Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 622

Seeing Jue Ying\'s embarrassed appearance before sweeping away and seriously talking to himself, Xu Jielin felt a little ridiculous.

"Well, chief Yu, do you think too much?" he coughed and said with a smile. "What I said to the south is to hand over Yu Lan\'s mobile phone, which has nothing to do with you for a dime."

Yu jueying\'s angry face suddenly stiffened. He couldn\'t believe it and looked at sister Xu. A pair of black eyes almost stared out of his eyes.

"Are you kidding!" he yelled out without any grace. "The south is mine!"

"But from today on, it will become Yu Lan." Xu Jielin smiled and walked forward slowly, crushing the isolation layer in front of Yu jueying with only one hand.

The isolation layer of a level 4 power is not even as good as a layer of plastic paper in front of him.

The backhand clasps Yu jueying, who is trying to struggle. Xu Jielin easily handcuffs a bracelet in his pocket to his wrist.

"This is a power suppressor." he threw Yu jueying to the ground. Xu Jielin clapped his hands and said faintly, "seeing Minister Yu\'s embarrassed appearance, I suddenly felt like an afterlife."

"At that time, you were high above the world. Without scruples, you took me as a chess piece and sent me to monitor your unarmed daughter." Xu Jielin slightly lowered his eyelids, and the turbid gray white covering his eyes gradually dissipated, and soon his clear black eyes reappeared.

"Sometimes I think that if I were not your chess piece and approached blue sincerely, maybe blue would really accept me." Xu Jielin, who faded his turbid eyes, looked much more normal, at least without his previous madness, "but it was your existence that led to all these assumptions."

He stepped forward, pulled Yu jueying\'s arm, and forced him to fall on the back of the zombie on his side. His voice was cold and harsh, "I will take you and the whole north as a gift to LAN LAN."

Ignoring jueying\'s struggle, he lowered his eyes and said with a low smile, "then... I will kill the guy named Mo Wen, so that LAN LAN will completely belong to me, doesn\'t it?"

"Ah... Imagine happiness."

Repressing the excitement of his eyes, Xu Jielin looked back at the zombies who were still fighting with people in the north and South behind him, opened his mouth and whispered, "these humans are all your afternoon dessert."

With Xu Jielin\'s words, the zombies became more and more excited one by one, hissing and continuously stabbing into the sky, drawing countless scary traces on the blue sky.

Qin Feng, who was waiting for Yu jueying to return from the handover City, paced back and forth impatiently. He always felt something was wrong.

"If yu jueying is slow, he should be here by now?" Qin Feng looked impatiently at the Wen Suining on his side. Qin Feng only felt that Yu jueying was really slow to leave the border.

"Maybe he\'s delayed on the road?" wensuining calmly analyzed, a doll\'s face full of seriousness, "or he doesn\'t plan to come back."

"I\'m kidding. The south is not his right away. He won\'t go back?" Qin Feng always felt a little uneasy. He looked at several zombies lying on his side and unconsciously buckled the guardrail in his hand. "Do you think he would suddenly detour away from us?"

"No." Wenning said decisively, "the handover city is the only channel connecting the north and south."