Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 659

It seemed that he was aware of Qin Huai\'s eyes. Xiuqi turned back and glanced coldly. Although he was only twenty up and down, this eye was quite powerful.

Qinhuai subconsciously lowered his head and smiled.

Seeing the face of Qin Huai, Xiuqi took back his eyes and no longer paid attention.

The people who want to join the League change quickly. One second you may still be a newcomer to the league. The next second you don\'t know where to die

"So fierce." when Xiuqi disappeared, he threw his lips and thought.

"Xiuhuang just doesn\'t like to communicate with people. People are not bad." seeing Qin Huai muttering with his head down, Tang Han couldn\'t help laughing and walked forward. His tone is full of worship, "he is strong and good to us."

"Really?" Qin Huai was skeptical, "but I asked the people who wanted to join the alliance before. They all said that xiuhuang was a... Complete pervert."

"How many good people can you have?" Tang Han asked.

"Are you?" Qin Huai raised his chin.

"I dare not say I am a good man, but I will not do anything against my principles." Tang Han looked down at the bloody short blade in his hand and smiled bitterly in silence.

The person who kills is naturally not a good person, no matter what the reason.

But can this good man really live?

The benevolent face of the ancient book Huan appeared in his mind. Tang Han clenched his fist and his eyes were full of hate.

Although my uncle was in the lust League, he was a good man, but what did he get?

"Hello..." when Tang Han said, Qin Huai couldn\'t help shaking his hand in front of him. He helplessly spread his hands and said, "don\'t show such terrible eyes, OK? How old are you."

"Xiuhuang is only five years older than me." Tang Han said faintly, and his shy face gradually became cold. "My goal is to be like him."

At this time, Tang Han\'s hands were stained with blood and his face was cold. His hostility was really similar to Xiuqi.

Seeing Tang Han like this for the first time, Qin Huai\'s Adam\'s apple rolled down, narrowed his eyes and raised his hand, which directly brought a chestnut to Tang Han\'s head.

"What goals do you set at a young age? Xiuhuang is like that... That\'s special. You just need to grow up well. The current desire alliance will definitely give you a safe growth environment."

Listening to Qinhuai\'s words, Tang Han couldn\'t help raising his head and looked at Qinhuai with dark eyes, "Special? Although I don\'t know what xiuhuang went through before, I watched my father become a zombie and bite my mother and only sister to death. I finally met uncle Gu, but I still watched him killed. Do you think I can really grow up in a safe environment? Don\'t be funny!"

Tang Han\'s tone was full of coolness that could penetrate into his bones.

Qin Huai pursed his lips. As soon as he was about to speak, Tang Han gradually restrained the gloomy color on his face. He bowed his head and coughed, looking like the shy boy again.

"I\'m sorry... Maybe it\'s because I killed someone. I\'m a little excited."

The speed at which Tang Han changed his face made Qin Huai feel a little creepy. He shook his head expressionless, hiding the emotion under his eyes.

"In short, my goal is to become a strong man like xiuhuang, but I don\'t necessarily become a bad man." explained to Qinhuai, Tang Han scratched his head. Seeing that Qinhuai didn\'t speak, he simply went straight to Yumeng.

Does the child have any misunderstanding about the word bad?

"Tang Han." Qin Huai stopped him and said with a smile, "do you drink now?"

"Don\'t drink." Tang Han scratched his head, "I\'m not an adult."

"Why pay attention to these at this time? Come and make an appointment with me tonight and I\'ll bring you delicious food." he stepped forward and patted Tang Han on the shoulder. Qin Huai jumped into the desire alliance before he refused to take the lead.

Tang Han stood in situ and watched the figure of Qinhuai disappear. His face was a lot deeper.

Qu Yaoyao was helping to sort out the material supply. Seeing Qin Huai coming with a calm face, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Yo, why do you look like eating shit?"

Qin Huai was speechless. He glanced at Qu Yao, leaned against the wall and replied without showing weakness, "have you eaten?"

Qu Yao raised her eyebrows. As soon as Qin Huai opened her mouth, she felt something was wrong.

Although Qin Huai usually choked with her, his tone was joking. At this time, his tone was obviously a little unhappy.

"What\'s the matter? You still hold your breath when you go out?"

Unexpectedly, Qu Yaoyao found that he was in a wrong mood. Qin Huai simply restrained his smile and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

Qu Yao stopped talking and lowered his head to continue sorting out the supply.

Qu Miaomiao is now interrogating those who try to break into their alliance, and these supplies can only be left to her.

"You said... It\'s really good for you to keep the children here and let them be influenced by your abnormal behavior all day?" Qin Huai raised his eyelids after a while.

"Are you looking for trouble?" Qu Yaoyao rolled his eyes. "My sister-in-law has long told us not to allow any of us to do any abnormal behavior in front of the children, and let sister Miao give them normal education."

Specially biting the word "normal", Qu Yaoyao stared at Qin Huai with a sneer, "do you look down on us?"


Qinhuai only felt inexplicable, "what ghost, I\'m one of you now. Don\'t I look down on you just look down on myself? I can do it."

Feeling that the answer was barely acceptable, Qu Yaoyao snorted and didn\'t open his eyes.

"But Qu Miaomiao was originally a madman. Can she teach the children to be normal?" Qin Huai was still very tangled. He recalled Tang Han\'s terrible eyes and couldn\'t help shivering. "Can we find a normal person to teach them?"

Qu Yaoyao narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth, but he couldn\'t refute Qin Huai\'s words. He was right. Perverts pretend to be normal people again, and their way of thinking is always different from ordinary people.

"We didn\'t decide that," she said.

"But I don\'t think the top will stop it. After all, the desire alliance is still very free." Qin Huai thought, "not to mention we are for the good of the children."

At the thought that the little angels such as Guzhu and Guzhu would grow into Xiuqi Qu Yaoyao, Qinhuai felt his fingers cold and his head faint.

Having good living conditions is the most important thing for children to grow up healthily.

"The top will not stop, but tell me which normal person is willing to come to our desire alliance? It\'s better if he doesn\'t be scared to death." imperceptibly, Qu Yaoyao also called "we" after Qin Huai.