Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 633

Yu Lan sometimes really admires Yu Ruoshui, just like the hairless peacock. She can get up in any case.

Yu Lan took back his eyes and stood in place suspiciously.

If they were led by others, how could they run to death.

But now they have been driven to a dead end by Yu Ruoshui. Are they just standing still?

Secretly propped up the isolation layer, Yu Lan raised his ears vigilantly and walked forward step by step.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. She can\'t always stand where she is.

Yu Ruoshui saw that Yu Lan finally came in her direction. He was so happy that he pinched his fists together excitedly.

The deformed zombies gathered under the ground hummed something, and soon made Yu Lan stop.

"Bomb?" he learned the existence of the bomb from the mouth of the deformed zombie. Yu Lan looked at Yu Ruoshui silently.

"How do you know!" nine lives subconsciously made a noise, and then hurriedly covered his mouth.

That\'s what a team mate like a pig should mean, right? Yu Lan thought to herself.

"Yu Ling, what should we do now?" seeing that Lan saw through their plan, Yu Ruoshui\'s arrogance was suddenly replaced by tension. She clenched her teeth and asked Yu Ling Dao, secretly scolding her for not hiding the bomb.

"It\'s not just the bomb at your feet that can kill Yu Lan." Yu Ling\'s voice said faintly, "I still control..."

"Control?" seeing that there was no word behind Yu Ling, Yu Ruoshui repeated impatiently.

However, Yu Ling seemed to be dead, and even no sound was made.

"Damn it!" angrily threw the communicator in his ear to the ground. Yu Ruoshui just wanted to chop Yu Ling\'s guy who didn\'t succeed enough to fail.

"Unfortunately, the game of cat and mouse has come to an end." Yu Lan has no patience to continue to chase Yu Ruoshui. She gently points her toes on the ground and jumps back two steps.

A strange vibration came from the ground, and countless deformed zombies emerged from the ground, ruthlessly entangled nine life\'s legs.

Nine lives struggled and could no longer hold Ruoshui. As soon as their hands were loose in Ruoshui, they were touched by the deformed zombie. The hand was tightly wrapped in it.

"It\'s this thing again!" seeing the deformed zombie and trapping himself, the fear hidden in Ruoshui\'s mind finally broke out.

Although she never thought about it, she still remembered the scene when Yu Lan attacked her with a deformed zombie.

The feeling of pain and being insulted is a feeling she still doesn\'t want to remember.

"If you want to kill or cut, give me a good time!" screamed to avoid these viscous and disgusting deformed zombies, and Yu Ruoshui stared at Yu Lan fiercely, like a fierce ghost who claimed his life in the middle of the night.

"What\'s the hurry? I\'m not going to kill you yet." Yu Lan leaned casually against the wall on his side, regardless of whether the dust on it would dirty his clothes. "It\'s not too late for me to take away the South you value most, catch Yu jueying and send you on the road together."

"Ha!" Yu Ruoshui said with a mocking expression even though he was trapped on the ground by the withered and ugly hand of the deformed zombie. "It\'s really whimsical. Do you think you can take down the force with perfect mechanism in the south by means of mindless attack!"

"Who said that my sister was just a brainless attack." Yu Tian didn\'t know when she caught up panting. She looked at Yu Ruoshui indifferently and hummed, "I will fully support her."

"What strength can you have to support her?" Yu Ruoshui glanced at Yu Tian with scorn.

"Well, anyway, I told you that you wouldn\'t believe it. Just think so." Yu Tian didn\'t care. He spread his hand and turned to Yu Lan\'s flattering smile. "Sister, I saw the person sent by grey Yan just now. He said that he had broken the connection between everyone in the South and the makers of miracles."

He now calls Lan "sister" with a lot of ease.

"Hmm? Blank really did it?" Yu Lan picked his eyebrow.

"Well, but grey Yan hopes you can promise him a condition." seeing Yu Lan looking at himself so straightforwardly, Yu Tian no longer twists and turns, "he hopes you can ensure that you don\'t hurt a civilian. As long as the guards take the initiative to lay down their weapons, you can\'t attack."

"Yes." Yu Lan smiled. "As long as you help, it\'s not very easy to do these."

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would suddenly praise himself. Yu Tian\'s face turned red and gently bit his lower lip and giggled.

I think Yu Tian is really stupid. She used to be so defensive against him.

Yu Lan reached out and patted him on the shoulder. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "let\'s go. The handover city hasn\'t come yet. We can take the south in one fell swoop."