Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 661

Qu Yaoyao nodded his head and saw drunk Linxue\'s eyelids move when he lowered his eyes.

"Sister Lin Xue?" she squatted down and called.

Seeing that drunk Linxue had the meaning of waking up, everyone put their eyes on her, and the room was quiet for a moment.

Drunk Linxue only felt pain all over. She slowly opened her eyes, and her godless eyes slowly scanned a circle of people.

"Xiuhuang!" his eyes stayed on Xiuqi\'s body. Drunk Linxue\'s pupils shrank and sat up with his aching body, "go and save my brother. He was caught by Yi An!"

Xiuqi frowned and felt that Zui Linxue\'s mood was really unstable.

Qin Huai stood aside and looked at drunk Linxue curiously. He secretly thought about who Yi An was and could win the famous drunk night.

"Sister Linxue, calm down first." Qu Yaoyao hurried forward and comforted. However, drunk Linxue couldn\'t listen to her at this time. Drunk Linxue screamed, pushed away the nearest Qu Yaoyao and rushed directly towards Xiuqi.

Xiuqi grabbed Zui Linxue\'s arm with his backhand and pulled her to his side.

Drunk Linxue\'s mood was still unstable. She struggled violently and looked at Xiuqi\'s eyes with resentment, "why don\'t you save my brother, you don\'t save myself!"

Silently looking at drunk Linxue splashing around him, Xiuqi didn\'t do anything too much although he was gloomy.

"What\'s the matter?" just then Qu Miaomiao and Yang Chu came in side by side.

Qu Miaomiao saw Zui Linxue screaming. At that moment, he thought Xiuqi had done something to hurt Zui Linxue, and his eyes were cold.

"Sister, please persuade sister Linxue." seeing Qu Miaomiao coming in, Qu Yaoyao hurried forward, and there was still some helplessness in his tone.

Then he realized that drunk Linxue was really crazy. Qu Miaomiao went up, pulled drunk Linxue\'s wrist from Xiuqi\'s hand, and looked at her eyes seriously.

Her power can not only control her thinking, but also affect her mood. It\'s not difficult to make Zui Linxue quiet.

It seems to be confused by Qu Miaomiao\'s eyes. The struggle range of drunk Linxue gradually lightened a lot, until he completely gave up the struggle, quietly hung down his hands and stood in place.

"Sister Linxue, can you tell me what happened?" Qu Miaomiao was relieved and asked in a low voice.

Drunk Linxue didn\'t make a sound. She just lowered her head and cried silently.

Seeing drunk Linxue\'s mood finally stabilized, Xiuqi wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "don\'t cry first, tell us what happened. Why was the guy suddenly caught drunk all night?"

Hearing Xiuqi\'s almost cold voice, Zui Linxue took a breath and said with a tired face, "Yi\'an suddenly found my brother. Fortunately, my brother knew that he was a bad comer and had been ready long ago. Yi\'an couldn\'t do anything about him."

"But the drunk emperor was still captured." Qu Miaomiao also frowned.

"Because... Yi\'an suddenly attacked me, my brother he..." Zui Linxue began to cry again when she said this. She bit her lower lip tightly and didn\'t even frown when she bit blood. "In order to protect me, he directly suffered Yi\'an\'s attack and was taken away by Yi\'an."

So it is. No wonder Zui Linxue has been blaming himself.

The people knew clearly in their hearts. Qu Miaomiao sighed and simply stepped forward to hold Zui Linxue\'s arm and comforted her, "we all know the strength of Zui emperor. With his self-healing ability, Yi An\'s damage to him should not be fatal."

Hearing the ark, he quickly nodded, but he saw with his own eyes that drunk night was like his head was blown back. The injury Yi An could cause to him should not be more serious.

Hearing Qu Miaomiao\'s comfort, drunk Linxue lowered his head and said bitterly, "I know."

"Since sister Linxue, you know why you can\'t calm down?" Qu Yaoyao glanced aside. "My sister-in-law has personally gone to find the drunk emperor. We can rest assured."

"It\'s all my incompetence." Zui Linxue squatted on the ground with his face covered, and the whole person was swallowed by despair.

The self reproach in her heart has completely drowned her. Now even if she just thought of the scene of saving her drunk all night, the whole person can\'t stop trembling.

See drunk Linxue began to blame himself again. In addition to Qu Miaomiao\'s two sisters, others don\'t care. Don\'t open your eyes.

"I think the most important thing now is to block the news of the drunk emperor\'s disappearance and the boss\'s injury." Yang Chu, who has been looking at all this without expression, said faintly, "now the desire alliance is relatively scattered. If anyone wants to do something unfavorable to the boss, we can\'t know clearly."

"Yes, isn\'t Gu Cheng always clamoring to get rid of the boss? I guess this idea hasn\'t changed much now." Qu Miaomiao whispered.

"And LV Shi." Xiuqi also said, "he has been at odds with drunk night."

"It\'s true." he was closer to LV Shi. Zui Linxue nodded expressionless and looked calm at last.

Staring at drunk Linxue\'s calm eyes, Qu Miaomiao suddenly had a bad hunch, but she didn\'t ask anything.

"Do we continue to stand still now?" the ark couldn\'t help looking at Yang Chu and Qu Miao.

At this time, Xiuqi should have the highest status among the people. However, Xiuqi will never deal with these messy things. It may be faster for him to solve someone.

"Hold still for the time being." Yang nodded. He looked at Qu Miaomiao, and sure enough, he saw that she had no objection.

"But is it enough for the drunken emperor to let his sister-in-law go alone?" Qu Yaoyao thought about it or interrupted, "and the boss... Do we want to send some trustworthy people to protect him first?"

Reaching out and patting Qu Yaoyao on the shoulder, Qu Miaomiao shook his head and said, "now we don\'t have any extra hands to transfer. Even if we do, do you think other people who want to alliance are fools? So the best thing we can do now is to stand still and trust my sister-in-law."

"Boss, who\'s protecting now?" Yang Chu asked cautiously.

"My sister-in-law arranged two zombies for protection." the ark whispered, "the strength of those two zombies is not weak. Ordinary people should not hurt the boss."

"I heard that Xu Jielin can also control the zombie now. He is in the south. Will it affect his sister-in-law\'s control?" Yang Chu thought.

"When I saw my sister-in-law fighting with Xu Jielin, Xu Jielin did control a lot of zombies, but those around her sister-in-law were not controlled." recalling the scene seen on the battlefield before, Fang Zhou said firmly, "it must be reassuring that my sister-in-law can hand over the boss to the two zombies."

"That\'s good." even when Yang Chu asked these questions, he still didn\'t have half an expression on his face, and his cold face looked like a stranger.