Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 658

"This..." I can probably think of the scene at that time. After Qin Huai was silent for two seconds, his eyes suddenly brightened and said, "wait, you mean you did the weapons robbed in the north before?"

"Who else would it be?" Gong Gaoge smiled. "That was my first mission."

Hearing this, Qin Huai suddenly became interested, "then you should have a lot of weapons now. Where do you put them?"

"I don\'t know. I didn\'t stay here much time. I\'ve been maintaining order at your white envoy base before." Gong Gaoge said honestly, "you can ask sister Miaomiao."

"Yes, thank you." seeing that Gong Gaoge didn\'t know how disappointed Qin Huai was, he nodded and said, "you can go to the fifth floor to find Qu Miaomiao now."

He really didn\'t want to continue chatting with Qinhuai. Gong Gaoge nodded and was going to the elevator.

As soon as he turned around, he didn\'t know what steps he thought. He looked back and hesitated, "the nine lives you said before should be your friends. Can you really kill him?"

It seemed that Gong Gaoge would suddenly ask himself such a question. Qin Huai was stunned for a moment and then said with a careless smile, "he took his Yangguan road and I took my single wooden bridge. I\'m not a passer-by. What can\'t do."

"Then you\'re really heartless." Gong Gaoge curled his lips, turned and continued to walk forward. In his opinion, if one day they were enemies with themselves, he would never be able to kill so decisively.

But they should not have a hostile day.

Heartless, he threw these messy ideas aside. Gong Gaoge was very excited and went to Qu Miaomiao. He didn\'t know what he was enjoying.

"Heartless?" he stood in place and whispered again. Qinhuai reluctantly lowered his head and covered the complex color of the bottom of his eyes.

If he doesn\'t kill nine lives now, he will die by himself. He doesn\'t have such a high consciousness to die by himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Huai couldn\'t help laughing at himself and moved his neck twice to ask LV Shi about weapons.

Most men like the army. Fire weapon, he is no exception.

After asking several people, no one knew LV Shi\'s whereabouts. Qin Huai frowned and wanted to ask again, but when he heard several people, he suddenly heard a harsh alarm. He sighed helplessly and began to run outside the desire alliance.

In recent days, more and more people have attacked the desire alliance. The desire alliance people are happy to fight a defensive war. All the people who can be caught have been tied to the depressed fifth floor. I don\'t know how many are still alive now.

Following several fellow travelers to the outside, Qin Huai talked with the people around him.

"Are you going outside too?" Tang Han was a little shy, but he still smiled at Qin Huai.

Qin Huai met Tang Han several times and knew that he was the one who took care of the children.

"It\'s boring to stay." Qin Huai smiled, "but how can you go out? I remember you have to take care of the children."

Tang Han smiled wisely, "Jiuxi helped me take care of it. I learned some self-protection ability with sister Miaomiao a while ago. I\'ll want to go out and practice it."

"That\'s a good idea." Qin Huai shrugged, "but you have to pay attention to your safety. There are so many brothers and sisters under you."

"I know, I will do what I can." Tang Han said wisely.

Although Tang Han is only a 15-year-old boy, he is not as sensible as Qin Huai.

He was not a person with a flood of love. Qin Huai told him not to say more. Once on the ground, he directly joined the war.

At this time, it is not too much to say that there are corpses everywhere. There are incomplete corpses everywhere. At this time, the originally calm lake is bright with fresh blood.

The black fish is happy to eat these corpses in the lake. It usually stays in the lake and can\'t eat these fresh meat except some mutated small fish.

The smell of blood permeated around, mixed with a rotten and moldy smell.

Xiuqi stood alone by the lake, the chain in his hand quietly surrounded him, and the glittering blood color flickered like a ghost, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"It\'s endless." Xiuqi only felt a burst of impatience after sweeping those people who rushed again. He gradually provoked a bloodthirsty smile under his gloomy face.

The chain in his hand flew out in an instant and pierced the head of a man running in the front in the blink of an eye.

"Continue to attack." Gao Gao raised his men\'s orders, repaired his dark combat clothes, covered with blood stains, and the dark color was hidden in the depths, revealing only a strong smell of blood.

After receiving the order to repair, the people of the alliance immediately launched an attack. They screamed and laughed, just like the fierce ghost who just ran out of hell and enjoyed the life of the reaper.

Qin Huai is also among these people. He is not very excited, but his hands rise and fall, his eyebrows and eyes are slow and indifferent.

With a flame, he burned a man who tried to sneak into him to ashes.

The battle soon ended. In recent days, all the people who want to join the alliance are not belligerent, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. On the contrary, all these attacking people are full of fear and trembling without any fighting spirit.

Qinhuai looked at Xiuqi calmly taking people to clean up the battlefield, and suddenly felt that the name of xiuhuang was really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This Xiuqi is younger than him, but he is much more fierce than him in killing humans, and his strength is absolutely strong.

"Yo, xiuhuang, I\'m back."

Just as the people who wanted to join the alliance crowded together and said something excitedly, a voice suddenly rang. When they raised their eyes, they saw the ark running over with drunk Linxue, dusty.

"How did you come back?" unexpectedly, the ark would suddenly come back. Xiuqi frowned and asked. He looked at the drunk Linxue who was still in a coma, and his face was more gloomy. "What\'s the matter?"

"I\'m afraid I have to tell you this alone." Fang Zhou said, "but now we have to settle Zui Linxue down first. My sister-in-law told me not to let her commit suicide. She woke up many times all the way and knocked me unconscious."

Xiuqi didn\'t care about the Ark\'s attitude towards drunk Linxue. He nodded, glanced around and saw that there was really nothing wrong before he went to the desire alliance with the ark.

Qin Huai, who was sitting on the ground, looked at them curiously and wanted to ask to ease his curiosity. He hesitated for a long time, but he didn\'t find a reason, so he had to give up.

He is still a little afraid of Xiuqi. It\'s not that he thinks Xiuqi is strong, but the cold momentum makes people shudder.