Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 629

Yu Lan should not know that she took the southern supply... Yes, don\'t scare yourself. How could she know!

Yu Ruoshui comforted himself again and again in his heart, and the palm of his hand was unknowingly full of cold sweat.

"I mean," Yu Ruoshui said with a sneer, "you took the southern supply."

"You talk nonsense!" Yu Ruoshui roared loudly. Seeing that the guards looked at her wrong, she shouted at Yu Lan, "my name is just recorded on it. I didn\'t do anything!"

"I believe what I said." Yu Lan spread his hand. "Then you tell me, where are the materials that can supply hundreds of people?"

"How can I..." knowing that the two words had not yet been exported, Yu Ruoshui noticed that the guards on her side looked at her with disdain. She was always arrogant. She couldn\'t stand this look. At that moment, she shouted loudly, "it must be Yu Tian! All this was done by Yu Tian, which has nothing to do with me!"

"Is Yu Tian?" Yu Lan looked at a hole not far from his eyes and continued to ask, "how do you know?"

"I saw him sneak into the material supply office one day!" Yu Ruoshui bit his teeth and restrained his trembling lips.

"... it\'s a pity that you can still speak this kind of words righteously." Yu Ruoshui\'s thick skin really makes Yu Lan refresh his three views. Yu Lan turns his eyes silently. At the same time, he looks in front of the hole he looked at and spits out his mouth, "Yu Tian, don\'t you plan to speak at this time."

"It\'s just that you taught me a lesson, sister. I can\'t stand out." seeing Yu Lan, he found that he was dry and crisp in the sky and no longer hid. He touched his forehead and climbed out of the pit. At the same time, he patted the dust on his body.

"Worried about what happened to Yu Ruoshui, do you want to come and have a look?" seeing that it was Yu Tian who came out, Yu Lan\'s smile faded a little and said sideways.

"I\'m wronged," Yu Tian said with a smile. "My loyalty to your sister can be learned from heaven and earth. Now I\'m here just because... Boring."

boring? That\'s a good reason.

Yu Lan didn\'t say this, but thought silently in his heart. Don\'t open your eyes without expression.

"Elder brother?" I didn\'t expect Yu Tian to be here. Yu Ruoshui directly ignored the dialogue between him and Yu Lan and quickly shouted, "it\'s really good that you are here now. Tell them quickly that the material has nothing to do with me."

"Materials?" Yu Tian scratched his hair and said quickly, "ah, you said the materials that have disappeared these days? Aren\'t you taking them? What does it have to do with me?"

Yu Ruoshui was stunned by Yu Tian\'s answer. She looked at Yu Tian in surprise and shouted, "you promised me..."

"What did I promise you?" Yu Tian stepped forward with a clear smile and no malice. "I promise you to bear the responsibility for your crime?"

Seeing that Ruoshui looked at himself blankly, Yu Tian\'s smile on his lips became more and more dazzling. "God, Shuishui, can you grow a brain? In the whole south, except you, who can not disturb Yu jueying to take away the materials. Even if I take it under your name, you think the guards will let me go. They are not fools and don\'t want to lose their heads."

"You!" trembling fingers pointed to Yu Tian, Yu Ruoshui, and the whole person\'s expression became distorted because of anger.

"It\'s no use getting angry." Yu Tian stepped forward and lightly grabbed Yu Ruoshui\'s chin. "My good sister, when I heard you ask, do you know my stomach will be fried with laughter? How can there be such a self righteous person like you in the world?"

Looking at her brother, who looked at her with concern a few days ago, Yu Ruoshui only felt her head empty. The roaring sound made her unable to concentrate.

"Are you really Yu Tian? Is it my brother?" she said inconceivably.

"Of course." Yu Tian loosened his hand holding Yu Ruoshui\'s chin and stepped back two steps to Yu Lan\'s side. "Moreover, none of them told you that I\'m still from Yu Lan."

"How dare you recognize the bitch Yu Lan as your sister?" Yu Ruoshui\'s voice became more and more sharp, which sounded ugly and harsh.

"She was my sister." Yu Tian looked at Yu Lan with an expressionless face and showed a smile.

Yu Lan\'s attitude towards Tian is still skeptical. Even if Yu Tian is more enthusiastic, she always looks like neither salty nor light.

"You said you were nice to me because it\'s my brother!" Yu Ruoshui roared madly. His ferocious appearance was almost no different from that of a madman.

"Ah, it\'s all acting. Can\'t you see it?" he turned to Yu Ruoshui again. Yu Tian\'s eyes were smiling. He couldn\'t see any abnormality on his face. It\'s very natural. "I\'ve always hated you."

"How is it possible..." Yu Ruoshui lost his mind and couldn\'t accept that the person who has been good to himself has been pretending all the time. "Yu Tian, you white eyed wolf, have I been bad to you all the time!"

"Are you good to me?" Yu Tian couldn\'t help bending down and pressing one hand powerlessly on his forehead. "Have you forgotten that you forced me to drink hot boiled water, put insects under my pillow and quilt, and put too much sugar or salt in my rice. In short, you didn\'t let me have a minute of peace of mind.

"Are you... Good to me?"

Yu Tiangang\'s words simply let people know that his previous life was better than death. Yu Lan couldn\'t help looking at his side face stained with some dust, drooping his eyelids and making no sound.

"Aren\'t these things you just said all previous things?" Yu Ruoshui shouted reluctantly, "isn\'t it good for me to treat you later? My parents killed you several times and I stopped you. Isn\'t it all my credit that you can stand here now?"

"That\'s because I suddenly realized one day that I can\'t win by fighting with you, and I may put my life in it." speaking of past experience, Yu Tian\'s smile finally faded. He looked at Yu Ruoshui with a touch of ridicule, "So from then on, I\'ll try my best to show you what you want to see."

"The side we... Want to see?" Yu Ruoshui repeated.