Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 631

In fact, he has always been looking forward to LAN, expecting her to give him the family affection she saw in books and on TV.

But so far, Yu Lan seems to distrust himself.

"Anyway... You don\'t trust me. What\'s the use of saying this." Yu Lan stared at Yu Tian\'s eyes and suddenly said in a nice voice.

Yu Tian\'s mind suddenly turned into a blank and was stunned again.

"This is what you want to say most in your heart." Yu Lan sighed and released his hand around Yu Tian\'s shoulder, "but I don\'t expect you to believe my words so easily."

The coldness on his shoulders disappeared no longer, but Yu Tian felt that his body seemed to be colder.

He quickly stretched out his hand to pull Yu Lan\'s hand. When he just stretched out his hand, Yu Ruoshui gave out a sharp and harsh laughter.

"I shouldn\'t believe you, bitch!" knowing that Yu Tian had already distrusted herself. Yu Ruoshui knew that what she said was useless. She stared at Yu Tian coldly and stared at Yu Lan with her red eyes. Her face was ferocious like a fierce ghost. "Blood is thicker than water. I should listen to my mother and deal with you early!"

Now all the advantages have completely fallen to Yu Lan. Without Yu Tian\'s guilt, Yu jueying will be completely disappointed with her because of material problems.

Even if she doesn\'t want to do things later, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to her.

Alone and helpless, the dark department that can fight Yu Lan is basically under the Zombie\'s claws, and there is no resistance at all.

"You can do the same now." Yu Lan smiled and touched the sleepy Firebird. He didn\'t even give Yu Ruoshui one.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan despised her so far. Yu Ruoshui stepped on the prosthetic limb and stood in place. Fortunately, his feet made great efforts and ran straight towards Yu Lan.

Yu Lan blinked. The next second, the Firebird raised its tail and directly Fan Yu Ruoshui to the ground.

He fell on the ground and ate a mouthful of soil. Yu Ruoshui clenched his fist in humiliation, turned over and jumped up to support a solid isolation layer.

However, as soon as her isolation layer was propped up, the Firebird\'s tail fanned again. This time, it directly smashed her isolation layer into pieces.

Yu Ruoshui flew out by the fierce attack and lay on the ground for a long time without slowing down.

Open your mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. Yu Ruoshui looked at the ground in horror. For the first time, a weak sense of frustration appeared in his heart.

This time, without the protection of Jiang Yifan, she had no chance to escape.

"How can the isolation layer of level 3 powers resist the attack of level 5 zombies?"

From the beginning to the end, LAN didn\'t move half a finger. The only action should be to blink.

She calmly looked at Yu Ruoshui\'s miserable appearance, raised her hand and motioned the rabbit to subdue Yu Ruoshui.

"Yu Ruoshui, I\'m sorry to tell you that you don\'t even have the qualification to face me." Yu Lan said faintly, "but don\'t worry. I\'m not going to kill you for the time being. I want your family to get together."

"What the hell are you fighting?!" Yu Lan let himself go like a beggar. Yu Ruoshui only felt like he was insulted.

Yu Lan didn\'t answer Yu Ruoshui\'s question, but suddenly raised his eyes to the sky on the left, and his eyes were suddenly cold.

The next second, a shell flew from that direction without warning, and came to Yu Lan in the blink of an eye.

The Firebird plans to prop up its wings to protect Yu Lan, but Yu Lan\'s slender hand holds it down.

Yu Lan raised his other hand and quickly propped up a circle of isolation layer around him.

I only heard the sound of being torn in the air. The newly established isolation ring expanded violently and cut it back against the flying shells.

Where can the shell stand such tossing, "bang" burst open, leaving a gorgeous flame in the air.

"Who shot this?" Yu Lan continued to support the isolation layer and looked around.

The Firebird leaned back its neck and seemed eager to explore.