Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 646

Seeing Xu Jielin\'s determined appearance, Yu Lan skimmed his mouth, raised his eyes and said silently, "you think too much."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a moment of distortion on Xu Jielin\'s face. He narrowed his eyes unhappily and stared at Yu Lan with a bit more crazy paranoid color.

"I want the south just to take Yu jueying\'s things." Yu Lan sighed, "but I didn\'t expect you to catch him before me."

Hearing this, Xu Jielin immediately smiled on his cold face. He walked slowly forward and said with a low smile, "then it\'s good for you to accept one of my gifts."

Yu jueying, who tilted his eyes and collapsed sideways on the ground, and Yu Lan didn\'t face Xu Jielin at all. "Although you\'re a bit nosy for me, thank you."

Perhaps Yu Lan\'s neglected attitude was too obvious. Xu Jielin couldn\'t suppress the madness that swallowed up his consciousness in his brain, and his scarlet eyes rushed towards Yu Lan.

Since Xu Jielin moved his hand, Mo Wen would not wait to die. He saw a cold light on the side of his hand, and the sharp blade stabbed Xu Jielin with a strange arc.

Xu Jielin\'s bare hand blocked the sharp edge of ink, and his other hand burst, expanding three times its size in an instant. His blackened fingertips were ferociously entangled, constantly emitting an evil smell.

Touch. The fingers of the hand wound fiercely around the neck of Mo Wen, and the murderous intention of the whole body quickly spread from the whole body.

Ink sideways to avoid, while condensing an invisible space around the body. Everything involved in this space will be compressed into meat mud in an instant.

In Xu Jielin\'s eyes, this invisible space was like nothingness, his whole body was like essence, and the dark color covered his whole body in an instant.

The part rendered by ink is completely immune to the two-dimensional space of ink. In the blink of an eye, one of his hands has pierced the shoulder of ink.

Mo Wen pinched Xu Jielin\'s neck with his back hand and stepped back while breaking free from his grip.

The wound on the shoulder grew quickly, leaving only the torn corners of the clothes still stained with fresh blood.

The first time he appeared, he could be immune to his powers. Mo Wen looked at Xu Jielin\'s rampant face expressionless and gently weighed the dagger.

Xu Jielin\'s throat was cut by ink, but it soon healed as before. He grabbed his hair and looked up and laughed wildly.

"Do you think you can beat me who can get strength? Don\'t be whimsical!" Xu Jielin\'s milky eyes float a gray light crazily. He laughs and stares at Mo Wen with disdain. "The strength I get this time can be aimed at your power!"

Mo Wen raised his lower eyelids, lightly swept Xu Jielin, and smiled gently.

As if he saw contempt in Mo Wen\'s eyes, Xu Jielin stopped smiling and stared at Mo Wen coldly.

"What are you laughing at?" he shrieked.

"Laugh if you want to." Mo Wen raised his dagger and spun it around in his hand. Then he raised his hand and pointed his five fingers at Xu Jielin.

The next second, a solidified breath spread rapidly centered on the ink, and the environment became extremely quiet, leaving only the dull sound of breathing in my ears.


Xu Jielin felt that he was stared at by countless pairs of eyes. He narrowed his eyes, but suddenly there was no ink in his field of vision.

Instinct made him backhand to resist. Mo Wen didn\'t know when he appeared behind him.

"It\'s nothing if you can be immune to my powers," said Mo Wen gently. "As long as you are within my surveillance range, I can kill you without powers."

Being looked down upon so directly, Xu Jielin lost his reason again and screamed and rushed at Mo Wen.

Standing not far away, Yu Lan frowned and looked at Mo Wen and Xu Jielin coming and going. He picked up Yu jueying\'s collar with his back hand and stepped back half a step away from the battlefield.

Xu Jielin\'s strength is much stronger than she imagined.



Mo Xiaohuan and Yu Tian also rushed over at this time, ran to Yu Lan\'s body and looked back at the fighting ink.

"What\'s going on?" Yu Tian asked.

"Xu Jielin came and brought Yu jueying." Yu Lan pointed to Yu jueying on his side, squatted down and said to Mo Xiaohuan, "Xiaohuan, listen, Xu Jielin is not good. He probably came to catch you according to the order of Yezhi. Next, go to the ark and let him hide you, you know?"

"I want to stay with my mother..." Mo Xiaohuan was reluctant, holding Yu Lan\'s hand and looking like crying.

"Be obedient." Yu Lan touched Mo Xiaohuan\'s head. "I\'ve arranged a place for the ark to hide you. Just hide yourself with the power of death. We\'ll be distracted when you\'re here."