Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 632

Yu Lan nodded and acquiesced in Firebird\'s inspection.

Yu Ruoshui stared at the isolation layer expanded by Yu Lan with a shocked face and couldn\'t get back to his mind for a long time.

How high does it take to make such a big isolation ring?!

The bitter taste spread with jealousy, almost driving her crazy.

"Keep quiet." the next moment, a low voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and a strange man suddenly appeared beside him.

"Who are you?" Yu Ruoshui said warily.

"Nine lives, the one who saved you." nine lives said faintly, holding Yu Ruoshui and flashing to the shadow nearby.

Unexpectedly, there was a sharp wind in my ears. A pair of sharp claws wiped Jiuming\'s face and directly brought a bloodstain.

The rabbit rolled over and landed steadily in front of Jiuming, bared his teeth to show his threat.

"Have you been found?" when he saw that nine lives had been found, he just smiled, and more powers appeared in front of him soon.

Under the cover of these powers, he ran to the other side again.

On their left are countless winding alleys. It\'s only a matter of time to get rid of Yu Lan after running there.

Such a big noise was naturally discovered by Yu Lan. She took back the isolation circle and chased back with Firebird.

At the same time, the zombies who had nothing to do around also chased them. They bared their teeth ferociously, and their strength was like fierce ghosts full of killing.

Of course, the powers running from behind wouldn\'t just let them go. They jumped bravely one by one. They didn\'t seem to be afraid of death at all.

Yes, their mission now is to protect Ruoshui. Personal life and death is not worth mentioning in front of this mission.

Many zombies were stopped by these fearless zombies, but some succeeded in getting rid of them and chasing nine lives.

Yu Lan saw nine lives from the back of the Firebird, and then narrowed his eyes.

Is that him?

If you deal with this guy, it might be better for Qinhuai to do it.

Although she thought so, Yu Lan didn\'t intend to really wait for Qin Huai to come. She motioned the Firebird to dive down and seize Yu Ruoshui with the advantage of speed.

However, Jiuming\'s back seemed to have a pair of eyes. As soon as the Firebird\'s claws were about to fall on him, he skillfully turned a corner and ran another way. The timing was just right.

Yu Lanwei frowned undetectably. When he saw nine lives avoiding their confessions one after another, he had another idea in his heart.

Now the alley is getting narrower and narrower. It is no longer suitable for Firebirds to fly. Yu Lan simply jumped to the ground and chased Jiuming himself.


It was obviously not a good time to talk at this time. Yu Lan simply called the Firebird in her mind:

[you go to look around here and see if there is anyone who can show signs!]

Jiuming is just a second-class power. Even if he is more sensitive, he can\'t avoid all the attacks of Firebird by coincidence. There must be some watchers around to pay attention to their every move, so as to help Jiuming escape!

The Firebird made a loud roar and flew out.

Recently, because of the invasion of zombies, there are few people in the nearby houses, so it\'s not too difficult to find suspicious people.

Seeing that Yu Lan was left chasing himself, Yu Ruoshui took out a pistol from his waist quietly.

Although Yu Lan\'s heart is penetrated, it won\'t die, but if she blows her head... There won\'t be another one?

"Don\'t rush to attack Yu Lan." Jiuming ran along. Although Yu Lan couldn\'t catch up with him for a while with the help of the terrain, his physical strength couldn\'t compare with Yu Lan after all. The longer he dragged on, the worse it would be for him.

"Why?" Yu Ruo said in a cool voice, not giving him a good face because nine lives saved himself.

"... listen to yourself." Jiuming, who had little strength to speak, took a breath and stuffed a communicator in his ear into Yu Ruoshui.

"Miss Yu." as soon as Yu Ruoshui put the communicator into his ear, he heard a hoarse female voice.

"Who are you?" Yu Ruo said.

"I\'m Yu Ling." the voice at the other end said faintly.

"Yu Ling?!" thought the name sounded familiar. Yu Ruoshui was surprised after thinking about it for two seconds. "Isn\'t that the man-made power around Xu Jielin? How can you be in the south!"

"This kind of problem is not important at all." Yu Ling on the other side of the communicator said faintly, "next, listen to me. When you are 100 meters ahead, you run into the alley on the left, and at the end are the bombs I buried. These bombs have been improved by the research department and are powerful enough to break Yu Lan\'s bones."

"Bomb?" Yu Ruoshui was stunned. "How should we get there?"

"These bombs are controllable bombs, and it doesn\'t matter if you step on them." Yu Ling uses her ability to stare at Yu Lan who is chasing Yu Ruoshui. A ferocious color appears on her scarred face. "I see your every move at the bottom of my eyes, which means that when LAN touches the bomb, I will naturally let the bomb detonate."

When Yu Ling said this, Yu Lan was about to catch Jiuming\'s collar. Yu Ruoshui was stunned, raised his gun and fired two shots at Yu Lan.

He raised his hand and blocked the bullets with the isolation layer. Yu Lanwei slowed down half a step and gave nine lives. They gave them breathing time.

At this time, Jiuming also ran smoothly to the alley mentioned by Yu Ling. He could see the wall at the end of the alley.

"At that time, you just need to pretend to run to the dead end, stand at the end of the alley, prop up the isolation layer at the moment of the explosion, and Yu Lan will be solved." Yu Ling finally said, "don\'t show abnormalities, just trust me."

Trust her? Yu Ruoshui doesn\'t like to hear others say such words to herself. She frowns slightly and feels that Yu Ling is a little self righteous.

But now it\'s not wrong to do what Yu Ling said. She doesn\'t believe that Yu Lan won\'t be blown up without precaution.

At the thought that Yu Lan would soon become a cripple, Yu Ruoshui couldn\'t help smiling.

It seems that it\'s her turn to step under Yu Lan\'s feet now!

Yu Lan noticed that Jiuming and they ran into a dead beard. At the same time, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. She slowed down and noticed whether there was any ambush on both sides.

However, the two sides of the alley were quiet and could not even see half a person.

At this time, Jiuming had run to the end of the alley. He turned back and stared at Yu Lan with a frightened face, as if he could not escape at the end of the road.

Yu Ruoshui\'s eyes are still arrogant. Even if she is held in her arms by Jiuming, she doesn\'t forget to look at people with her nostrils.