Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 652

"... do you think these zombies can stop me?" Xu Jielin said coldly as Yu Lan walked farther and farther.

"It\'s good to hold you. The end of the night is gone. What\'s the meaning of you here now." Yu Lan turned and said faintly.

Xu Jielin looked at Yu Lan and went away. He opened his mouth and suddenly shouted excitedly, "now I am a zombie like you. Why are you with Mo Wen?! I admit that I approached you for a purpose at the beginning, but it was all before the end of the world!"

It seems that speaking of the softest place in his heart, Xu Jielin knelt on the ground and pulled his hair crazily, "even in the last world, my feelings for you have not changed... Why can\'t you accept me?"

In fact, he knew that Yu Lan had no self in her eyes. Her eyes would laugh and cry, but he never had feelings.

But he always thought that there would be no one else without himself in those dark eyes. Who knew that ink would suddenly appear.

"It has nothing to do with what it is. I love him enough." ignoring Xu Jielin\'s despair, Yu Lan frowned and said faintly.

Love? Xu Jielin\'s gray eyes were completely darkened. He paid so much, but he couldn\'t even get Yu Lan\'s face-to-face eyes in the end?

"I like listening to you." Mo Wen was in a good mood. Although he was paralyzed on blue\'s back, he still said in a hoarse voice, "will you tell me every day in the future?"

"As long as you live, you can listen as long as you want." Yu Lan kissed the side face of Mo Wen, looked at the empty loess in front of him, lowered his eyelids and covered the complex look of the fundus of his eyes.

Now she is completely unaware of the breath of Yu Tian.

However, the attack of Yezhi can\'t hold up at all. Yu Tian is likely to have

"Elder sister." just about to order the deformed zombie to dig out Yu Tian\'s body, Yu Tian suddenly came out from behind the nearby gravel, foolishly patted his clothes and whispered, "are you finished?"

Yu Lan looked at the good Yu Tian and nodded after several seconds, "since it\'s all right, go find Xu Jielin with me."

"OK." he strode to keep up with Yu Lan, and Yu Tian explained with a smile, "I\'m scared to death in front. Fortunately, Jiang Quan has been protecting me, otherwise I must be dead now."

Yu Lan stopped, glanced at him with his side eyes, and said expressionless, "tell me the truth when you want to tell the truth."

Yu Lan was stunned by Yu Lan\'s plain eyes. Yu Tian\'s footsteps were a meal, and his smile was stiff.

"Jiang Quan is not with you now, is he?" Yu Lan took back his eyes and seemed to smile. "Don\'t underestimate the senses of the zombie, Yu Tian."

This "Yu Tian" call was not light or heavy, but Yu Tian did feel a kind of coolness straight to the bottom of his heart.

Silently watching Yu Lan leave quickly in front of him, he lowered his head and his face gradually became gloomy.

He lied just habitually to protect himself... Yu Lan can\'t alienate him because of this, can\'t.


When LAN arrived at the place where he was drunk all night, he was surprised by the scene in front of him. The office, which should have been orderly, was in a mess. Documents were scattered on the ground, tables, chairs and benches were scattered in the room, and mottled blood stains could even be seen on the walls.

A hole was made in the wall opposite the window, and the dust floating in the air could be seen faintly.

"Drunk without night!"

Yu Lan shouted. Unfortunately, the room was quiet and no one answered at all.

At this time, Mo Wen had completely lost consciousness. His body was gradually losing temperature, and even his breathing became slow.

What the hell happened here?!

Yu Lan anxiously walks into the room and looks for it. His sight suddenly stops at the collapsed wardrobe next to him.

Put Mo Wen on the sofa next to him temporarily. Yu Lan walked over and lifted the bookcase vigorously. He soon saw the drunk Linxue under the bookcase.