Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 627

Qian Kang struggled in panic. The next second, he suddenly realized that his limbs were like his own. Suddenly, he lost all consciousness.

He looked down in surprise and saw countless disgusting and embarrassing tentacles emerging from the ground, ferociously circling around his limbs, fixing him on the ground.

"What is this?" cried Qian Kang in horror, and a few tentacles would wrap around his head in the next second.

"These are deformed zombies." Yu Lan squatted down, so that Qian Kang\'s eyes could clearly see the faint smile on her face. "I won\'t explain them to you. As long as you know, if you don\'t give me the answer I want... I\'ll let them bury you deep underground and accompany you with rotten corpses."

In fact, Yu Lan is not a ruthless person, but she still couldn\'t help getting angry when she was ruthlessly abandoned.

"Do you have any evidence that I am a wild species?" Yu Lan asked softly.

"How can there be evidence now? Even if there is, it was lost after the outbreak of the last world." Qian Kang sneered, but t he was obviously not so calm in his heart. It can be seen from the cold sweat falling from his forehead that he was still afraid now.

"Then how did you think I was not Yu jueying\'s child? There must be a basis?" Yu Lan asked again.

"Based on... How can I know such things? I only know that you are a wild species." it is clear that it is not a good way to annoy Yu Lan at this time, but it is impossible for Qian Kang to recognize and advise him humbly.

"That is to say, for reasons you don\'t know, I was abandoned to a place without relatives at a young age?" Yu Lan almost smiled. "I have no childhood, no family and no sense of security. It\'s just because you don\'t know, an unnecessary \'wild seed\'?"

Yu Lan didn\'t have a deep impression of her childhood memory, but she also remembered that her mother Su Elegy and Yu jueying had a really good relationship. She was really an enviable husband and wife.

However, after su elegy died of illness, Yu jueying suddenly turned his face and didn\'t recognize others. He treated her and Yu Tian like an enemy.

By the way... According to Yu Tian, Su\'s Elegy was strangled by Yu jueying himself.

Qian Kang was silent. He didn\'t know what to say at this time. In various senses, what Yu Lan Gang just said is the truth.

"In your eyes, what did mom do?" Yu Lan asked, staring at Qian Kang who couldn\'t move on the ground.

"Don\'t you understand now?" Qian Kang gritted his teeth. "Su elegy brought a green hat to the leader. You are the child born to her and other men!"

Yu Lan was stunned for a moment, and soon returned to his mind and sneered, "has Yu jueying ever identified me and him with DNA since he drove me out of the house?"

She paused and sneered, "or did you make an appraisal of Yu Tian who left him?"

Qian Kang had a meal on his face. When his mind was in a mess, he subconsciously shook his head.

But soon he recovered his mind and stared at Yu Landao, "so what? The leader\'s decision to make such a thing at the beginning shows that he must have some evidence in his hand! Won\'t you accept the fact that you have dirty blood in your body at this time?"

Staring at Qian Kang\'s vicious smile, Yu Lan raised his hand and motioned for the deformed zombie to surround him, "for the time being, I won\'t want your life. I\'ll deal with you after I find out the truth."

The deformed zombie wrapped Qian Kang like crazy and dragged him to the ground.

Poor Qian Kang originally came with the winning mentality of directly telling Yu Lan to go back, but now he is forced to spend a dark day underground.

Looking at Qian Kang being involved in the underground, Yu Lan raised his eyes to the person in the dark part nearest to her, bent his eyes and said, "go back and tell Yu Ruoshui that Qian Kang promised my conditions. From today on, the South will be mine."

When did this happen? Why didn\'t he know? The person who was shouted looked at a loss, but after all, he was also a professionally trained person. He soon shook his head and firmly refused Yu Lan\'s rude request.

"You rejected me." Yu Lan didn\'t react with any special regret when he was rejected. He just stretched out his fingers and pointed to the other humanitarians on his side. "If you don\'t do what I said... How about I kill them?"

Seeing the guard\'s face immediately changed, Yu Lan said while it was hot, "you don\'t want to see endless bodies at the first sight after you come back?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would say such a request. The guard was silent for seven or eight seconds, and finally nodded solemnly.

"That\'s right." seeing that, Yu Lan immediately showed a sweet smile and stared at the guard and continued, "yes, one more thing, please tell Yu Ruoshui again. If she doesn\'t want to hand over the South without doing anything, I don\'t mind playing against her."

"I see." all his companions are in Yu Lan\'s hands. The guards helplessly spit at Yu Lan\'s shameless, but they don\'t dare to stop and go directly to Yu Ruoshui.

Watching the guard go away, Yu Lan lay on the back of the rabbit on his side and stared at the rolling stones on the ground.

"Wild seed?" she murmured. "It\'s ridiculous."

Yu Tian has been staying with jueying. Does he know anything Qian Kang didn\'t say? Yu Lan secretly thought that his mind was wandering in space without control.

The guard on the other side quickly found Yu Ruoshui. He gasped. When he saw Yu Ruoshui, he finally relaxed.

Yu Ruoshui is trying to walk with prosthetics. Unfortunately, she is too anxious to walk well for half a day.

"Big miss." see if the water didn\'t notice himself, the guard couldn\'t help shouting.

"Didn\'t I say don\'t hinder me?!" Yu Ruoshui, who was in a very bad mood, glared at the guard, and even his angry voice was full of anger.

"I\'m from the dark Department. Lord Qian Kang was caught by Yu Lan." ignoring Ruoshui\'s mean attitude, the guard said to himself, "Yu Lan asked me to tell you that Lord Qian Kang has given her the south. If you don\'t want to, go to her in person."

Listening to the guard finish such a long crosstalk, Yu Ruoshui\'s irritable mood suddenly became angry.