Zui Linxue, who was still stained with blood, frowning. There were surging waves brewing in his black eyes.

"You mean... Boss, he\'s hurt?"

"Yes," said the ark, "don\'t tell me I\'m lying. I don\'t have the courage to talk nonsense about such things."

He glared at the ark, and the neat chain wrapped around the Ark\'s neck in the next second. The fierce strength almost stirred the Ark\'s neck off.

Qin Huai followed Qu Yaoyao and saw the scene as soon as he came in, and his footsteps were subconsciously on guard.

"Make it clear." he slammed the ark against the wall next to him, and Xiuqi\'s face became more and more gloomy.

"Cough, cough..."

Embarrassed to get up, the ark touched his neck and gasped for breath.

As soon as he entered the desire League, he followed Xiuqi. This was the first time he was choked to death by Xiuqi.

Standing up, he didn\'t dare to delay. He quickly explained to Xiuqi how mowen was hurt. Sure enough, Xiuqi was murderous after listening. He just stood still and exuded a cold smell like a god of death.

Xiuqi\'s strength seems to be much stronger.

The ark pondered on one side.

"Who is protecting the boss now?" Xiuqi suddenly said.

"Mo Xiaohuan, and two zombies of his sister-in-law." Fang Zhou said with a curl of his mouth.

"How can it be protected!" the green veins at the corners of his forehead jumped up wildly. He clenched his teeth, sneered, and simply turned around to leave the desire alliance.

Qin Huai stood at the door and just met him. At the moment, he could only smile awkwardly.

"Hey, don\'t get excited, xiuhuang." Xiuqi was stopped by the market and the ark said impetuously, "sister-in-law didn\'t mean to let you pass. You\'d better not leave your post without permission."

"The boss is injured now. How can I continue to stay here?!" Xiuqi said coldly.

Is Mervyn hurt? Qin Huai blinked and looked at Qu Yaoyao. At the same time, he saw the shock of the other party\'s fundus.

What strength is mo Wen? They all know it. Now someone can hurt him? It should hurt a lot to see a neat attitude.

"The boss left you here to let you hold back the people who are attacking the desire alliance. What should we do if you leave and we can\'t keep it?" the ark whispered. "When these people don\'t find Mo Xiaohuan in the desire alliance, they will naturally go to the boss. If you go, don\'t you make trouble for the boss?"

What Fang Zhou said was reasonable. Xiuqi was obviously convinced and his mood was a little stable.

He never had any twists and turns in his mind. He always did what he thought. Therefore, at the beginning, ink would bring him together with drunken night.

But he and drunk night haven\'t seen each other for a while.

Looking at the ark with a sigh of relief, Xiuqi sipped his lower lip and asked gloomily, "is there no news at all?"

"My sister-in-law has gone to find it." I think Xiuqi was worried about Mo Wen before he asked about drunkenness. The ark sighed, "as long as the drunken emperor is still alive, my sister-in-law can certainly be found."

Xiuqi heard the speech, lowered his eyelids, put his eyes on Zui Linxue again and asked, "what happened? The guy who is drunk all night is not easy to be caught."

We don\'t know the specific situation. At that time, Zui Linxue was as excited as crazy. We couldn\'t ask anything at all. My sister-in-law directly knocked me out and brought it here.

Hearing this, Xiuqi\'s frown became tighter. He stared at Zui Linxue and thought whether to have a basin of cold water to wake her up first.


At this time, Qu Yaoyao, who had been ignored, came forward and glanced at Zui Linxue. Then he looked at Xiuqi, "the boss is injured... Is it true?"

"Didn\'t you just hear that?" Qu Yaoyao and Qu Miaomiao were also absolutely loyal to ink, so Fang didn\'t care about the Tao, but he narrowed his eyes and didn\'t say much when he saw Qin Huai.

Xiuqi did not pay attention to Qinhuai. In his eyes, this small role of Qinhuai was not worth thinking about.

"Then we have to block the news. For the time being, we can\'t let too many people know about it." Qu Yaoyao thought, consistent with the idea before the ark.

"Now only we know, but I just sent someone to call Qu Miaomiao and Yangchu, and they will come later." seeing Xiuqi didn\'t mean to speak, the ark could only continue.