Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 621

The dazzling thunder light mixed with the deep purple corrosion circle blocked the dazzling sunshine for a moment.

"It\'s just a small level-4 power." with a sneer, Xu Jielin turned over and jumped, stepped on the back of the zombie and directly centered on himself, spreading a circle of corrosion in mid air.

The world was suddenly dark, leaving Yu jueying and ye Zhi staring at the arrogant Xu Jielin in shock.

"How can you..." before, Xu Jielin\'s strength was only level 3 at most, but now he can support the strength of a field... Ye Zhi can say that he has never seen it.

"I\'ve just paid something." Xu Jielin smiled low and said with a low smile after landing steadily. "Now I\'ll tell you a bad news."

Ye Zhi stared at Xu Jielin, and the surrounding lightning disappeared at the moment when it was covered by Xu Jielin\'s field.

"Do you remember your daughter ye Shu?" Xu Jielin said, "ah, you must remember. Unlike Yu jueying, he treats Lan Lan completely in two extremes with you."

Yu jueying, who was mentioned, turned black. Of course, he still remembers that Xu Jielin, a nouveau riche, was asked to stare at Yu Lan.

"What are you doing with Xiao Shu?" Ye Zhi suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The annoying woman who haunted me all day at the beginning was actually killed by the desire alliance. She is a real desire alliance." when she raised her feet and approached Ye Zhi, Xu Jielin\'s original handsome face became more and more ferocious and terrible, "But the most ridiculous thing is that you thought it was the fake desire alliance who killed Ye Shu and kicked out your hard won partner. Ye Gong knew better than you at the beginning."

"Shao Rui, do you remember?" Xu Jielin squatted down and looked directly at Ye Zhi, taking his pain into his eyes. "He was under Ye Gong\'s hand and instigated you to target the people of the false desire alliance at that time."

Shao Rui

Shao Rui\'s face appeared in her mind. Ye Zhi only felt that an unknown sadness escaped from the bottom of her heart.

What did he do!

"Do you think you\'re a fool?" he stood up and kicked over Ye Zhi. Xu Jielin waved his big hand and the dark purple color around dissipated. The suddenly exposed sunshine only made people feel unusually dazzling.

Ye Zhi is now immersed in the grief of Ye Shu\'s death and her stupidity, and has no strength to resist.

"Eat him." he stepped back and ordered the zombie on his side. The zombie shook his tail excitedly, threw down the dying Ye Zhi like crazy, and bit off his neck.

Pitiful to the rising generation of heroes who mixed in the end of the world, they died in the mouth of the zombie with regret.

"You killed all the people in charge in the north," Yu jueying said decisively away from ye Zhi, gritting his teeth and staring at Xu Jielin, "Xu Jielin, what are you going to do?"

"What do you say, Minister Yu?" he deliberately called out Yu jueying\'s name before the end of the world, and Xu Jielin said with a smile.

"Do you want to take the south?" Yu jueying could only think of such a reason at this time.

"Nanbu, I\'m going to hand it over to Ye Xiao, but the premise is that I want him to merge with Nanbu and absolutely obey Nanbu\'s orders." Xu Jielin said faintly. He saw jueying\'s expression change from shock to surprise, and from surprise to calm. He couldn\'t help laughing coldly at the bottom of his heart.

"You want to give me the north?" Yu jueying stared at Xu Jielin. "Suddenly give me such a big advantage. What do you want?"