Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 654

"Fix the wound?" Yu Tian looked at Yu Lan and said, "it\'s better to fix the whole person. If you only fix the wound, other functions of the body are still running, and there will be problems."

"You can do it. Rabbit, go to the basement of Shoucheng and help me find Xiaohuan." Yu Lan took a deep breath and turned to the window.

At this time, in her eyes, as long as there is a way to save Mo Wen\'s life.

Only a roar was heard, and a huge zombie jumped directly from the guardrail outside the window. With the dull landing sound and the screams of a few people, the rabbit had already disappeared.

Yu Lan continued to sit beside Mo Wen, gently lying on his body, trying not to let his sad mood leak out.

"You will be fine."

Standing in front of the window, Yu Tian glanced out of the window and thought for a moment before turning his head and looking at Yu Lan, "sister, my brother-in-law will be fine."

"I won\'t let him do anything." Yu Lan said firmly.

The first time I found Yu Lan\'s firm eyes, Yu Tian was stunned, and then nodded his head.

Seeing that Yu Lan lowered his head and looked at Mo Wen, he opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time before saying, "actually... I\'m a power."

Yu\'s blue and gray eyes flashed for a moment, and his eyelids dropped without making a sound.

"My powers are special." Yu Tian looked at his palm and said, "I don\'t have any ability to attack others. I can only protect myself."

"Can you be immune to damage?" Yu Lan finally raised his head.

"Almost." looking at his palm, Yu Tian\'s eyes were undisguised doubts. "In fact, my ability had appeared before the end of the world. I wouldn\'t have anything to do whether I ate highly toxic food or was hit by a car."

Yu Lan was stunned. She thought, "it\'s amazing. In fact, I didn\'t feel the feeling of a power from you."

"Maybe it\'s not a power." Yu Tian smiled bitterly.

"This ability has been protecting me. No one knows except Jiang Xuan." he looked at Yu Lan sincerely and said seriously after he paused, "you are the second person to know."

"Do you tell me this because you trust me?" Yu Lan asked after a few seconds of silence with quiet eyes staring at Yu Tianshuang\'s sincere eyes.

"That... Should be me asking you." when he closed his eyes and opened them again, Yu Tian\'s eyes were full of sadness. He weakly lowered his head and choked his voice. "You didn\'t trust me at all before, didn\'t you? Although I also found that you tried to believe me, once there was any trouble, you would immediately doubt me."

Recalling that he had heard Mo Xiaohuan\'s words before, he immediately became suspicious of the sky. Yu Lan didn\'t open his eyes, and his quiet eyes rippled in a circle.

"Sister, I just want to ask you, do you trust me now?" Yu Lan took a panoramic view of every move, Yu Tian sighed silently, raised his eyes and asked carefully.

He looked at Yu Tian again. Yu Lan clenched his fist and was about to speak. A gust of wind suddenly poured in from the window. The rabbit jumped in with Mo Xiaohuan\'s collar in his mouth.

Lightly put her on the ground, and the rabbit shook his head to blue like a tribute.

Mo Xiaohuan felt dizzy when she was dumped along the way. She stood up shakily and rushed to her arms with trust after seeing Yu Lan.

"Mom, what can I do for you?"

The ark was also panting behind and ran in from the gate. It was relieved to see Mo Xiaohuan in LAN\'s arms.

God knows how he feels when he sees Mo Xiaohuan being taken away by a zombie before he reacts. If he loses Mo Xiaohuan, the boss will definitely chop him.

"Dad!" Mo Xiaohuan, who had just rubbed twice in LAN\'s arms, looked back and saw the seriously injured ink, and was shocked, "Dad, what\'s the matter with him?"

"Your father is injured. Can you use your ability to freeze his whole person? It\'s best not to hurt him." Yu Lan looked at Mo Wen\'s serious injury and couldn\'t hide his pain. "I need you to freeze every blood vessel of him and give me time to find drunk night to save him."

Mo Xiaohuan blinked, released his hand holding Yu Lan\'s sleeve, went to the ink tattoo and covered his hands.

"I can completely freeze my father. There won\'t be any danger," she said firmly. "As long as Mom and you find brother sleepless, I\'ll lift the freeze again."

As soon as the voice fell, her dark eyes were stained with ice blue layer by layer from inside to outside, like the ruthless cold ice in winter, spreading cold around.