Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 620

"Who are you?" Ye Zhi said coldly.

"Chief, I\'ll be very sad if you don\'t know me." the man jumped down from the top and didn\'t even make a sound when he fell to the ground.

The zombie who just attacked Yu jueying crazily calmed down for a moment. They skillfully walked to the side of the man and shouted at Ye Zhi and Yu jueying like a deterrent.

"... Xu Jielin?!" Ye Zhi, who finally saw the man\'s face, exclaimed. He looked at his former subordinate and trembled his lips. For a moment, he couldn\'t speak because of shock.

"Long time no see, chief." Xu Jielin asked the path. Under the sun, his dark eyes were dyed with a layer of transparent milky white.

"Zombie?!" Yu jueying widened her eyes. At the same time, she raised her hand to hold up an isolation layer in front of her and placed Xu Jielin to attack.

"Yes," said Xu Jielin with a smile after touching his eyelids, "but... I didn\'t expect to catch all the leaders of the north and South in one breath. I\'m really honored."

"Xu Jielin!" knowing that Ye Gong defected, Xu Jielin also participated in it. Ye Gong said angrily with a cold face, "you betrayed me and took refuge in Ye Gong. Now you have become a zombie!"

"Well, it was an accident." smiling, he raised his hand. The next second, a dark circle of light appeared under Ye Zhi\'s feet. Ye Zhi only felt that his vision moved up quickly. When he reacted, his lower body had been corroded, and only his upper body was blistering in the dark circle.

"Ah -" Ye Gong roared in pain. His hands fluttered feebly. The pain made it difficult for him to breathe.

"I\'m so sorry." he raised his forehead slightly. Xu Jielin suddenly opened his mouth and laughed. He patted his thigh and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand when he had enough laughter. "It\'s funny to see you so embarrassed before!"

Staring at Xu Jielin\'s face in horror, ye Zhi can be sure that Xu Jielin was definitely not like this before.

What happened to make Xu Jielin, who used to be rational, become what he is now.

"Asshole!" he said with difficulty, coughing a few times and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Before you die, I\'ll tell you a good news and a bad news." ignoring Ye Zhi\'s disgusting eyes, Xu Jielin leaned against the zombie on his side and said with a ferocious smile, "the good news is - your enemy Ye Gong is dead. His appearance may be more miserable than you, because I chopped him up and fed him to the zombie."

Staring at Xu Jielin with a pale face, ye Zhi roared reluctantly. Countless thunderbolts were supplied around her. Several thunderbolts directly burned a flying zombie into a fireball.

"Don\'t... it\'s too arrogant." Ye Zhi said with difficulty, gradually slowing down her breathing.

Consciousness began to blur and the whole world became spinning.

Yu jueying put up the isolation layer to block her body. While guarding Xu Jielin, she also had to guard against Ye Zhi\'s lightning and not hurt herself by mistake.

"I just want to tell you a good news. You can\'t say that to me?" he skilfully avoided a lightning that brushed his cheek. Xu Jielin put one hand in his waist. His leisurely look almost made Ye Zhi spit out blood again.