Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 628

"Yu Lan asked me to see her in person?" Yu Ruoshui thought he was going to be laughed angrily. "Why should she?"

"The brothers are in her hands now," the guard whispered with an iron face and clenched his fist. "If you don\'t go, they will all die."

"They sacrificed... That\'s none of my business." Yu Ruo said coldly. She didn\'t open her eyes and unconsciously clenched the prosthetic limb in her hand.

If she could, she didn\'t want to see Yu Lan. She was ashamed before the snow. But she is now crippled. Even if she just stands in front of Yu Lan, she is a complete loser.

"Yes." thinking of this, Yu Ruoshui\'s face became ugly again. She looked at the guard and clenched her lower lip. "Have you found out the person who moved the materials now?"

The guard felt very unhappy about Yu Ruoshui\'s move to change the topic. He pursed his lips and silently shook his head. A pair of dangerous eyes were tightly locked on Yu Ruoshui.

"Haven\'t you found out yet..." Yu Ruoshui, who was agitated, became anxious and didn\'t notice the abnormality of the guard.

She had told Yu Tian to take the initiative to take the blame after the matter was revealed. Now nearly two days have passed. Why is there no movement at all?

Is it... Thinking of Yu Tian\'s cowardly and incompetent character, Yu Ruoshui clenched her fist, and even her lower lip was bitten out of blood beads.

In her opinion, there is only one reason why Yu Tian has not taken responsibility for his crime up to now, that is, he is too useless!

Yu Ruoshui thought angrily in his heart, but he didn\'t notice that the guard who was still talking quietly came forward and cut her neck with a knife.

Her consciousness was suddenly lax, she fell powerlessly, and the memory in her mind still stayed on cursing in the sky.

Raise your hand to hold Yu Ruoshui who fainted. The guard\'s eyes were firm and even carried her to her back with her prosthetic limb.

If he did so, Yu Ruoshui would not let him go, but he was willing to make this sacrifice for his brothers.

Yu Lan didn\'t wait long until Yu Ruoshui. Although she was surprised that she was carried over in a coma, she didn\'t have any special feeling.

"As agreed, I brought her here. Should you let my brothers go too?" the guard stopped when he was two or three steps away from Yu Lan. He put Yu Ruoshui behind him, stared at Yu Lan and said coldly, "won\'t you break your promise?"

"Of course I won\'t break my promise." Yu Lan smiled and raised his hand to signal the zombies trapped in the guards to step back.

The zombies looked reluctant to droop their heads, but they still watched the "meat" struggling to get up and run away.

Obviously, Yu Lan didn\'t expect to be so trustworthy. The guard clenched his teeth, but suddenly turned around and ran back with Yu Ruoshui.

The brothers have been released, and he has no need to continue trading with Yu Lan.

"Hmm?" Yu Lan raised his eyebrows, slightly deviated his eyes and sighed lightly, "now... You are not trustworthy."

As soon as the voice fell, the zombies who had just drooped their heads were excited again one by one. Their eyes were shining and they flew to chase the guards in the direction of escape.

Yu Lan turned over and jumped on the Firebird\'s back. The cold voice on his lips was with a biting coldness, "catch them and kill those who resist."

These guards had been trapped by zombies for several hours before. They had already softened their legs. Where could they still have the strength to run.

Moreover, the zombies chasing them are almost all senior zombies of level four or five, and the speed of chasing them is three or four times faster than them.

Even with great strength, they could not escape the fate of being recaptured.

Several guards turned back in despair and attacked, but slowed down the pace of several zombies, but they were soon bitten by the zombies coming out nearby.

"Don\'t resist!" the guard caught alive by the zombie quickly shouted. He didn\'t want to see the four brothers who lived together day and night die.

"You still know the current affairs." Yu Lan sat on the Firebird\'s back and walked over slowly. "Since you know the current affairs, why do you break your promise?"

"How can I break my promise." knowing that I can\'t escape Blue\'s control, the guard clenched his fist and forced himself to calm down, "I did bring Yu Ruoshui, but you don\'t have the ability to grab it."

"You\'re right to say that." Yu Lan smiled. His gray face matched with cold white eyes looked very gloomy and terrible.

The guard trembled for no reason and suddenly couldn\'t make a sound.

He watched Yu Lan lift her up with Yu Ruoshui\'s collar, then moved his eyes, looked at the metal prosthesis and sneered for a moment.

Because his neck was strangled by his collar, Yu Ruoshui, who couldn\'t breathe, coughed a few times and soon opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Yu Ruoshui\'s face reflected in her eyes. Yu Ruoshui\'s head was completely blank at this moment. Soon she felt difficult to breathe, subconsciously clasped her collar and struggled frantically.

Of course, Yu Lan didn\'t always mention her interest. Seeing that she began to struggle, she simply released her hand and threw her on the ground.

Subconsciously wanted to maintain balance, but the time for the prosthetic to be installed on her was too short after all. She took several steps back and finally fell to the ground.

Even if she falls to Ruoshui, she should maintain her arrogant aura and try to twist her body to fart. Shares fell to the ground to avoid the tragedy of rubbing your face against the ground.

However, she is physically handicapped. How can she make these actions in an instant? When she falls to the ground, she should lie down and not climb. If she has to describe it, it can only be said to be lying on her side.

Perhaps Yu Ruoshui\'s wrestling posture was too wonderful. Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing and joked, "just wrestling. Do you want to work so hard?"

After that, she ignored Ruoshui\'s angry eyes, kicked the prosthetic limb on Ruoshui and said with a smile, "this is also a gift I gave you. Do you like it?"

Ghosts like it!

Yu Ruoshui angrily scolded and laughed at Yu Lan, but tried to calm down and said, "Yu Lan, it\'s just luck that you were lucky to hurt me before. Do you think I really care about this injury? Don\'t be too proud!"

"... so you don\'t care." boring, he pulled the long and thick tail of the Firebird, and Yu Lan picked his eyebrow. "Who did not hesitate to use the food supply in the south in order to cure his own injury, regardless of the guards who were struggling to death?"

"What do you mean?" Yu Ruoshui suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. She stared at Yu Lan\'s smiling face and subconsciously held her breath.