Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 637

But even if Mo Wen provided crystal cores to support her, it took her nearly two years to finally recover her mind. How could Xu Jielin become the same zombie as himself in just a few months?

Moreover, the zombies of jueying and ye Zhi are definitely at level 5 or above.

Thinking of this, Yu Lan\'s face became more and more gloomy. She buckled the armrest of the chair and asked the ark with her side eyes, "is Qin Feng still handing over the city now?"

"He should be dealing with the final affairs of the handover city now." Fang Zhou thought.

"You send a message and ask him to tell me all the details after seeing Xu Jielin." Yu Lan said coldly. She held her hand, but she didn\'t feel the slightest warmth. It should be said that since she became a zombie, her definition of warmth came from Mo Wen.

Now Mo Wen is not around. Her body and heart are always cold and have no temperature at all.

Xu Jielin\'s change must have something to do with the night stop.

This feeling of being pressed by the unknown strong is really uncomfortable.

"Seriously, what worries me most now is that Xu Jielin catches Yu jueying and won\'t give it to us." Yu Tian whispered, "I just want to kill that bastard myself."

"As long as the south is still there, Xu Jielin should not move to jueying." Yu Lan whispered, "since he controls the north, it is absolutely impossible to let the south go."

"Yes." Yu Tian threw the paper in his hand to the ark on his side and said to LAN Dao, "I\'ll adjust the guard\'s defense first. We can\'t just have no way to deal with it. At least we should strengthen ourselves."

"Good." Yu Lan has no objection.

He felt that the guy with different appearance and inside was finally going to leave. The ark couldn\'t help but spit out a breath and stood beside him. He glanced at the Firebird who hadn\'t struggled out of the window.

The Firebird was drooping its head and pitifully motionless.

Fang Zhou almost laughed, but he forced his smile back on LAN\'s unhappy face.

Ah... It\'s painful to laugh or something.

Ignoring the idea of the ark behind him, Yu Lan looked at the ground and suddenly missed ink.

I really haven\'t seen him for a long time.

Staring at his toes, Yu Lan pursed her lips slightly.

Originally, she planned to quickly solve the problems of Yu jueying and others and rush back to Yumeng, but now Xu Jielin\'s accident may take her a long time to go back.

Yu Lan pondered for a long time. When he raised his eyes, he found that there was no human breath in the room.

When did grey Yan and the ark leave?

She stood up and turned to see the Firebird stuck in the window with a decadent face.

"Still stuck." seeing that the sun was about to set and the horizon was bright red with sunset, Yu Lan knew that he had been alone for more than three hours.

"Ow..." the Firebird cried weakly. He was ashamed and didn\'t even want to lift his head.

Seeing that Yu Lan was funny, she stretched out her hands and pressed them against the window on the side of the Firebird, and smashed the wall stuck with the Firebird.

Only heard a "bang", half of the whole wall cracked. While the Firebird got away, the whole wall in front of Yu Lan was thrown out. I don\'t know where it hit.

Staring at the stone thrown away, Yu Lan can only hope not to hit talent in his heart.

The free Firebird is gone. It continues to lie in the shaking face around blue. It shrinks its head awkwardly, flays its wings and hides in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Yu Lan stared at the place where it disappeared, lowered his eyes and smiled, "silly."

"You are also stupid." the hoarse and low voice suddenly sounded on LAN\'s ear. Yu Lan was stunned and raised his eyes to see the slightly pale face of Mo Wen.


Yu Lan blinked, reached out and poked the yearning face. He only felt the cold fingertips warm.

"I\'m dreaming?" she withdrew her hand, still couldn\'t believe that Mo Wen suddenly appeared in front of her.

"I\'m true." seeing that Yu Lan was silly and wanted to continue to poke his face, Mo Wen couldn\'t help laughing, stretched out his hand and directly held her in his arms. His strong arms firmly trapped her and buried his head in her hair.

"Blue blue, I miss you so much."

The hot temperature in front of her body constantly stimulated Yu Lan\'s senses. Her head was still blank. She almost subconsciously opened her hands and hugged Mo Wen\'s body.

Warm temperature, strong heartbeat

"Ah Wen..." Yu lanhong\'s eyes, "I miss you too."

She had recovered her mind now, but her body and heart were as broken as ordinary zombies. Every silent night, alone, she only feels that the world is cold.

This man saved her from hell, which is her eternal warmth.

Hearing the husky breath in Yu Lan\'s voice, Mo Wen sighed, couldn\'t help patting her on the back, like coaxing a child, "good, I\'m coming and won\'t go."

Should he have come with Lan Lan? He couldn\'t help thinking of it in his heart.

The two held each other for a long time. Until Mo Wen worried about Yu Lan falling asleep and picked her up, Yu Lan completely believed that Mo Wen really appeared in front of her.

"Miss you so much." she hugged Mo Wen\'s neck and said Baba, "I\'m tired of dealing with these messy things."

"Now I know I\'m tired?" Mo Wen took her to the previous chair, glanced at the direction of the wall, "do you know I miss you, a little heartless."

Yu Lan blinked.

"Didn\'t you know to send me some news after leaving me for such a long time?" put Yu Lan\'s side on his leg, and Mo Wen hung his eyes and pinched her two round cheeks. "I have to contact you if I want to know your news."

"I told you I was safe," said Yu Lanwei qubaba.

"Send a lot of messages, and then suffix it with \'peace, miss me\' to report peace to me?" Mo Wen continued to pinch the little guy who didn\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth. "Next time, you\'ll write me more than ten pages if you miss me, remember?"

More than ten pages?!

Yu Lan inexplicably recalled the scene of racking his brains to write a paper in college, and there was a cold.

Fortunately, at this time, she still knew the current affairs and nodded. She felt that she could comfort this possessive thing first.

Seeing that Lan had a good attitude, Mo Wen released his claws holding her face and began to twist her hair.

"By the way, Arvin, what about Xiaohuan when you come?" Yu Lan couldn\'t help but ask, "the change of Xu Jielin must be related to Yezhi. Maybe he still didn\'t give up Mo Xiaohuan."