Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 639

Don\'t care about Mo Xiaohuan dismantling his own platform here. Mo Wen pursed his lips, strained his face and nodded seriously.

He thought that Mo Wen\'s reaction was really fun. Yu Lan lowered his head and snickered. When he raised his eyes, he just noticed a flush on Mo Wen\'s face.


Yu Lan\'s novelty was ruined. She stood on tiptoe, pinched Mo Wen\'s ear and stared at his face silently.

"... blue?" in the hot eyes of blue, Mo Wen was not uncomfortable, but subconsciously surrounded her waist.

"..." can you show me another red face? I just didn\'t see it clearly.

Yu Lan wanted to say that at this time, but she had already given up the idea before she said it.

She really doesn\'t have the courage to bear the consequences.

The pie pie mouth loosened Mo Wen\'s ear, Yu Lan yawned and simply sat in his arms.

"Now the South has basically taken it down, but I didn\'t expect such a variable as Xu Jielin. I still have many questions to ask Yu jueying."

When Yu Lan said this, his eyes were cold, and there was a faint color of regret.

"I can send someone to find him," said Mo Wen.

"Xu Jielin is very strong now. Let\'s not take the initiative to contact him for the time being." Yu Lan lowered his eyes. "Since he caught Yu jueying, he probably also wants to manipulate the south. We\'ll just wait for him here."

"HMM." if Yu Lan doesn\'t deny it, his ink eyes are dark, and he looks at Yu Lan\'s hair attentively.

Her hair has become supple. Even if it is gently rubbed by him, there is no knot. Unlike before, the whole hair will become a chicken nest when it is hung by the wind.

Gently pulled down Yu Lan\'s hair and found that the hair became strong and looked black and bright.

When Yu Lan was first found, her hair would be pulled off her scalp if she was not careful.

"What are you thinking?" seeing Mo Wen playing with his hair, Yu Lan couldn\'t help asking, and stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him twice.

"Miss you." Mo Wen replied.

Thinking that Mo Wen was saying sweet words to coax her again, Yu Lan snorted and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

There are no women who don\'t like listening to good words, especially those of their beloved men.

"By the way, although Yu jueying is not here now, Huang Ruifei has fallen into my hands. I want to ask her something." Yu Lan whispered while playing with the plastic button on the ink collar.

"OK, I\'ll go with you." holding Yu Lan, he stood up and Mo Wen walked towards the door.

Lanlan\'s weight hasn\'t changed much. It seems that it was a little lighter when she didn\'t have legs. Later, her legs grew out, but her weight hasn\'t changed any more.

Looking down at Yu Lan\'s waist, Mo Wen suddenly felt that his blue seemed too thin.

In the past, she was a zombie without mind and could be said to be weak, but now she has gradually become healthy. If she is still so thin... It doesn\'t make sense.

But think about it, Yu Lan doesn\'t eat anything else except crystal core. How can she grow meat like this.

But she can\'t eat human food, meat... She doesn\'t eat a mouthful.

But if it\'s not human meat, but animal meat, will she try it?

Mo Wen seriously thought about Yu Lan\'s food. He didn\'t even know where he had gone.

"Arvin, Arvin!"

He waved hard at Mo Wen\'s face. Yu Lan opened his eyes and his little face almost twisted. "Huang Ruifei is closed on the second floor. What are you doing on the roof???"

The voice of Yu Lan\'s complaint finally called back the consciousness of ink. He looked around in the dark, and the Adam\'s apple rolled for a moment.

"Well," he said calmly.

How dare he answer?! Yu Lan was speechless.

Reaching out and rubbing Mo Wen\'s handsome face, Yu Lan felt that Mo Wen was like a worried girl, full of wild ideas.

"Arvin, what are you thinking?" Yu Lan narrowed his eyes.

"Miss you." Mo Wen answered again. There was a little embarrassment on his face. He didn\'t even notice it.

Yu Lan\'s eyes narrowed tighter, almost hiding all the dangerous breath.

She seems to have something on her mind

Knowing that he had gone the wrong way, Mo Wen did not show any gaffe. He turned around and went to the place where there was no guardrail next to the building. He jumped straight down.

"Negative second floor, right?" he said gently with his side eyes.

"Well." Yu Lan nodded, and finally did not open his eyes. In his heart, he was thinking about how to talk from Mo Wen\'s mouth.

She is not a virtuous woman who thinks her man is thinking nothing. She is still very careful and wants to know all the thoughts in her lover\'s heart.

Ah... It\'s not a woman, it\'s a female zombie.

As soon as this idea came out, Yu Lan suddenly became a little depressed.

Since she had her mind, she didn\'t reject her broken body, but she thought more and more.

For example, she thought about her life after and mohwen, her wedding, and even her children.

Unfortunately, with her current body... I\'m afraid it\'s a little difficult to give birth. I\'ve never heard of a zombie that can give birth to a small zombie, but a mutant animal can.

Thinking of this, Yu Lan also fell into meditation, so the two people who were both meditating spared more than an hour in the basement. When LAN found out that it was wrong, Mo Wen had passed through the gate of Huang Ruifei for the nth time.

The guard at the door looked at them with a wooden face. He was angry that both of them had to run to their single guard for N years and beat him back and forth!

"Cough." he grabbed Mo Wen\'s hair, and Yu Lan finally stopped the "automatic" mobile device.

"Is Huang Ruifei locked up here?"

"Yes." although the stomach Fei was fierce in his heart, the guard on his face didn\'t dare to show anything. He lowered his eyes slightly and said in a voice without waves, "Young Master Yu Tian asked us to guard her closely."

"Hard work." he jumped down from Mo Wen\'s arms, and Yu Lan encouraged him to pat the guard on the shoulder. The cold touch of his hand made him shiver.

Quickly shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind. The guard quickly stood at attention and said, "it\'s all I should do!"

Mo Wen glanced at the guard\'s shoulder touched by Yu Lan, and a cold idea flashed quickly in the quiet Mo Mou.

"Can I go in?" pointed to the front door, and Yu Lan asked the guard.

"Of course." the guard nodded. "Young Master Yu Tian specially explained that you can go in and out directly."

"That\'s great."

Anticipating the guard\'s answer, Yu Lan took Mo Wen into the room. As soon as he entered the door, he was shaken by the cold look in his eyes.

All the facilities of the house have been strengthened by the gold power. First of all, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to break it, that is, the use of power by the power may not cause any substantive damage to these guardrails.