Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 641

"Guji misses his mother very much." seeing that Guji is flirting with Yu Lan, Mo Xiaohuan couldn\'t help bending her eyes and said, "Mom, you certainly don\'t know that Guji has a particularly lovely appearance."

"I think it\'s very cute now." Yu Lan tilted her head and looked at the mutter in Mo Xiaohuan\'s hand. Girls always like small and lovely things, even though she became a zombie.

"Hum." Mo Xiaohuan raised his chin triumphantly and whispered something to Guri. The next second, Guri expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye and soon became the size of a ball.

Holding the bigger gurgle in his arms, moxiao rubbed it with joy and love. His completely dark eyes looked at Yu Landao, "Mom, you can touch it."

When it gets bigger, the gurgle is like a lovely doll. It is blue and fluorescent.

He felt it curiously, and the soft and smooth touch of his palm made Yu Lan pinch twice more.

"Cute ~" seems to have expected Yu Lan\'s reaction. Mo Xiaohuan smiled cunningly and suddenly turned his head and looked up behind him.

"Sister." Yu Tian came from the dark corridor. He inadvertently looked up and down at Mo Xiaohuan and looked at Yu Landao suspiciously, "who is this?"

"She is my mother." holding the mutter in her arms, Mo Xiaohuan stared at Yu Tiandao warily, "who are you?"

She saw endless darkness from Yu Tian, twisted and ferocious intertwined, full of malice.

"Are you your sister\'s child?!" Yu Tian opened his eyes and looked at Yu Lan inconceivably, as if asking for confirmation.

His fists shook uncontrollably on his side.

Yu Lan nodded helplessly and whispered to Tian briefly about the origin of Mo Xiaohuan.

What? It\'s just a monster.

Yu Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Mo Xiaohuan without any emotion, and came forward to affectionately hold Yu Lan\'s hand.

"Sister, dinner is ready. I know you don\'t eat human food and prepare a lot of clean crystal nuclei."

Seeing the sky looking at him like a child, Yu Lan said with a soft smile, "it\'s hard for you."

Then she rubbed Yu Tian\'s forehead with the other one, very gentle.

Yu Tian\'s pupils were a little lax. Something hidden in the bottom of his eyes seemed to come out of the bee pupa, but he soon repressed it.

"Sister..." he whispered, his black eyes deeply reflecting Yu Lan\'s pale face.

"No need." Mo Wen standing on the side suddenly leaned over and held Yu Lan in his arms. At the same time, he quietly took out Yu Lan\'s hand held by Yu Tian, "I\'m ready for LAN LAN. Next time."

After saying that, regardless of the distorted look of the sky at that moment, he turned and wiped his shoulder.

He felt that the cold in his palm that he was attached to was taken away. Yu Tianfei quickly turned back and was going to chase Mo Wen. He didn\'t think that his sleeve was caught by something before he stepped out.

He pulled and turned back impatiently.

Mo Xiaohuan\'s eyes stared at him in the dark, and his all black eyes were as strange as ghosts.

"Let go." Yu Tianleng said.

A thin layer of ice soon formed on his sleeve, with a heavy chill.

"Are you mother\'s brother?" looking at Yu Tian\'s sleeve, Mo Xiaohuan asked with his head down.

Yu Tian\'s face was full of impatience. He looked at the front of Yu Lan\'s trace and frowned.

"Then don\'t hurt her." he looked up at Yu Tian, and Mo Xiaohuan said seriously, "otherwise I\'ll kill you."

"Oh." not frightened by Mo Xiaohuan Jie\'s tone, Yu Tian forcibly pulled back his sleeve and swept her completely dark eyes.

Bend down and attach to Mo Xiaohuan\'s ear. Yu Tian is in a bad mood. At this moment, he doesn\'t even bother to maintain the most basic disguise. "Seeing your eyes makes me think of dirty bedbugs. Monster, don\'t tell me anything here. It\'s disgusting."

Straightened up and sneered. When Yu Tian\'s eyes fell on Guri, he narrowed his eyes strangely, "is the monster holding the little monster? It\'s really a good match."