Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 626

Qian Kang was shocked. When he tried to struggle, he found that his limbs were tightly pressed and could not move except his neck.

"Rabbit, don\'t bite first." he jumped to Qian Kang\'s side. Yu Lan rammed the rabbit\'s huge mouth and asked it to put away a sharp tusk.

The rabbit swallowed his saliva and obediently retracted his head.

"You\'d better let your people withdraw." Yu Lan condescends to corrode Qian Kang, raising his chin and nuzui around.

Qian Kang felt uneasy. He looked sideways, and his face became unusually ugly.

I don\'t know when there are zombies on the inner and outer floors. All the people in the dark are surrounded by these huge zombies and dare not make any changes.

Where did so many zombies come from?

Qian Kang\'s Adam\'s apple rolled for a moment. He turned to Yu Lan and wanted to open his mouth, but he was afraid of pressing his rabbit on his body.

"You don\'t think I\'m not ready for anything?" Yu Lan smiled at him and reached out to touch the rabbit\'s back. "Rabbit, you come down first."

The rabbit nodded, raised his forelimbs and released Qian Kang who was pressed by him.

"Do you think you can take the South with these zombies?" Qian Kang got up from the ground. He stared at Yu Lan and said in a gloomy tone, "even if I die here today, more people will appear to protect the south. You zombie should not be delusional."

When Qian Kang said this, his eyes were firm, and his straight back didn\'t seem to be overwhelmed by anything.

"What should I say?" Yu Lan touched his chin and stared at Qian Kang. "People in your line should be... Loyal people? It\'s really good for Yu jueying to have your kind of men."

Qian Kang sneered and closed his eyes directly. He looked completely afraid of death.

But only he knows that he is now looking for a way to escape from Yu Lan\'s control.

"I heard that you are an old man beside Yu jueying, so you should have followed him before the end of the world?" Yu Lan didn\'t care about Qian Kang\'s attitude, sat on the back of the rabbit and asked with a smile.

Yu Tian told her about the people close to Yu jueying. Qian Kang followed him before the end of the world. It can be said that he is the most trusted person around Yu jueying.

But now he is sent to Ruoshui, but he cannot be trusted by Ruoshui because of his character.

Not going to answer Yu Lan\'s question, Qian Kang still closed his eyes and didn\'t even lift his head.

"Then you should know who I am?" staring at Qian Kang\'s expressionless face, Yu Lan\'s voice suddenly became fierce and asked directly.

Qian Kang\'s facial expression shook quickly. He opened his eyes incredibly, but it was too late to hide his emotions.

"It seems that you know." Yu Lan smiled. "Yu jueying should have told you in advance?"

Seeing what Qian Kang wanted to hide, don\'t turn your head. Yu Lan suddenly jumped to the ground and pinched Qian Kang\'s face with his slender fingers, so that he had to look at himself.

"I\'m very strange." seeing Qian Kang struggling, Yu Lan couldn\'t help lowering her head, and her milky eyes exuded a dense luster. "How did Yu jueying know me? I shouldn\'t have told him directly or indirectly that I was still alive."

Qian Kang closed his teeth and said nothing. He didn\'t want to reveal one more word in front of LAN.

"So I can only guess that the person who wanted to kill me at the beginning... Except Shu Yu is Yu Ling who is still alive." Yu Lan said with a smile, "Shu Yu is from the north and should not often contact Yu jueying, but Yu Ling is different. She is an artificial power made by grey Yan in the south."

"So, Yu Ling is the one who has been monitoring me during this period, right?" Yu Lan said with a smile after a pause for a few seconds. "I didn\'t expect that an abandoned girl could get so much attention here in Jue Ying."

Qian Kang endured the surprise of the bottom of his eyes and still closed his mouth without making a sound.

"In that case, there\'s no problem for me to get the whole south?" he loosened his hand holding Qian Kang\'s face, Yu Lan stepped back, put his hands behind him at will, bowed and smiled.

"Of course there is a problem." after getting rid of Yu Lan\'s suffocating bondage, Qian kangmeng said, "all these things in the south are left by the leader to Yu Ruoshui, which has nothing to do with you Yu Lan!"

Seeing that Qian Kang had to protect Yu Ruoshui at such a moment, Yu Lan tilted his head and asked softly, "um... Is Yu Ruoshui really Yu jueying\'s daughter?"

"Of course!" Qian Kang said definitely.

"What about me?" the smile on Yu Lan\'s lips stopped, and her eyes gradually became cold. Even her voice was as cold as soaking in cold water. "Am I not Yu jueying\'s daughter?"

He was suppressed by Yu Lan\'s aura. Qian Kang only felt that he couldn\'t breathe and swallow. For a moment, he shouted, "you\'re not!"

Yu Lan blinked his eyes and suddenly said with a smile, "I\'m not?"

Seeing that the words had been exported, Qian Kang simply stopped hiding, "you just don\'t know where you come from! You and Yu Tian are all the stains of the leader\'s life!"

Will the truth hidden in the bottom of my heart for so many years be revealed?

Yu Lan\'s eyes were cold. She went forward and asked coldly, "wild seed? Finish talking to me."

"Want to know?" Qian Kang\'s eyes suddenly became strange. The next second, Yu Lan felt that his chest was pierced by something. A light beam with thunder soon hid in the air and disappeared.

"Next life." Qian Kang smiled proudly when he saw that he was successful.

Yu Lan looked at him expressionless. He suddenly raised the back of his hand at a lightning speed and directly fanned Qian Kang out.

"I\'m sorry to tell you that I\'m a zombie now." he walked to Qian Kang lying on the ground step by step. Yu Lan didn\'t hurry to change, and pointed to his chest recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. He said, "without a heart, he won\'t die."

Raised his feet and stepped on Qian Kang\'s hand to resist mercilessly. Yu Lan\'s smiling eyes were full of cold.

"It\'s... it\'s really putting you people off waiting for luck."

"My Lord!"

As soon as the situation changed, the people brought by Qian Kang would rush to support Qian kang one by one. Unfortunately, although they were all level 3 or 4 powers, the zombies surrounding them had no level 5 or 6, but also level 3 or 4. Coupled with a large number, they had no resistance at all.