Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 647

Knowing that Yu Lan was for her good, Mo Xiaohuan stretched out his small hand and touched Yu Lan\'s face, lowered his head and nodded.

Yu Lan was relieved. She looked at Yu Tian standing beside her and said with concern, "Yu Tian, you don\'t have powers. You\'d better go and hide with Mo Xiaohuan. It\'s too dangerous here."

His eyes were slightly cold. He glanced and was staring at his Mo Xiaohuan. Yu Tianfei quickly covered the mood at the bottom of his eyes, scratched his head and said with a smile, "it\'s all right. I have Jiang Quan to protect me, not to mention these people are not aimed at me. It doesn\'t matter if I don\'t hide."

"Well, be careful." Yu Lan doesn\'t want to order Yu Tian. He really doesn\'t want to leave now, so he won\'t say more.

"Mom..." Mo Xiaohuan pulled Yu Lan\'s sleeve. She opened her mouth and looked at Yu Tian.

"What\'s the matter?" Yu Lan turned back.

Mo Xiaohuan pursed her lips, and Yu Lan turned her back to the sky, so she couldn\'t see the crazy anger in his eyes, but she could see it.

"Be careful..."

"Sister." as soon as Mo Xiaohuan wanted to remind Yu Lan, Yu Tian directly answered, "brother-in-law, they are all here quickly. You\'d better let Mo Xiaohuan hide as soon as possible."

Yu Lan immediately looked back when he heard the speech. Sure enough, he saw that Xu Jielin stretched out his monster like limbs, seven or eight meters long. It was also full of barbs. The buildings close to him were broken into pieces in an instant. For a moment, the dust was flying, and even the vision became blurred.

"Xiaohuan, go find the ark." he handed the contact device in his pocket to Mo Xiaohuan. Yu Lan turned back and attached it to her ear and whispered, "use it to contact the ark. If anything happens, you can also use it to contact me."

Holding the communicator in his hand, Mo Xiaohuan nodded, suddenly stood on tiptoe, light Yu Lan\'s ear, turned around and ran away with a worried word.

"Mom, be careful."

The soft voice still surrounded Yu Lan\'s ears. She touched her ears and stood up, staring at the smaller and smaller back of Mo Xiaohuan, with her eyes flashing.

"Sister, what\'s the matter?" Yu Tian came up and asked.

"It\'s all right." Yu Lan shook her head. She turned to see the first ink, but the words that Mo Xiaohuan had just whispered in her ear hovered in her mind.

"Be careful."

Yu Tian... Should you be careful?

He lowered his eyelids to hide his emotion. Yu Lan picked up Yu jueying\'s collar again and retreated back.

"Is Yu jueying still alive?" Yu Tian came forward and stared at the dying man in Yu Lan\'s hand.

"Still alive." Yu Lan smiled and nodded. Looking back at the two inseparable people in the sky, he suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart.

I\'m not afraid that Mo Wen can\'t beat Xu Jielin, but I\'m a little uneasy.

"Don\'t worry, sister. My brother-in-law will be fine. He\'s strong, isn\'t he?" thought Yu Lan was worried about the war. Yu Tian couldn\'t help approaching her and comforted her.

The worry with his side eyes on the sky is not like fraud. Yu Lan nodded and whispered, "you also hide behind me. I\'ll protect you."

Yu Tian was stunned. He looked at Yu Lan\'s face and nodded helplessly. He obediently walked behind her.

At the moment when he came behind Yu Lan, a distorted smile suddenly appeared on his face. He raised his hands and stroked Yu Lan\'s back across the air. He opened his mouth slightly, and his eyes were full of satisfaction and infatuation.

Sister... Sister... Sister

Sure enough, Yu Lan\'s sister is the same as his imagined sister, which is not comparable to Yu Ruoshui\'s bitch.

Feel some inexplicable chill behind, Yu Lan endured, but didn\'t look back.

She doesn\'t have Yu Tian\'s superb acting skills. She is afraid that when Yu Tian is in front of her, she can\'t help showing her vigilant mood to scare the snake.

Of course, even if Yu Tian stands behind her, she won\'t worry about his sudden attack. After all, her tail can protect her back without dead corners.

But... Did Yu naively mean anything to her? Yu Lan hesitated in his heart.

Since she became a zombie, her acuity has become much stronger, but she can\'t feel the slightest malice from Yu Tian.

He took a breath and raised his eyes just to see that Mo Wen easily pierced Xu Jielin\'s chest with a dagger. When he pulled it out again, Xu Jielin\'s face could not be described as ferocious.

"This is the second time you hurt me." Xu Jielin\'s voice was cold and ugly.

Mo Wen is speechless. Since it\'s a fight, do you want to hurt yourself if you don\'t hurt him?

Seeing Mo Wen\'s expressionless face and completely ignoring him, Xu Jielin suddenly raised his head and shouted wildly. The sound wave penetrated the field of Mo Wen and spread out infinitely around.