Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 644

"I promise you."

Yu Lan gently stroked Mo Wen\'s side face, lowered his eyes and said with a smile, "I\'ve wanted to tell you this answer for a long time."

The smiling eyes drown in the thin water light, but they are warm like a pair of small suns.

Holding Yu Lan\'s hand painfully, Mo Wen closed his eyes and felt the softness of Yu Lan\'s fingertips wholeheartedly.

He didn\'t say anything, but his quiet smile was more like a thousand words.

"Give me the ring." holding Mo Wen\'s hand, Yu Lan said with a smile.

Mo Wen opened his eyes, his dark eyes flashed, and the ring in his hand had been gently put into Yu Lan\'s fingers.

The size of the ring is just right. The blue luster is reflected on the blue skin in the moonlight, leaving a small halo.

"Very beautiful." Yu Lan praised without stinginess, "who did it?"

Now in this end of the world, there has long been a lost marriage proposal ceremony, and naturally there is no place to make rings.

"Gu Cheng did it," said Mo Wen.

After he had a proposal, he went to Gu Cheng and made use of crystal cores of various colors. Gu Cheng finally made this ring.

"It seems that Arvin, you are already ready." he looked around surrounded by flowers, and Yu Lan smiled with his shoulder. "What a surprise."

Mo Wen looked a little embarrassed. He rarely held his neck, stood up and whispered, "I just want to give you what I can give you."

"I like it very much." I really like these sweet words spoken by Mo Wen. Yu Lan smiled, took his hand and sat at the table, holding a lot of crystal nuclei in her arms.

She vowed that the only person in the world who could give her so many nuclei for free was ink.

It seems that he noticed Yu Lan\'s eyes secretly looking at him, and Mo Wen gently touched her head, with tenderness between her eyebrows and eyes.

Blue blue... You are finally mine.


In the next few days, Mo Wen sent people to investigate Yu jueying\'s whereabouts. Before he got the news, he had nothing to do. He took Yu Lan around the south. The two people were tired of being together all day, and all the things that needed to be handled were called drunk all night.

Staring at the document that Mo Wen had just sent him with a gloomy face, he was drunk all night. His Adam\'s Apple moved slightly and nearly broke a silver tooth.

"Brother, do you want to drink water?" he quietly stayed on the side of the drunk night. Drunk Linxue came over with a cup of hot boiled water, with a quiet and soft smile.

Zui Linxue followed Mo Wen to the South without saying a word, which startled Zui Wuye.

However, since Zui Linxue came to the south, he seems to have changed a person. He is not dissatisfied with Zui Wuye. The whole person is so clever that Zui Wuye can\'t bear to bully him.

Suspiciously glanced at the drunk Linxue on the side of the body, and wondered if drunk Linxue wanted to do something again.

After receiving the water handed over by Zui Linxue, he took a light SIP with an expressionless face, lowered his eyes and continued to process the documents.

Zui Linxue sat on the chair next to him, propped his chin, looked at the side face of Zui Wanye, and showed a silly smile.

"What\'s the matter with you these days?" Zui Linxue smiled for the first time. Zui Wuye frowned and stared at Zui Linxue. "By the way, why did you suddenly come here? Didn\'t I let you stay in Yumeng."

"I miss you, so I\'ll come." drunk Linxue was not afraid, and said with a blush.

"...." Zui Wuyi naturally likes Zui Linxue\'s obedient appearance, but Zui Linxue still looks like he wants to fight him to the end a while ago. Why has he suddenly changed?