Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 657

"Yesterday..." Qin Huai sighed, "I received the news, but I really don\'t want to go."

"Why, don\'t you dare to see your good partner?" Qu Yaoyao said contemptuously, "you are too timid."

Qu Yaoyao has had a bicker since Qinhuai came. They obviously don\'t have deep hatred, but they don\'t have a good atmosphere.

Qu Yaoyao can\'t stand Qinhuai\'s silly eating all day. Qinhuai can\'t stand Qu Yaoyao\'s mean appearance of picking his nose and eyes all day.

"That\'s not true. I just think I\'ll starve to death if I leave Yumeng." knowing that Qu Yaoyao doesn\'t like him, Qin Huai has to pick what she hates.

Sure enough, Qu Yaoyao turned his eyes and despised her. She had never seen such a person who could eat so much when she was so old!

"What\'s more, nine lives and I are different. We don\'t plan on each other. Even if we meet, there\'s nothing to say." Qin Huai ate the bread in his hand and squinted at Qu Yaoyao. "The boss asked me to go this time. It\'s estimated that I solved nine lives. It doesn\'t matter if I go later."

"You are cold-blooded." Qu Yaoyao was curious at the moment, "but you can really do it then?"

Qinhuai, who was eating, was silent for a moment. After a long time, he raised his eyes and said, "yes."

"Then I\'ll follow you to have a look. Don\'t be beaten in the face." Qu Yaoyao sneered.

For the first time, seeing that Qu Yaoyao was so wrong with others, Gong Gaoge scratched his head and stood aside, afraid to make a sound.

In his eyes, Qu Miaomiao has always been gentle and generous, while Qu Yaoyao is a lively, cheerful and active type. He rarely targets a person like this.

"OK, but since you want to see my joke, let\'s make a bet." but you don\'t care about Qu Yaoyao\'s sarcasm. Qin Feng spread his hand and leaned against the guardrail behind him and said with a smile, "how about, dare you?"

"There\'s nothing to be afraid of." Qu Yaoyao sneered at Qin Huai with a slight contempt. "Say it, what\'s the bet?"

"If I go to the south to kill nine lives, I will win. If I can\'t move my hand, you will win." Qin Huai said with a wanton smile. It seems that he doesn\'t care about the life or death of nine lives at all.

It seemed that Qin Huai would not attack nine lives. Qu Yaoyao hummed coldly, "Gee, yes, what\'s the bet?"

"If I win, you can\'t care how much I eat." Qin Huai replied with a white eye to Qu Yaoyao. "To tell you the truth, you\'re not my mother. It\'s really annoying to manage."

"I just don\'t like you, who are good at nothing but eating, are lazy in our desire League." Qu Yaoyao went forward, bent down and looked directly into Qin Huai\'s eyes, "then similarly, if I win, you are not allowed to eat a mouthful of desire League food!"

"Deal!" Qin Huai\'s eyes flashed and raised his hand to clap hands with Qu Yao.

Gong Gaoge looked at Qin Huai and Qu Yaoyao foolishly. For a moment, he felt that people who wanted to league really couldn\'t understand it according to common sense.

After making a bet with Qinhuai, Qu Yaoyao didn\'t want to see this eye-catching guy. She raised her head and walked proudly past Qinhuai. She didn\'t forget to hit him hard when she rubbed his shoulder.

Clutching his shoulder, he gave a stuffy hum. When Qinhuai turned back, Qu Yaoyao had already left.

"It\'s childish," he muttered in a low voice.

You\'re both childish, okay! Gong Gaoge stood by with a black face.

"By the way, are you looking for Qu Miaomiao?" it seemed that he noticed that Gong Gaoge was still standing next to him. Qin Huai blinked his eyes and raised his head.

Gong Gaoge nodded. He didn\'t know why he felt constrained under Qin Huai\'s eyes.

"I saw Qu Miaomiao in front of me. She was on the fifth floor of the desire alliance." Qin Huai said.

"The fifth floor?" Gong Gaoge said incredulously, "how did you know? Did you go?"

"Yes." seeing Gong Gaoge\'s frightened appearance, Qin Huai was stunned and said, "what\'s the problem?"

"No, don\'t you know that the fifth floor is very scary? I haven\'t been in Yumeng for so long." Gong Gaoge said with a frightened face.

"Is there anything else to say?" obviously, I didn\'t expect that the fifth floor was so terrible in Yumeng. Qin Huai scratched his head in a muddle. After a while, he hesitated, "the bloody smell inside is really heavy, but each house on both sides is closed, and I can\'t see anything."

"I heard that it was a place where some perverts tortured people in the desire League." Gong Gaoge whispered, "it\'s terrible."

"Then I don\'t know. I didn\'t see anything." Qin Huai spread his hand, "but Qu Miaomiao seems to be interrogating the people who have been caught these two days. She didn\'t get any blood stains when I saw her."

When Qin Huai mentioned Qu Miaomiao, Gong Gaoge said excitedly, "sister Miaomiao doesn\'t need any torture tools to interrogate people."

"Why?" Qin Huai said strangely, "does it have anything to do with her powers?"

"Sister Miaomiao\'s power is mind control. As long as it\'s human, she can control it." Gong Gaoge said happily, "I think this is the most powerful power I\'ve ever seen."

Qin Huai didn\'t comment on Gong Gaoge\'s most powerful power. He just thought about it with his eyes down and said seriously, "is it more powerful than the boss?"

Most of the people in the desire League call Mo Wen the boss, and Qin Huai calls him so now.

"... well, boss, I\'m not included in the human range." Gong Gaoge scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Oh?" Qin Huai raised his eyes. Now he has just joined the desire alliance and is trying to understand all the things that can be understood in the desire alliance.

He and LV Shi have said a word or two now, which has made an overall change in the image of the desire alliance.

First of all, the desire alliance also has a stratum, led by Mohist, followed by various ministers.

However, although Qu Miaomiao and Zui Linxue are not at the ministerial level, they are indispensable in the desire alliance. At least they are respected by the people in the desire alliance.

Secondly, the atmosphere in the desire alliance can only be described in one word - freedom.

Everyone likes to do what they like, and no one cares about eating, drinking, playing and sleeping all day. However, once Mo Wen gives an order, everyone will not hesitate to implement it, and the way of implementation is to do it according to their own ideas.

It can be said that since he joined the desire alliance, he only felt unprecedented comfort. The only thing he didn\'t understand was Qu Yaoyao\'s inexplicable hostility.

"In fact, I don\'t know what the boss\'s power is." Gong Gaoge\'s voice made Qin Huai recover. When he raised his eyes, he saw Gong Gaoge scratch his head in some embarrassment. "I only know that once he went to rob the weapons from the north to the South with the boss. He waved his hand alone, and those guards died. He didn\'t even leave a complete body."