Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 624

Chen Kang is the most loyal to the handover city. If Qin Feng dies for unknown reasons, he can\'t guarantee that he will not make any extreme actions.

It can be said that the huge materials in the hands of mobile merchants are the biggest trump card of the handover city.

"But what you wrote above is very clear. If we don\'t do what you said, there will be only a dead end." Wen cuining sneered at Xu Jielin, a dangerous guy. After a pause, he continued, "also, it seems that this contract is not required by Ye Gong?"

The contract only said that they should hand over the handover City, but there was no word about Ye Gong.

"Well... This is really just my personal wish." Xu Jielin let go without any discomfort.

"I never know when the leader in the North turned out to be a guy named Xu Jielin." Wen cuining couldn\'t help sneering and secretly thought about the way to deal with Xu Jielin.

This guy can now appear here in such a grand manner, which has demonstrated his strength that can not be underestimated. It must be impossible to fight hard now. We have to find a way to protect Qin Feng first.

Just when Wen Ning\'s mind was full of twists and turns, Xu Jielin suddenly laughed. His rampant appearance was different from his calm appearance just now.

"You\'re really useless, and the leader of the handover city is just like this." Xu Jielin smiled angrily and looked at Qin Feng jokingly and rudely. "Now the leader in the North has become Ye Xiao. Well, Yu jueying, the leader in the south, is also in my hand and packaged into a delicate and lovely gift."

"What?" Xu Jielin\'s words were like thunder in Wenning\'s ears. They even stopped breathing for a moment.

"What you said is true?" Wenning said incredulously.

"Of course, how can this kind of thing be false." Xu Jielin\'s left eye narrowed slightly, at the same time, the corner of his left mouth was also provoked high, and his facial expression was distorted and happy. "But ah... Ye Xiao will return to the south soon, and China will completely belong to blue at that time."

"You said, if Lanlan accepted such a big gift from me, would she be grateful to fall in love with me?" under the ferocious expression, Xu Jielin\'s eyes had been strangely stained with gray color.

Looking at Xu Jielin like this, Wenning suddenly thought of only one word to describe him - madman.

Mo Wen is also a madman in Wenning\'s eyes, but his madness is bloodthirsty, paranoid and abnormal, while Xu Jielin\'s Madness at this time is completely crazy, scary and irrational.

"You said blue... Is Yu Lan?" Qin Feng said with some displeasure, "angel, it\'s me..."

"Qin Feng." I don\'t want Qin Feng to die at this time. Wen cuining coldly called him and raised his eyes to Xu Jielin. "I want to know what will happen if we don\'t do according to your meaning. I don\'t believe you won\'t move us."

"Now that you\'ve asked, I\'ll tell you the truth. I\'ll destroy the whole handover city." Xu Jielin said with a low smile. "Whether you or those inconvenient mobile businessmen, dispose of them all and leave none."

"Arrogance!" Wen Suining bit his teeth, glared at Xu Jielin and shouted.

"It\'s not your has the final say," Xu Jielin booth, approached the Wen Xining\'s face. "Do you want to try the consequences?"