Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 656

Knowing that Yu Lan wanted drunk Linxue not to do anything stupid, the ark nodded. Anyway, he has nothing to do now.

Who wants to get drunk? Linxue stood up like crazy and shouted with tears on his face, "I don\'t want to go back to the league, I want to find my brother!"

Not equal to blue\'s voice, she continued to roar, "my brother, he was captured by Yi\'an to protect me. If I were not ordinary... If I could have some strength..."

He covered his face and sobbed. Drunk Linxue knelt down against the wall. The whole person was desperate.

Yu Lan touched his chin, but his gray eyes were full of peace.

"Since being drunk all night is for you, shouldn\'t you stay in a safe place now?"

Yu Lan\'s voice is very flat. If you listen carefully, you may still hear some impatience.

"I want to go with you." Zui Linxue\'s mood has collapsed. "I don\'t want to be a drag on my brother anymore. I want to save him. I promise I won\'t be a drag on you."

"You follow me is a drag." Yu Lan frowned. "Sister Lin Xue, I\'m going to the forest of death to find someone who is drunk all night. It\'s related to Arvin\'s life. I can\'t do my best. Just rest assured."

Zui Linxue shook her head, jumped up and pulled Yu Lan\'s arm. Her beautiful face was full of tears, "please take me..."

"Sister-in-law, I just thought of something." the ark shook his head and said, "how can you be sure that the drunk emperor will save the boss? The drunk emperor is the one who thinks of something."

"This is simple." Yu Lan\'s eyes have been completely cold. She raised her hand to get rid of drunk Linxue\'s hand and walked to the window with a sneer, "if he doesn\'t save, I\'ll kill drunk Linxue."

When Yu Lan said this, the whole person was full of murderous spirit. The fierce breath made drunk Linxue shiver.

"How can you!" drunk Linxue glared and couldn\'t believe it.

"Why can\'t I?" Yu Lan said faintly, "if you can beat me, I don\'t mind taking you."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Lan jumped down from the windowsill and landed steadily on the back of the Firebird.

Zui Linxue had completely lost her mind at this time. She raised her foot to chase out of the window, but was held by the ark.

"Stop it, drunk Linxue." seeing drunk Linxue still struggling, the ark sighed and cut her unconscious with a knife.

"Then protect the boss well. I\'ll go back to the league." they smiled politely at Yu Tian, and the ark grabbed drunk Linxue and walked outside the door.

Yu Tian naturally won\'t stop. He and Mo Xiaohuan looked at each other, took off their disguise and smiled coldly. "Insect, although I don\'t know why my sister treats you differently, just do your own thing well, and I\'ll deploy troops around you."

"That\'s really thanks." I don\'t like Yu Tian, a dark guy. Mo Xiaohuan sneered back. His face similar to Mo Wen looked really powerful.

Ignoring Mo Xiaohuan\'s dangerous eyes, Yu Tian went forward, bent down and looked at the completely frozen ink, frowned, "can my brother-in-law move?"

"As long as I don\'t leave him," Mo Xiaohuan said faintly.

"That\'s good." Yu Tian straightened up and stood up. "It\'s not easy to deploy defense here. I have to move you to the ground first."

"Just look at it. Anyway, my mother trusts you." thinking of Yu Lan\'s attitude towards Yu Tian, Mo Xiaohuan\'s face became more and more ugly. "You should not live up to your mother\'s expectations."

The darkness around Yu Tian didn\'t decay at all. That kind of gloomy feeling still gave her a feeling of despair.

"You don\'t have to worry about it." Yu Tian turned his eyes. "It\'s just a picked up bug. Do you really think you\'re your sister\'s daughter? Don\'t be self righteous."

"Isn\'t it enough that I am her daughter in mother\'s eyes?" she glanced at the sky with disdain, and Mo Xiaohuan snorted.

This undoubtedly poked Yu Tian\'s death. He clenched his teeth and stared at Mo Xiaohuan\'s proud smiling face. In the end, he didn\'t come forward to say anything.


"Qu Yaoyao, is sister Miaomiao there?" inside the alliance, Gong Gaoge\'s face turned red at the moment, changing his heroic appearance.

The disdained Gong Gaoge tilted his eyes, and Qu Yaoyao frowned, "aren\'t you arranged by the boss in the white envoy base? How did you come here?"

"We heard about Xu Jielin at the white envoy. There is no danger there. I\'ll come back to support the desire alliance headquarters." Gong Gaoge said with a smile, "sister Linxue is not here at the moment. Sister Miaomiao is in charge of the desire alliance. I\'m not here to report to her."

"What\'s the strength of your blushing?" Qu Yaoyao was speechless for a while, and she said unhappily, "and ah, I\'m as old as my sister, but you call her by my name. Is it unreasonable to call her slim sister?"

According to their age, Qu Miaomiao is indeed several years older than Gong Gaoge.

When Qu Yaoyao said this, Gong Gaoge suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "sorry, sister Yao."

"Stop!" Gong Gaoge called me goose bumps. Qu Yaoyao shook his arm and said more disgustingly, "you\'d better call me Qu Yaoyao. How do you call my sister? I feel that I\'m ten years old."

"Ah?" Gong Gaoge\'s face was numb. Before he could react, there was a burst of laughter behind him.

"Hahaha, brother, Yao Yao is talking about your old age." Qin Huai holds a bread in one hand and smiles as a bright beauty. "When I first met, my name was Qin Huai ha. I\'m new here."

Gong Gaoge nodded foolishly and introduced himself, "my name is Gong Gaoge, from the Ministry of aggression."

"Qinhuai, you\'re eating again. Are you a pig!" Qu Yaoyao opened his eyes and saw the bread in Qinhuai\'s hand. "You ate my meal for a month this morning, but you\'re still eating now!"

Powers eat very little. If they don\'t use powers, they may eat up to three or four compressed biscuits a month.

"Yao Yao, you don\'t know." since I was familiar, I took Qu Yaoyao\'s shoulder and Qin Huai said with an obscene smile, "Lust alliance is really great. I swear I didn\'t live a day of peace in the last world before I came to lust alliance. It\'s cool now."

The desire alliance does not lack food, and there are many kinds of food. It is simply a paradise for him to eat goods!

"If I remember correctly, didn\'t the boss let you go to the south? Dare you obey the sun and disobey the yin?" Qu Yaoyao leaned his hands against the wall and examined it from top to bottom. Qinhuai said, "yesterday, there was news from the south that you should see your good brother Jiuming."