Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 638

"I brought Mo Xiaohuan." Mo Wen raised his eyes and said with a smile, "now only we can protect Mo Xiaohuan. If we can\'t help it, it\'s useless to hide her, isn\'t it?"

"But bring her out..." Yu Lan still whispered uneasily. In her opinion, it\'s best to stand still in the face of unknown enemies.

"Now the news from the outside world is that Mo Xiaohuan is staying at the headquarters of our desire alliance. Who would have thought she would be with us?" he flicked Yu Lan\'s forehead with his finger, and Mo Wen explained.

"But someone will find out." Yu Lan didn\'t open his eyes. "At that time, as long as the news is released, all the people who originally attacked the alliance will turn around."

Holding Yu Lan\'s face, he forcibly twisted her neck. Mo Wen couldn\'t help laughing, "she\'s here now. Have you found it?"

"Now?" he quickly reflected the words of ink in his mind. Yu Lan looked around and noticed that there were several strange curves in the corner, which were intertwined in the light.

Aware of Yu Lan\'s eyes, Mo Xiaohuan seemed to know that she couldn\'t hide. She bent her eyes and appeared from her head. Soon, the whole body appeared in Yu Lan\'s vision.

"Mom ~"

Catch Mo Xiaohuan who jumped into his arms. Yu Lan hugged her intimately and asked curiously, "will you still be invisible?"

Mo Xiaohuan shook his head and said softly, "I\'m not invisible. Uncle Gu Yi helped me."

Ancient wing?

She had the impression that she was a brother of the ancient city.

Yu Lan looked at Mo Wen. As soon as he was about to speak, Mo Wen directly explained to her, "a while ago, in order to spread the news from the north, Gu Yi personally returned to our union with information."

After a pause, he continued, "he used the power death state we got in white to put an object on Mo Xiaohuan that can make her invisible at any time."

"That\'s it!" Mo Xiaoxiao smilingly took out the palm sized stone in his pocket and put it in Yu Lan\'s palm like a show off.

He felt that the things in his hand were not different from ordinary stones. Yu Lan pinched them and suddenly felt a power connected with his mind.

"Mom, you are also invisible." looking at Yu Lan gradually disappearing in his vision, Mo Xiaohuan excitedly took her sleeve and walked to the mirror next to her.

There is a floor mirror next to the door of the room. Unfortunately, when the Firebird crashed into the house, the small stones splashed out cracks. Fortunately, it does not affect the view.

Through the mirror in front of him, Yu Lan found that he was really hidden in the light, and he couldn\'t even see the shadow.

"This thing is really easy to use." he returned the power dead state in his hand to Mo Xiaohuan. Yu Lan touched her head and finally relaxed his airway. "If this thing protects you, it can really protect your safety. You must hide your body in a crowded place, you know?"

Yu Lan, who was dead without power, immediately appeared, as if he had appeared in the room out of thin air.

Mo Xiaohuan nodded skillfully, and his dark eyes were filled with a smile.

"Ah Wen, who will keep the desire alliance now?" seeing that Mo Xiaohuan is really safe, Yu Lan continued to ask Mo Wen.

Although Mo Xiaohuan is not in the desire alliance now, those who attack the desire alliance don\'t know that their attack on the desire alliance should continue unabated.

"I let Xiuqi and Yangchu guard." Mo said in his always stable voice, "their strength is enough."

Seeing that Mo Wen trusted his subordinates, Yu Lan said no more. She took Mo Wen\'s hand and took him to the next intact chair to sit down. Then she said, "ah Wen, since you have come, can you tell me something about the north? The news sent to you by Gu Yi should not be ordinary news."

"The news he brought really surprised me." Mo Wen said, "the ark should tell you. Xu Jielin has become a zombie now."

Yu Lan nodded. Seriously, it was a change she didn\'t think of at all.

"Gu Yi mainly brought his strength report. Guess what he evaluated?" Mo Wen asked softly.

"Very strong?" Yu Lan guessed casually.

"Better than me." Mo Wen said faintly, "according to Gu Yi\'s report, when he killed Ye Gong alone, he also solved the rebellious guards in the whole area for no more than five minutes."

Yu Lan was silent. She secretly estimated Xu Jielin\'s strength in her heart and found that he had really become much stronger.

The first area is very big. If you want to kill all the guards in five minutes, you need not only speed, but also the ability to go against the sky.

"In addition, he seems to have the ability to control zombies." Mo Wen continued, but when he said this, even his eyes became deep. "He easily took the north by using the zombie army he controlled, and pushed Ye Xiao into the position of leader of the north. None of the elders in the North dared to raise an objection."

"Tricky." Yu Lan lowered his eyelids and said so.

In fact, after learning that Xu Jielin has become a zombie, Yu Lan has already guessed that he can control the zombie. Therefore, she is not much surprised to hear Mo Wen say it now.

"In fact, the stronger Xu Jielin is now, the more curious I am about Yezhi\'s strength." Yu Lan whispered, "Yezhi\'s strength is really much higher than you and me."

"No matter how strong he is, I won\'t let anyone hurt you." Mo Wen reached out and rubbed Yu Lan\'s serious face. "This is my goal to become stronger."

"Then your goal is not manly at all." Yu Lan pressed the back of Mo Wen\'s hand and said vaguely because his face was pinched. "However... This end of the world is really more and more mysterious. I think this sudden night seems to have a sense of contempt for human beings. Will he not be human?"

"He doesn\'t look like a zombie." Mo Wen\'s side eyes, "can it be any other species?"

I just said it casually. I didn\'t expect that Mo Wen really believed in himself unconditionally. Yu Lan only felt her cold heart warm. She stretched out her hand and touched Mo Wen\'s face. She leaned close and printed a kiss on his lips.

"So, did you come to me or because of something?"

I think Yu Lan\'s smile at this time is like an elf. Mo Wen\'s heart is soft. Just about to open his mouth, a neglected Mo Xiaohuan found a sense of existence nearby, "Dad said he wanted to die, mom, you!"

"Miss me, so come to see me?" Yu Lan bent her eyes and stared at Mo Wen with a smile.