Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 640

"The strength of the South can\'t be underestimated." Yu Lan whispered and raised his eyes to see Huang Ruifei leaning against the innermost railing in messy clothes. His lips were dry and cracked and looked dehydrated.

Many people were also closed in the rooms on both sides, but most of them were dying and had no strength to lift their eyes.

At this time, she could not see any grace, and her whole face was haggard to the extreme.

"It\'s not easy for this woman to calm down now." the guard who came in with Yu Lan complained in a low voice, "you don\'t know. She\'s been yelling since she was locked here. She hasn\'t stopped at all."

Yu Lan raised her eyebrows and walked quietly to Huang Ruifei.

"Huang Ruifei?" he squatted down and stretched out his hand to shake twice in front of her, and Yu Lan called softly.

Hearing Yu Lan\'s voice, Huang Ruifei\'s godless eyes moved slightly. She raised her eyes numbly and looked at Yu Lan.

"Do you know who I am?" Yu Lan\'s side eyes.

Huang Ruifei\'s godless eyes gradually stared round. She trembled her teeth and was excited to rush towards Yu Lan.

The cold guardrail mercilessly stopped her. She screamed hoarsely, and her dirty hands desperately grabbed Yu Lan.

The next second he saw blood splashing everywhere, and Yu Lan was lifted back by a powerful hand, not even half a drop of blood stains.

Huang Ruifei held his severed arm and fell to the ground trembling.

"Don\'t touch LAN LAN with your dirty hands." Mo Wen said coldly, and put Yu Lan back in his squatting position.

Seeing Huang Ruifei rolling in pain, Yu Lan glanced at Mo Wen speechlessly, as if accusing him of violence.

Mo Wen didn\'t care. He spread his hand. Yu Lan\'s stare fell on his face, which made him painless.

"Stop the bleeding for her," Yu Lan sighed softly, taking a panoramic view of Huang Ruifei\'s pain.

The guard next to him obviously didn\'t expect that Mo Wen would suddenly start. He also tried to regain his consciousness, flustered opened the door lock, took out his own bandage and alcohol to treat Huang Ruifei\'s wound.

Some prisoners are seriously injured, but they can\'t let them die. These guards will always have something to heal their wounds.

"Ah!" Huang Ruifei screamed, straightened up, and fainted directly with a crooked neck.

"You\'ve knocked her out. How can I ask her about something?" Yu Lan tilted the ink and said.

"Just wake up with water." Mo Wen is obviously no stranger to this situation. He said casually, and ordered another guard on his side to prepare cold water.

The guard standing next to Mo Wen was relieved and turned around and ran out like the wind.

God knows how much pressure he has standing behind Mo Wen. The frequency of his legs shaking is almost as high as that of his mobile phone.

Huang Ruifei was soon awakened by the violence. She opened her eyes blankly and soon realized her situation. She shouted and was about to step back.

"It\'s none of my business where you want to hide, but you have to answer my questions." Yu Lan stared at Huang Ruifei\'s pale face and asked softly, "first question, do you know who I am?"

Huang Ruifei\'s face was dull. She stared at Yu Lan\'s face. Her embarrassed face was stained with a ferocious and distorted look, "Yu Lan! Yu Lan!"

"Well," Yu Lanzhu said with a smile on his chin, "it seems that you still remember me."

"This bitch\'s face looks like Su elegy. I will remember it even if it turns into ash!" Huang Ruifei clenched her teeth and roared. Under that crazy look, she looked completely irrational.

When she stood at the gate of her home, what impressed her most was not Yu\'s beautiful house, but Su elegy\'s beautiful face and her young and lovely face.

These two faces let her hate them all the time and tear them up all the time in her dream.

"Then you\'re really hard." Yu Lan smiled. "The second question is how my mother died."

"Died of illness." Su elegy sneered, "it\'s really a day to help me. She can\'t stand to die without me!"

No, what does she do? Does the death of Su elegy have nothing to do with Huang Ruifei?

Yu Lan won\'t believe Huang Ruifei\'s words. She just quietly bent her lips and said, "hearing your answer, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to ask my third question."

After that, Yu Lan stood up and looked at the guard on his side under Huang Ruifei\'s dull eyes, "do you remember the two questions I asked just now?"

The guard was stunned and quickly nodded, "remember."

"Continue to interrogate her and only ask the second question I asked just now." the Milky eyes looked at the guard\'s hair. Before he could answer, he felt that his shoulder was patted by a cold hand. He only felt a bone chilling cold spread quickly, and he couldn\'t even stand stably.

Huang Ruifei didn\'t expect Yu Lan to say such words to the guard. The pain of her wrist made her aware of chaos. She labored to move to the railing and cried out in horror, "I just said everything! I said everything!"

Yu Lan skimmed his mouth and went on without expression.

"Lan Lan, do you think he didn\'t tell the truth just now?" asked Mo Wen.

"Well," Yu Lan said, "the first question should be no problem, the second... I don\'t believe what happened to my mother has nothing to do with her."

"In fact, I remember that before Huang Ruifei appeared, our family lived in harmony." it seemed that we fell into some kind of memory. Yu Lanqing vomited, "at that time, Yu jueying also took me and my mother to travel around the world. He was in a critical period of promotion at that time, and he could give up his career to play with us..."

Speaking of this, Yu Lan stopped. She didn\'t like recalling the happy time when she was a child. She didn\'t like it at all.

"You doubt Yu jueying\'s change... Because of what Huang Ruifei has done?" he stretched out his hand and took Yu Lan into his arms. Mo Wen asked in a low voice.

"It\'s just a doubt. It\'s not impossible to say that Yu jueying has changed her mind." Yu Lan smiled like a mockery, surrounded Mo Wen\'s arm, lowered her head slightly, and couldn\'t see her look clearly.

Mo Wen didn\'t live a day with relatives before meeting Yu Lan, so he couldn\'t understand the feeling his parents could give him.

In his heart, no one can affect his mood except Yu Lan.

"Mom." Mo Xiaohuan, who had been waiting at the door, ran over and looked at Yu Lan with her lovely head.

"Waiting for a long time?" Yu Lan turned back with a smile and hugged Mo Xiaohuan who rushed over.

Before, in order not to let Mo Xiaohuan see the dirty picture in the prison, she specially asked Mo Xiaohuan to wait outside and let the rabbit play with her.

"No." Mo Xiaohuan touched the rabbit, and then stretched out his hand to reveal the water drop like mutter in his hand, "there are rabbits and mutters with me."

I haven\'t seen mutter for a long time. Yu Lan reached out and gently poked it. The coolness of her fingertips made her a little novel.

Mutter also rubbed his face, rubbed his blue fingertips, and rolled twice in Mo Xiaohuan\'s hand like a small ball.