Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 653

Drunk Linxue was stained with a lot of blood. She curled up together, closed her eyes tightly, and her face was pale.

Without a word, he pulled her out from under the bookshelf. Yu Lan glanced at the wounds on her and found that they were basically skin injuries, not serious wounds.

Stroking drunk Linxue\'s hair, Yu Lan also found that there was a slight bulge on her forehead. It should be where she hit that led to her coma.

"Sister Linxue, sister Linxue." shook Linxue\'s shoulder and tried to wake her up. Yu Lan\'s eyes couldn\'t help looking at the ink lying on the sofa. He was a little anxious.

Fortunately, Zui Linxue was not seriously injured and soon opened her eyes. She frowned and sat up sharply after seeing Yu Lan in front of her. "My brother, where\'s my brother!"

"I also want to ask you where you went when you were drunk." Yu Lan said anxiously, "Arvin is injured. I need his strength."

Drunk Linxue looked around blankly, suddenly grabbed Yu Lan\'s sleeve and screamed, "my brother, he was captured, he was captured by the guy named Yi An!"

"Yi An?"

Yu Lan\'s eyes were cold. I didn\'t expect Yi An to start at this time. Is it too coincidence to grasp the opportunity!

"Damn it!" the turbid mood at the bottom of his eyes kept surging up, crazy swallowing Yu Lan\'s mind. She turned and lay down beside Mo Wen, holding his cold hand and clenching her teeth.

Drunk Linxue\'s leg was hurt. She stumbled and fell to the ground. She didn\'t get up for a long time.

"Yu Tian, do you have any medicine to stop bleeding?" Yu Lan couldn\'t help asking as Yu Tian came in from the door. Her hand tightly pressed the ink bra. There was no reaction even if his hands were stained with blood.

"His blood should have stopped." Yu Tian put away his complicated look at the bottom of his eyes and came over. "My brother-in-law\'s strength is very strong. It\'s impossible that the wound is still bleeding for such a long time."

Yu Lan was stunned. He picked up his hand and found that the blood in his palm had become sticky. It should not be a fresh blood stain.

Care is chaos. She didn\'t even find such an important thing.

"But his wound hasn\'t healed yet." Yu Lan said hoarsely.

"Too much blood loss..." he touched Mo Wen\'s neck and said after a moment of silence in the sky, "the signs of life are also very weak. In this way, even the powers have no healing ability."

"Now we can only use blood transfusion for rescue?" Yu Lan\'s eyes lit fiercely. After a long time, the powers will forget the healing methods as ordinary people. These methods are still useful for the powers, but they are just like chicken ribs in most cases.

"It\'s too late. If we give blood transfusion, we should not only determine the blood type, but also find the blood source and sort out the equipment. My brother-in-law can\'t hold up for such a long time." Yu Tianyi changed his previous dandy appearance and half knelt in front of the sofa and mused, "not to mention that this kind of wound can\'t be solved by blood transfusion."

"This is not good, that is not good, then what should I do!" Yu Lan\'s temper was not very good after she had become a zombie, but she always managed and restrained herself subconsciously. Now, Mo Wen\'s injury has undoubtedly completely liberated her mood and let her be full of hostility and killing intention.

"If only there were a way to fix his brother-in-law\'s wound, it would be better if he came to save him when he was drunk." he patted Yu Lan on the shoulder and whispered in the sky.

"Fix the wound..." Yu Lan\'s eyes lit up and said, "can low-temperature fixation be ok?"