Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 625

Wenning certainly dare not try the consequences.

Not to mention that he didn\'t have the courage to gamble with Qin Feng and the whole handover City, even now this situation is not what he can grasp alone or the whole handover city.

"We need time." knowing that Xu Jielin is not a good comer this time, if he doesn\'t get the estimation he wants, there will be no chance to live. Wen Suining blocks Qin Feng who wants to say something and seriously tells Xu Jielin.

"If only you could figure it out," Xu Jielin said with a low smile, wiped Wenning\'s shoulder and walked over. At the same time, he also gave a burst of arrogant laughter. "You only have one day to think."

"Ah, that\'s right." just as Xu Jielin stepped out of the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "Lord Qincheng, although your zombie obeys you, the resentment in your heart is very heavy. You must be careful not to be bitten off your neck that day, but you don\'t know how you died."

"You!" staring at Xu Jielin, who was so rampant that Wen Suining\'s anger value obviously reached the max value.

Qin Feng looked at the zombie squatting on his side and pursed his mouth slightly.

He didn\'t want to argue with Qin Feng at all. Xu Jielin\'s laughter echoed in the corridor until the moment the laughter disappeared, and his breath finally disappeared into the air.

"This city, after all, still can\'t keep it." pushing away Wen cuining\'s hand in front of him, Qin Feng smiled and said helplessly, "tell me, what are you going to do."

"You are the city master." I can see that Qin Feng is talking to himself with an extremely serious attitude now, and Wen Suining\'s voice can\'t help lowering a little, "anyway, we should probably inform Yu Lan."

"I think angel has met the most dangerous enemy now." Qin Feng sat in front of the corner of the table, raised his hair and said in a daze, "I really want to protect her."

"You can\'t even protect yourself now." Wenning put his hands around his arms and rolled his eyes. "I can guarantee that this guy named Xu Jielin is much stronger than you and me, even... Higher than ink."

The strength of Yu jueying and ye Zhi is very mysterious in their eyes. They are in a high position with sufficient resources. The lowest real strength must be above level 3.

But such people were easily taken down by Xu Jielin. How abnormal strength can we do it.

"It\'s really a dark horse that comes out suddenly." Qin Feng covered his eyes and said weakly.

"Shall we investigate the authenticity of what Xu Jielin said?" "but you can rest assured, Wenning. I will never take my life for a pet."

In her eyes, Yu Lan is a pet from beginning to end. At best, it is a special pet, a pet that he loves and can do many things for her, but does not include life.

"Tell her that Xu Jie is going to find her." take away the hand in front of him. Qin Feng smiled low and said decadent, "I can\'t protect angel now. I can only hope that the annoying ghost of Mo Wen can be used a little."

"This is not the problem we should worry about." Wen Suining nodded, looked at the sun just outside the window, and asked with his side eyes, "well... What about the handover city? What are you going to do with him?"

"It\'s not easy." Qin Feng said faintly, "the leader of the handover city is overwhelmed and has to give up the position of leader. From then on, the handover city will be a ownerless city."

"Don\'t you care about all this we\'ve worked hard for? If you say no, don\'t." Wen cuining couldn\'t help laughing, "you abandoned the handover city. Next, the whole handover city will be in chaos. At that time, countless mobs will stare at you to see how you go out."

"It doesn\'t matter." Qin Feng said indifferently, "I\'ll go to the South and seek angel\'s shelter." Qin Feng\'s listless eyes suddenly brightened a little and looked a lot more energetic. "Anyway, I\'ll still feel very happy to be closer to angel."

"Didn\'t you just say you wouldn\'t kill yourself for Yu Lan?" Wen Suining looked at him speechless.

"I just go to her and don\'t do anything." Qin Feng pointed to his chest with a rare quiet smile. "Just looking at her, I feel very fond of her. She is an angel, a real angel."

"You\'re hopeless." ignoring this bad friend who doesn\'t know what he\'s thinking, Wen cuining glared at him, got up and went out quickly, ready to deal with what to do next.

Since Qin Feng has spoken, he has absolutely no reason to refuse him.

He is Qin Feng\'s friend and his subordinate.

This will not change anyway.


Yu Lan is now facing Qian Kang and more than a dozen murderous powers standing behind him.

"I feel like you want to take off my neck at any time." Yu Lan pointed to her neck with her slender fingers and said with a smile.

"Don\'t say anything more, just tell us what you want to leave our South!" Qian Kang looked around and always felt empty and strange.

"I just want Yu Ruoshui to hand over the south to me." Yu Lan grabbed the red hair that the Firebird had grown in the past two days and pulled it clean twice. "To be simple, I want your whole south. I don\'t want anything else."

The bald Firebird bowed his head sadly and wanted to plunge his head into the ground to prevent the ravage of Yu Lan.

"Your appetite is a little too big?" Qian Kang sneered. He raised his hand and motioned forward. More than a dozen powers behind him surrounded Yu Lan, all with tight faces and murderous faces.

"Every one is a level 3 power?" he took out a level 3 crystal core from his pocket, put it into Yu Lan\'s mouth, chewed and said easily, "can\'t you see that there is such a sophisticated army in the south?"

"There are many things you don\'t know," Qian Kang said coldly. "What we show you is only a part of the forces in the south. The real South will only be powerful beyond your imagination."

"Well," Yu Lan sighed, puffed his cheeks and said, "Yu jueying is really hard. He specially arranged the south for me."


What do you mean for her? This zombie is too imaginative?!

Qian Kang sneered. At the moment, he just wanted to completely take Yu Lan, a zombie without self-knowledge.

He raised his hand to order his men to attack. Before he waved his hand, a leopard like zombie rushed out of the corner and directly threw him to the ground.

"Roar!" the zombie roared loudly at Qian Kang\'s face with a big mouth. The big mouth is a nightmare that no one wants to encounter.