Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 645

Drunk Linxue doesn\'t know what drunk night thinks of herself. She continues to look at drunk night at work. She just feels how handsome she looks.

Drunk night was staring at by drunk Linxue. He narrowed his eyes unbearably, looked at it and said, "what\'s the matter? Something to say."

"Nothing." drunk Linxue said with an innocent face and a smile, "I just want to work with you."

Drunk without night, there was no word to answer. In the past, drunk Linxue was always afraid of him and afraid of him. How can he be so attached to him as now.

He opened his mouth, but he didn\'t know what to ask.

Looking at the tangled appearance of drunk all night, drunk Linxue also felt very good-looking. She lay on the table and recalled what he Xushan had said to her before, and her heart became sweeter and sweeter.

In fact, drunk night has been treating her in his own way, but she doesn\'t know.

I just felt that drunk Linxue\'s eyes became more and more hot. Drunk night frowned and wondered if she would be more bold without bothering her for a while.

Just as he was about to speak, the cold idea behind him suddenly changed his face. He quickly got up and pulled drunk Linxue\'s arm back. The wall behind him made a harsh burst sound at this moment. With the diffuse dust, the eyes drunk all night also narrowed dangerously.

A slender figure came in slowly, with a ferocious smile on his handsome face, and his gray eyes were full of evil.

"Found it."

At the same time, Yu Lan also saw Yu jueying she had been looking for.

But she didn\'t give Yu jueying half a look. She just looked up at the man carrying Yu jueying\'s collar.

"Xu Jielin." Yu Lan pursed her lips, stared at each other\'s gray eyes and frowned.

The news from Qin Feng is right. Xu Jielin has really become a zombie.

But how long has it been? How can his strength grow so fast? It is reasonable that if he becomes a zombie, the power will be demoted instead.

"Blue." Xu Jielin bent his eyes and gradually expanded his smile. He didn\'t hoarse until the whole face was deformed. "I\'m looking for you again."

Mo Wen\'s eyes were slightly cold, and Yu Lan stopped him as soon as he had an action in his hand.

Soothingly patted Mo Wen\'s arm. Yu Lan stared at Xu Jielin and whispered, "I don\'t want to see you at all."

"Don\'t say that." the turbid eyes couldn\'t hide the deepest madness. Xu Jielin raised his head and laughed. At the same time, he threw Yu jueying in his hand.

Mo Wen raised his hand to block Yu jueying\'s body, threw it and patted it directly on the ground.

Yu jueying, who was originally energetic, collapsed on the ground like a dead dog. He was covered with blood and his strong body almost became a thin skeleton at this time.

One of his arms had disappeared, leaving only his empty sleeve rolled on the loess, which was extremely dirty.

After being photographed on the ground by Mo Wen, he no longer had the strength to stand up, vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted directly.

Yu Guang swept over Jue Ying\'s embarrassed body. Yu Lan closed her eyes and looked back at Xu Jielin\'s eyes.

"This is my gift to you." Xu Jielin\'s smile is distorted, but he should try his best to put on a gentle posture. "And in the north, I can give you all the handover City, and I can give you the whole China."

Yu Lan was silent, and secretly began to estimate Xu Jielin\'s strength.

"These, the useless man around you must be the least?" seeing that Lan didn\'t speak, Xu Jielin, who had tried his best to maintain peace, was completely crazy. He opened his hands and laughed proudly and wickedly. The silent world seemed to be torn apart by his laughter.

Mo Wen stared at Xu Jielin with an expressionless face, and the corners of his lips rose as if there were no anger or refutation.

Yu Lan found that Xu Jielin\'s mind has changed a lot. Xu Jielin she came into contact with before was often rational and full of calculation, but now he... Is completely crazy.

Will you twist your character after becoming a zombie?

Recalling his previous appearance, Yu Lan didn\'t think his character had changed much.

"You\'re wrong." I think Xu Jielin\'s laughter is a little harsh. Yu Lan sneered and raised his eyes lightly. "You just said ah Wen can also give it to me, but he knows that I never want these, so he puts his extra energy on giving me what I like."

With that, she put her hand around Mo Wen\'s arm, and the meaning of closeness is self-evident.

Xu Jielin\'s laughter stopped. His face was gloomy, staring at the slender hand on Mo Wen\'s arm, and a row of teeth cracked ferociously.

"Don\'t be kidding. If you\'re not interested, you won\'t have the intention of competing for the south."