Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 655

Mo Wen\'s skin was silently covered with a layer of transparent ice. The ice continued to penetrate into his skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dense cold was diffused and faintly visible.

Looking at this fragile ink, Yu Lan leaned in front of him, shaking his hands tightly holding his hard hands.

Arvin... It\'s my turn to protect you this time.

The sadness at the bottom of my eyes is no longer, leaving only firmness.

"Boss, what\'s the matter?" he noticed the surprised way of the ark with abnormal ink. He was only surprised when he saw such unprotected ink for the first time.

"Yezhi plotted against him." Yu Tian stood aside and whispered. In fact, he had no feeling for the brother-in-law who suddenly appeared. Sometimes he even thought that it would be better if Mo Wen died. If Yu Lan died, all his attention would return to him.

"The night is over..." Fang Zhou thought for a moment, then squinted at Mo Wen and said solemnly to Yu Lan, "sister-in-law, I think you\'d better suppress the news of the eldest brother\'s injury first. Don\'t let those guys who want to alliance know."

Yu Lan didn\'t understand. Before she looked over, the ark continued, "these guys in our alliance are honest under the boss\'s hand, but once they don\'t have the boss\'s control, they are all crazy. If I remember correctly, Gu Cheng has always wanted to find a chance to kill the boss."

"Do you want to compete for the position of the leader of the desire alliance?" Wen Yanyu couldn\'t help asking. In his opinion, the strength of the desire alliance is obvious to all and can really arouse the envy of many people.

"What do we want to do in that position?" the ark rolled his eyes. "If you want to kill the boss, it\'s estimated to be fun. If you have a chance, try it."

"...." the first time I heard this statement, it was the black line that Yu Tiandu couldn\'t help.

Recalling the situation in the desire alliance, Yu Lan rubbed his eyebrows and probably thought of the thoughts of those madmen, "I know. I didn\'t intend to let too many people know."

As she said this, her eyes on the ark became dangerous. "You just said that without Arvin\'s suppression, you are a group of madmen. What\'s your idea?"

"Don\'t doubt me, sister-in-law." the ark spread out his hands and said with a smile, "I think it\'s very free to stay in the desire alliance. If the boss doesn\'t have the desire alliance, he may become something bad. I can\'t bear it."

When Fang Zhou said this, the whole person smiled and didn\'t look serious at all, but Yu Lan knew that this attitude was the safest.

Looking at Mo Wen\'s closed eyes, Yu Lan gently stroked his cheek, took a deep breath after a kiss on his forehead, and directly ordered long snake and rabbit to stay here.

The Firebird huddled in the window, looked at the proud Firebird and rabbit, and looked at Yu Lan sadly.

Why doesn\'t Mao have it?

Ignoring Firebird\'s sad eyes, Yu Lan bent down and touched Mo Xiaohuan\'s head. Yu Lan whispered, "Xiaohuan, ah Wen will give it to you."

"Mom, don\'t worry." Mo Xiaohuan nodded skillfully, his hands still covering Mo Wen\'s body to ensure his frozen state.

Yu Tian glanced at Mo Xiaohuan unhappily, and his eyes were a little deep.

He really doesn\'t like this insect like monster.

"Yu Tian, you also stay here." Yu Lan continued. "You arrange the defense here. If night stops or Xu Jielin appears again... I need your deployment."

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would arrange things for himself. Yu Tian was stunned and didn\'t return to his mind for a moment.

Seeing Tianleng looking at himself, Yu Lan couldn\'t help but show a smile. He walked forward and touched his head like touching Mo Xiaohuan\'s head. "I trust you so that you can protect my favorite person. Please, my only brother."

Yu Lan\'s words can be said to be the best encouragement for Tian. He only felt the explosion of joy from his heart. Yu Tian raised his lips and tried to suppress his emotions. "Don\'t worry, give it to me!"

Although he doesn\'t like ink, he can\'t say he hates it. It doesn\'t matter to take care of it for blue\'s sake.


Looking at drunk Linxue leaning against the wall, Yu Lan frowned and said, "sister Linxue, are you okay?"

Hearing Yu Lan calling herself, drunk Linxue\'s eyes gradually had a focus. She looked up blankly, her eyes were red, and her red eyes were still crying out.

"Ark, you help me send sister Linxue to the desire alliance." don\'t expect such drunk Linxue to do anything, Yu Lan frowned at the ark way, "let Xiuqi help watch her, don\'t let her have any damage."